3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Nice ring.

Anyway, I am not sure about the boots. Other than lightning resist, not alot going for it that is better than the unique boots.

Also you can aniot ammy for Death Attunement.

tnx, ye boots could be better, will try to change for something better but they cost if u want + & increased strenght :)
anoint on amulet lets me run all the auras and skills so dont think +1 spectre and zed will make better change, but maybe Ima wrong :)

Hey, i see that you do not have Feeding frenzy Support. I suggest linking it to either ur Golem or ur Skellies because it gives you a buff that grants all of ur minions a nice dps boost.

yea, feeding fenzy is nice, with skellies it feels nice clearing large packs but with golem fells a bit less dpm :)

for me using

and swaping it with minions speed for zeds makes boss killing rly useful, cause they keep commited to boss and dont wonder off + getting nice dmg increse and I can stay in safe distance
JnVbtx wrote:

and swaping it with minions speed for zeds makes boss killing rly useful, cause they keep commited to boss and dont wonder off + getting nice dmg increse and I can stay in safe distance

Interesting. I did not know this gem exist. If I am reading corerctly, it can deal 53% damage (combining bonus one & 2, 24% x 23%) to prey (boss). Thats a lot if damage for a single support gem!

I must be missing something, I am pretty new to pet build, but why isn
t this gem recommended for more minion build.

Maybe I should try.
Interesting. I did not know this gem exist. If I am reading corerctly, it can deal 53% damage (combining bonus one & 2, 24% x 23%) to prey (boss). Thats a lot if damage for a single support gem!

I must be missing something, I am pretty new to pet build, but why isn
t this gem recommended for more minion build.

Maybe I should try.

Well I tried it and now using it for almost any boss, very nice dpm boost, I can mark a boss and run away and concentrate on dogging, of corse if I run too far away off screen they loose my aura buffs, but this strategy helped me bigtime in Park map fighting that annoying Suncaller Asha boss :)

same goes for deff buff, insted of using molten shell steelskin feels bit more efficient and reliable, but then again vaal molten shell can reflect taken dmg and last 9 sec, tho you can cast it 1 time and after that u need some mobs in boss fight to recharge it .. dunno need to test it is vall shell is worth more against bosses
Is it viable in 3.13 ritual? In pob it says 3.10 tree...
Hi guys,

Is there any finished T16 / maven clear builds that i can copy.

Thanks in advance

Another question!! Is it worthy to speck Skull Cracking? and if yes why please

Thank you again!!
MrZola wrote:
Is it viable in 3.13 ritual? In pob it says 3.10 tree...

I think the tree will be okay if you updated to 3.13.

It worked fine on my end (Fork). See if it works.
I need help.

this is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Bm5DTgmv

My Elegant Hubris is giving:
160% minion damage (350% total minion damage increase with other increases on the in game tooltip)
80% minion life
50% fire resistance

All my resistances are capped (except chaos) without mistress of sacrifice.

Still trying to craft fortify staff. Although I have got Fortify with a six-link, I don't have enough currency for crafting rest yet so I am using a 5 link Femurs. Besides that I don't have a kingmaker (in PS4 I guess there is only 1 in market so that is a mission impossible for me at the moment.

Everything else seems same to me.

I am stuck at T14 maps. I have 2 problems:
1. I can't increase my survivability. I am dying too quick. I got stuck at 4000 health and 2500~ ES. I am failing to increase them without giving up resistances. Since everything except rings are unique I can't change them a lot.
2. My minions can't do damage to guardians (4th ones) anymore. Even in maps they started to struggle killing yellow monsters.

Obviously I am doing something wrong. Because in videos even a naked summoner is beating everything.

Thank you all in advance for your time and advice.
Okman_X wrote:
I need help.

Let me try and help you out here. I've used the same tanky build setup for the last 5 leagues. It's flexible, so you can make custom changes to it once you have a feel for the build.

So, invest in your character always...and always refer to page 1 for the tanky build.

Normally I start with a 5L+1 socket femurs, then move to a 6L femurs, then to a 6L minion bow and quiver (or minion staff in your case). I wish I could jump to the bow, but it's all about having enough currency.

Gems: Apply quality on all gems starting with the summon minion gems. Normally I just buy level 20/21 new gems with 20/23% quality on them.

Gems on your weapon:
Take out melee splash and replace it with melee physical damage.
Replace brutality with a cheap empower 3 then empower 4 (better).
If you can get a 6L weapon, add feeding frenzy to your zombies, they will kill better/faster than minion damage or minion speed can.

Gems on your helm:
Take out the golem and replace that with minion life to keep your properly equipped AG alive and well and giving you and your minions the extra buffs (refer to page 1 on AG). You must also have at least 1000 strength to make baron work.

Gems on your chest:
Normally, I just use a 5L + 1 socket Geofri rather than a more expensive 6L. At earlier maps, all my aura gems are on the chest linked (enlighten 3, flesh and stone using blood stance linked to maim support, purity of elements if needing elem res, discipline). This should allow you to run 3 auras from the chest. The spare socket is for vaal molten shell.

On either boots or gloves you have 8 sockets total:

A dread banner (your 4th aura) linked to generosity supp.
Your desecrate and spirit offering gems.
That's 4 sockets used so far.

If you want to save on 2 sockets, manually cast desecrate and spirit offering instead of using a cyclone setup. The offering lasts a while, so you can manually cast it.

I use the extra 2 sockets to link a stone golem to feeding frenzy and vaal skeletons. We normally use stone golem now, to give us an extra boost due to the nerf to discipline some leagues back.

For movement, I swap between withering step (to wither monsters and phase) and sometimes flame dash for certain maps that benefit from it. I use flame dash when fighting sirus.

For belt, rings, amulet, I usually have strength, elem and chaos res. If you can get a socketed ring, that's a good place to put either withering step or flame dash.

Your spectres (just like the AG) should also be supporting the zombies: you must use 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain. For the other 2, I prefer 1 they of tul (move around in his snow cloud for added protection) and 1 merveil's retainer (some prefer arena master, but I can't stand the noise it makes).

So, when I go into a risky area of the map: I cast skeletons, the zombies go with them, I cast desecrate, spirit offering. I go in with withering step, sometimes pop all potions (see page 1 for recommended potions), pop molten shell (v.molten shell if heated fight or boss), pop v.skeletons (I like seeing 50-ish skellies in a fight), repeat the cycle.

Next, your POB. This could use some work, it's just too different from the tanky build. So for now I suggest reading the POB for the tanky build in page 1 and see if any of it can be adapted to improve your build.

The build can do the content, but when you start dealing with Maven's tenth invitations (sometimes all my minions get killed), you could change your POB again and utilize at least a 1-large, 2-medium, 2-small cluster jewel setup (see page 1). I did that and that worked out nicely as well and managed to give my minions more damage and life.

However, upon reaching 24 challenge rewards in about 240 hours of playtime as a casual player (rewards are my primary motivation in every league), I just stopped playing the league content and focused on PVP at level 40 (with a new necro roll). ...and what I learned there can be applied to the tanky build: minion instability plus SRS when doing PVP and I believe (to be tested) HoGM.

good luck.
Last edited by 10011001 on Mar 11, 2021, 10:01:34 AM
Okman_X wrote:
I need help.

this is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Bm5DTgmv

My Elegant Hubris is giving:
160% minion damage (350% total minion damage increase with other increases on the in game tooltip)
80% minion life
50% fire resistance

All my resistances are capped (except chaos) without mistress of sacrifice.

Still trying to craft fortify staff. Although I have got Fortify with a six-link, I don't have enough currency for crafting rest yet so I am using a 5 link Femurs. Besides that I don't have a kingmaker (in PS4 I guess there is only 1 in market so that is a mission impossible for me at the moment.

Everything else seems same to me.

I am stuck at T14 maps. I have 2 problems:
1. I can't increase my survivability. I am dying too quick. I got stuck at 4000 health and 2500~ ES. I am failing to increase them without giving up resistances. Since everything except rings are unique I can't change them a lot.
2. My minions can't do damage to guardians (4th ones) anymore. Even in maps they started to struggle killing yellow monsters.

Obviously I am doing something wrong. Because in videos even a naked summoner is beating everything.

Thank you all in advance for your time and advice.

You can buy a 6 link Femurs & use the support gems recommended. Have chance to blind/taunt jewels if not already.
Have a unset ring, & drop convocation there.
Put skeleton to the unlinked socket in armor & put flesh & stone in place (apply sand stance). It an additional defensive layer.

I suggest self cast vaal moten shell, & have 2 slots for deadbanner link with generosity for impale.

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