[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

omglapizza wrote:
hongducwb wrote:
so ice storm dmg scale with int ?
my scion rn have only 15k dmg full buffed(curse,etc..)

Yep. This build requires stacking intellect and converting lots of strength and Dex on the passive tree into intellect. Just giving your gear a quick glance, you don't have any sources of added flat intellect on any of them. You're also using a helm with life that does nothing for you assuming you're CI already (can't check tree, on mobile). Getting an Astramentis and anointing it with a cheap int notable is a good place to get started. Lastly, your gems are still pretty low level.

my int is 1788 rn, still using that helmet, new amulet have 55int,50es,48lightning res(anointed with 30int).. i will try to use 100attribute amulet
-> If you want to see the build in action wisp me ingame

dam, how did u reach 2500 with those items!!! whiterockx

I got a question, is the unique Jewel in our tree counted as unique equipped item?
Last edited by gruumine on Jul 7, 2020, 5:36:52 PM
gruumine wrote:
-> If you want to see the build in action wisp me ingame

dam, how did u reach 2500 with those items!!! whiterockx

I got a question, is the unique Jewel in our tree counted as unique equipped item?

No, he's only getting it from gear on the body, so 8 uniques.

Whiterockx, what an imaginative and clever approach to a WI build! Your passive tree is also fascinating! As is the use of % increased effect of non-curse auras for ES!
also, how is he getting 84 to all res??? rather than 75?
gruumine wrote:
also, how is he getting 84 to all res??? rather than 75?

Purity of fire/ice/lightning auras boosted by aura effect cluster nodes.

I looked into a min/max version of this build variant last league, and its certainly a good option. It had a lower ceiling than the traditional variants, but, depending on the price of the unique items, it could be much less costly. The increased max resists add a lot of defense to the build, at the cost of offense. For reference, (with a quick PoB) this version tops out at around 30-40k average shaper hit, while the Hatred variant can go over 200k with the right gearing.

To truly min/max this version, you would want a watcher's eye with mana/clarity, and two damage taken as elemental purity mods. You would also want a +2 to duration or aura gems corruption in your black sun crest to push your max resists to 86%

With 86% to all resists your effective ES (with this gearing vs elemental) is around 22k Your physical effective HP would probably hover around 17-18k

TLDR: this variant is great if you don't want to look for or buy rare items, it's a fun take on the build if you are looking for something new, but the more traditional takes will be better if you want to invest the time and currency.

Last edited by Breken on Jul 7, 2020, 7:13:07 PM
Huh. I didn't know you could run 3 purities, discipline (normally 140% reservation) and clarity.

Per POB, his discipline/clarity is 0.92 from enlighten 3, his purities are 0.88 from enlighten 4.

However there's a further reduction of 0.82 for everything but discipline, which gets a reduction of 0.62. I'm not understanding where that reduction comes from.

The reductions end up with 25% reserved for the purities and 20% for discipline.
Graiaule wrote:
Huh. I didn't know you could run 3 purities, discipline (normally 140% reservation) and clarity.

Per POB, his discipline/clarity is 0.92 from enlighten 3, his purities are 0.88 from enlighten 4.

However there's a further reduction of 0.82 for everything but discipline, which gets a reduction of 0.62. I'm not understanding where that reduction comes from.

The reductions end up with 25% reserved for the purities and 20% for discipline.

Helm boosts his enlighten 4 to an enlighten 5.

Mana reserved discipline helm enchant.

14% less from Sovereignty Cluster

4% more from influence cluster.

Surprised he didn't use a few more points for Charisma cluster, although that would probably only be needed if you didn't have the helm enchant.
Last edited by Breken on Jul 7, 2020, 7:52:58 PM
I did notice he had enlighten 5. POB still claims he only has enlighten 4 and gives only 0.88 instead of 0.84. I believed POB.
Graiaule wrote:
I did notice he had enlighten 5. POB still claims he only has enlighten 4 and gives only 0.88 instead of 0.84. I believed POB.

Nope you're right, he currently has two enlighten 3s before boosts. I read it wrong in PoB
Last edited by Breken on Jul 7, 2020, 8:03:50 PM
Yo guys i'm back

Stats : ES = 11500 / INT = 2650 / 84 All ress (120% uncapped with Wise Oak)

Let me start posting some improvements:

- 2x Cluster jewels with Cold to core + Prismatic heart (need +1 yet to get 3);
- Eyes of the Great Wolf with 32% attrib / Phys reduction (You lose the Anoint , but increase the INT / ES and Defence with the % Phys Reduction);
- All res balanced so the Teh Wise Oak Flask do a great job now reducing the incomming dmg alot.

Lets Start awnser the questions:

gruumine wrote:
-> If you want to see the build in action wisp me ingame

dam, how did u reach 2500 with those items!!! whiterockx

I got a question, is the unique Jewel in our tree counted as unique equipped item?

A: No, they dont all int come from Gear / Tree/ Jewels.

gruumine wrote:
also, how is he getting 84 to all res??? rather than 75?

A: Running Purity of Fire / Ice / Light. Increasing the Effect of the Non-Curse Auras.

Graiaule wrote:
Huh. I didn't know you could run 3 purities, discipline (normally 140% reservation) and clarity.

Per POB, his discipline/clarity is 0.92 from enlighten 3, his purities are 0.88 from enlighten 4.

However there's a further reduction of 0.82 for everything but discipline, which gets a reduction of 0.62. I'm not understanding where that reduction comes from.

The reductions end up with 25% reserved for the purities and 20% for discipline.

A: Reduced Mana reserve from Tree nodes + Enlighten 3 + Discipline Helm Enchant and Discipline + Enlighten 3 (So it's a low budget setup, no enlightens 4 needed). I have 88 Unreserved mana running Clarity. Is enought to Spin 100% of time + Vortex Span + Enduring Cry + Frost Bomb all the time.

The mana regen is High :D

I'm Online now

Wisp me Freely

Last edited by whiterockx on Jul 7, 2020, 8:18:00 PM

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