[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

What do you guys think is a good annointment for the build?

Got 25ex from selling some things, want to clear all content with this as i love it! and delve deeper

Wondering what I shoulkd upgrade? Also gotta swap my tree around a little bit, should i focus lioneyes fall?

Im starting to have trouble with T12+ bosses and watchmen(or w/e they are called)
Last edited by ProofG on Dec 29, 2019, 7:58:17 PM
I plan to do a big writeup for the build tomorrow, if you want to wait. I helped someone from the thread transform his build, and says he's "facerolling" content now. =)
Slottm wrote:
I plan to do a big writeup for the build tomorrow, if you want to wait. I helped someone from the thread transform his build, and says he's "facerolling" content now. =)

If you could the same for me and give me some pointers i would be really appreciated!
Slottm would be awesome
Last edited by 7514630 on Dec 29, 2019, 11:16:28 PM
I'm woundering if i should focus on dying sun over 6L Hyrri, or maybe go for void fletcher before getting them.
Famda wrote:
I'm woundering if i should focus on dying sun over 6L Hyrri, or maybe go for void fletcher before getting them.

6L Hyrri is key. Dying Sun can wait.

Also for a side note, found out today -Barrage Fires An Additional Projectile- does not effect Barrage Support :)
Slottm wrote:
I plan to do a big writeup for the build tomorrow, if you want to wait. I helped someone from the thread transform his build, and says he's "facerolling" content now. =)

Despite i copied your char nearly i would really apreciate this.

get mark of the elder and as a 2nd ring, some shaper ring which applies assasins mark on hit. thats a huge damage boost.

try to get as belt some stygian wise with huge elemental dmg boost.
Last edited by everdream2k on Dec 30, 2019, 12:52:02 AM

I'm loving this build its so fun! I just started red maps and sometimes I get blown up instantly by certain maps or metamorphs. Any quick fixes to my build? Or am I just playing it wrong? Thanks!
Last edited by SauceyKay on Dec 30, 2019, 1:42:42 AM

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