[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Necro_42739 wrote:
I know this is the Scion thread, but I play this build as a Witch, and would like to update it with the Split Personalities and stuff.

Is it too much to ask if LiNGeN or Breken (or whoever creates this superteched sScion-trees) could post a theoretical Witch-tree?

I have the Jewels and Clusters, I just can't find a good pathing. :(

Thanks in advance, guys.

You will never get as good as a Scion tree because of 5 lesser passive points, but I would go with either of these two trees: https://pastebin.com/La9hvxBQ

The Occultist Ascendancy looks quite powerful though. Have fun!
LiNGeN wrote:
Similar questions too if my wife hasn't pumped enough currency into the build. We've gotten plenty of intelligence only split personalities no watchers eye yet. Need to finish crafting her chest better but currently decently rolled just peaking over 8k es without intelligence and energy shield split personalities. Cluster jewels are subpar waiting for right ones to drop or be able to craft better.

But she's hit a wall in later red maps as plenty of delirium effects or bosses one shot her or close to it as it's difficult to follow effects under the ice storm. But other than those few hiccups it clears the rest of maps beautifully.

And just the other day her cyclone keeps failing to start at random. We have already ruled out any possible mana issues somehow, no mobs even alive to stun her in any way. Is that something to do with pathfinding with cwc or something if you have experienced it? I'm doing a cyclone slayer this league and have had zero similar issues starting up my cyclone. It has been stun by mob or nothing.

Do you have any recommendations on order of next upgrades to save for and secondly do you experience similar problems and it just doesn't show in videos you have up? Also how important do you feel stampede is as we had avoided it for now as resists are tight as is but starting to wonder if a second anointed item makes a big enough difference and how smooth the anti slow effect makes it look.

Edit: I should add I haven't done a CI build since before the es nerfs. So 8k seems like plenty for most content but I am starting to assume you do have to push to hit 10k+ to have a much more valuable safety net?

You can do most content with lower than 10K ES but then you have to manually avoid more deadly boss attacks & in general avoid most stuff. If you need to be able to tank some of these deadly hits you need to invest into more ES or add mitigations such as Fortify Support linked to Cyclone or add the Overlord notable. Enduring Focus, Flesh and Stone, Wise Oak/Basalt Flask/Taste of Hate also add mitigation.

Personally I don't use The Stampede so its a matter of QoL.

The only things that can stop Cyclone:
* Mana (check mana reservation, tweak with mana cost enchants/et.c, make sure arcane surge is always active for mana regen)
* Maps with mod "Players cannot regenerate life/mana/energ shield" and no "Enduring" Mana flask equipped
* Baran influenced maps Mana/DoT debuff squares (assign move only hotkey)
* Cursed with silence (use Hex Breaker or "of Warding" flask)
* You use Predictive networking mode and get desynced as stuck on something serverside (however you actually keep spinning clientside but this can be combined with any of the above)
* You use another non-instant skill that cancels cyclone

We are stun immune due to Occultist Ascendancy, but also while channeling Cyclone, we're immune to all stun and knockback.

Just want to add you can get immunity against silence by corrupted mod on jewels
So I saw the nice amulet that archwerewolf posted and it intrigued me to the point i've been researching amulets for the past couple of hours. I was confused at first using PoEDB because of it's stats and then I realized it was two influences merged together, lmao. So, to make a long story short- I realize an awakener's orb was used. I was comparing shaper and crusader possible outcomes and then realized his had two influences by the top left and right icons. I've never seen that before, or used an awk orb before. I even thought a crusader's exalted orb might have been used, because i've never used one of those either. Anyways, General chat said something about "metacrafting" and if its +1 suffix and +prefix of the two stats you merged together you can keep them, and then scour trying to get better rolls. What's up with that? I've also never done that craft before where you can keep the two stats you wanted that you merged together... for example in this case: % intelligence/ %dmg per 15 intel. They said it would be hard to craft but it's possible and you need a lot of luck and investment. I'm still confused though. If i merge a shaper and crusader ammy together for the 2 stats i want, and then scour, i realize it'll turn it white. Can someone further explain this for me please?
Does 30% corrupt on Whispering Ice do anything?
Can you have an anointment on ammy and boots at the same time or do they cancel out?
I know it won't be quite as powerful, but at this levels it doesn't really matter if I am Scion or Witch except for extreme minmaxing, or?

We won the game anyways.
Sezth wrote:
LiNGeN wrote:
Similar questions too if my wife hasn't pumped enough currency into the build. We've gotten plenty of intelligence only split personalities no watchers eye yet. Need to finish crafting her chest better but currently decently rolled just peaking over 8k es without intelligence and energy shield split personalities. Cluster jewels are subpar waiting for right ones to drop or be able to craft better.

But she's hit a wall in later red maps as plenty of delirium effects or bosses one shot her or close to it as it's difficult to follow effects under the ice storm. But other than those few hiccups it clears the rest of maps beautifully.

And just the other day her cyclone keeps failing to start at random. We have already ruled out any possible mana issues somehow, no mobs even alive to stun her in any way. Is that something to do with pathfinding with cwc or something if you have experienced it? I'm doing a cyclone slayer this league and have had zero similar issues starting up my cyclone. It has been stun by mob or nothing.

Do you have any recommendations on order of next upgrades to save for and secondly do you experience similar problems and it just doesn't show in videos you have up? Also how important do you feel stampede is as we had avoided it for now as resists are tight as is but starting to wonder if a second anointed item makes a big enough difference and how smooth the anti slow effect makes it look.

Edit: I should add I haven't done a CI build since before the es nerfs. So 8k seems like plenty for most content but I am starting to assume you do have to push to hit 10k+ to have a much more valuable safety net?

You can do most content with lower than 10K ES but then you have to manually avoid more deadly boss attacks & in general avoid most stuff. If you need to be able to tank some of these deadly hits you need to invest into more ES or add mitigations such as Fortify Support linked to Cyclone or add the Overlord notable. Enduring Focus, Flesh and Stone, Wise Oak/Basalt Flask/Taste of Hate also add mitigation.

Personally I don't use The Stampede so its a matter of QoL.

The only things that can stop Cyclone:
* Mana (check mana reservation, tweak with mana cost enchants/et.c, make sure arcane surge is always active for mana regen)
* Maps with mod "Players cannot regenerate life/mana/energ shield" and no "Enduring" Mana flask equipped
* Baran influenced maps Mana/DoT debuff squares (assign move only hotkey)
* Cursed with silence (use Hex Breaker or "of Warding" flask)
* You use Predictive networking mode and get desynced as stuck on something serverside (however you actually keep spinning clientside but this can be combined with any of the above)
* You use another non-instant skill that cancels cyclone

We are stun immune due to Occultist Ascendancy, but also while channeling Cyclone, we're immune to all stun and knockback.

Just want to add you can get immunity against silence by corrupted mod on jewels

I forgot about the occultist stun immunity but that is why it is weird. We already accounted for all of the things you listed yet her character still hiccups and twitches but doesn't start. 280 unreserved mana and cyclone is always replenished except no regen which she doesn't like running a mana flask so she doesn't run them. And it is at random, sometimes with 0 mobs in the map. That's why I'm trying to figure out if there is still pathfinding issues from pre channel cyclone where random terrain objects could screw things up. The only thing I thought of while getting up this morning is if her mouse is having issues and not holding down when she clicks and holds. She will bind cyclone to a keyboard button and try that for a while.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar on Apr 22, 2020, 11:31:36 AM
I made my first amulet but Im not happy with the result:

No spot for crafting and 4 trash mods (well maybe crit somehow usefull to proc more often overload but with so many storms up I dont think so).

Im thinking about annul orbs but Im not sure, I was never lucky with them. If I remove one of the mods can I get it back by alch/chaos spam or its better to just get one more awakener orb?

Also my PoB is showing me I have around 2400 Int while ingame I have 2898. Any idea why the difference? Im using the fork PoB, theres no updates and I heard its support split personality so what Im missing?
Last edited by Asag on Apr 22, 2020, 1:18:02 PM
Asag wrote:
I made my first amulet but Im not happy with the result:

No spot for crafting and 4 trash mods (well maybe crit somehow usefull to proc more often overload but with so many storms up I dont think so).

Im thinking about annul orbs but Im not sure, I was never lucky with them. If I remove one of the mods can I get it back by alch/chaos spam or its better to just get one more awakener orb?

Its common to get a bunch of useless trash rolls when awakener orb slamming them, dont look at werewolf's latest amulet and think thats in any way possible. He plays in full mirror tier gear, not a knock on him, just dont think you are going to see anything like that or hold yourself to that standard.

It takes many awakener slams before you get a great one, thats why ones with a good natural flat INT or t1 ES roll go for 40-50ex+, something like werewolf's would be 250ex+.

If you do get undesirable rolls you can try annulments but 9 out of 10 times your just going to anul off 1 of the 2 desired rolls, at that point try hitting it with a few deaf. essence of spites before moving on to the next attempt.

I awakener slammed 7 with just all trash combos and finally got a nice one on a lucky spite essence applied to a failed annulment base;

That one for example would be realistically 50ex, there arent even any similar for sale and the last one comparable was 40ex and was only 52INT catalyzed and had no open suffix for extra crafted INT/hybrid stat.

TLDR its going to take you several awakener slams to get an OP one, its not a cheap process unless you just get lucky.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Apr 22, 2020, 1:22:03 PM
I'm new to this build, but I love to death the whispering ice. I just put arround 50ex on this char, but I don't think it is nearly as strong as it should be. I still have low ES (9k) and int (2353) and I don't know where to get more. I know that I can change my split personality jewels for ES and that's what is giving me hope about the ES. But the int I really don't see where can I get 1.5k more than I have.

If someone could take a look in my pob and help me I would appreciate very much.

rafa290 wrote:
I'm new to this build, but I love to death the whispering ice. I just put arround 50ex on this char, but I don't think it is nearly as strong as it should be. I still have low ES (9k) and int (2353) and I don't know where to get more. I know that I can change my split personality jewels for ES and that's what is giving me hope about the ES. But the int I really don't see where can I get 1.5k more than I have.

If someone could take a look in my pob and help me I would appreciate very much.


Your paths to Split Personalities are very short and you are not benefitting from them that much because of that. The 4 large cluster jewels tree wasn't advised below 95-97 lvls.

Try pathing to the tree recommended for lvl 85 in the 3rd post on the 1st page:
https://pastebin.com/YD3CRpEv. It should get you close to 3k INT and over 10k ES with right placed jewels.
Last edited by Dhol91 on Apr 22, 2020, 2:56:40 PM

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