[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Also the delirium post is bull. I copied a large cluster into pob. Looked good, bought it. Notables were in the wrong spots.

Edit: or POB decided to be stupid as hell because I was one damn update behind.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar on Apr 22, 2020, 1:14:28 AM
JCOH35 wrote:
Not sure then, in my starter gear I typically had 1 death per trip on him just b/c of the last phase, im very bad mechanically and my reaction time is slow so when he teleports quickly and uses the big laser id always sit in it for a second or two before moving/finding him.

At this point I can sit in it and tan and it doesnt matter even at A8 but at 10k ES im sure its rough.

I imagine you have to do him a bit to increase your awakening level but if not skip him and just farm simulacrums to get better gear/ES, go back to him afterwards.

Would you know if switching from one int only to int+es split personalities give me a good chunk of es?
Last edited by TheChosenOne_ on Apr 22, 2020, 2:09:10 AM
Yes b/c as far as your gear goes its pretty decent, your INT should be pretty respectable and you have a very high ES chest and helm so once you get a couple INT/ES splits on your farthest away from starting nodes you should see a significant jump in your ES.

My ES is at 20,741 atm and I have 3.4k ish INT, I have 1 will shaper passive on a megalomaniac, and then all my INT/ES splits to give you an idea of the impact they have on your defenses. My watcher's eye is just ES on hit, and ES recovery, not using a clarity one.

Imo Lingen's tree is the best and safest/easiset to play, it has the best blend of offense and defense. I have a 53k icestorm tooltip, instantly vaporize all the bosses including uber elder and my defenses are just absurd.

I suck at this game, ive only had success on the older mjolner/discharge build and king of summoners necromancer. Im already at lv.99 and 37 challenges, if I can hit 100 on this you guys absolutely can. Just chip away at your large clusters and INT/ES splits.

Its ashamed people manipulated the large cluster jewel prices the way they did, its more then easy to print money this league in sims. Buying out every cluster and relisting it for quintuple the price really ruins the experience for anyone new coming to the build.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Apr 22, 2020, 2:28:28 AM
JCOH35 wrote:

its more then easy to print money this league in sims.

Hey man, how do u manage to make money in sims? I've only ran like 4 times but nothing good seems to drop for me? Or am i missing something XD

Ign: Zanosaur
zanosaur wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:

its more then easy to print money this league in sims.

Hey man, how do u manage to make money in sims? I've only ran like 4 times but nothing good seems to drop for me? Or am i missing something XD


Law of the small numbers. You should run much more than four. If you do not find something after 100 Simulacrums you are either doing something wrong or you are having a very bad RNG run.
Time and time again I witness the birth of a new born star.
I climb the highest mountain to find the essence of a new era.
Yeah, i recently only ran simulacrums from 98-99 and the random drops pretty much paid for all of the simulacrum cost. I just sold my scarab tab for 12ex with nearly all of them from about the same cost in simulacrums.

I also got a 5 passive voices after 20 or so sims which made me a lot of money. You will break even/slightly make money running them without big drops. And if you get a big drop while getting solid exp for free that's a plus. At least that's how i look at it.

About to do the same thing for 99-100.
Last edited by Mindhandler on Apr 22, 2020, 3:59:20 AM
Hi Kelvynn! Figured I would try a post here intead of PM so maybe others could get some help too! Just checking in to let you know i'm back to this build on Standard. Delirium is lagging my laptop too hard, and it's not fun to play right now. I like how you've updated the guide- Very good work and thanks a lot. So, with going back to this bread and butter build here that gets the job done, I have a few questions. The Stampede boots, how highly are they recommended? How highly is the inspiration gem recommended- because right now i'm running awakened cold pen. Steelskin instead of immortal call right? Because they changed I.C.? I didn't think people were using immortal call anymore from what i've heard. And last but not least, can fortify be incorporated into this build? I would really love to be a little tankier with it, even if i had to lose a little DPS. Not sure how to post a picture of my gear here, but I also have a +2 to level of curse gems helmet I was wondering if it would be good or help, since we're running 2 curses. One is memory vault and one is doedre's scorn.

Thanks in advance,
It's pretty crazy how much the large cluster jewels fluctuate with price manipulation. When i first needed to get more larges they where at like 10-15ex each so i just chaos spammed my own.

I ended up making 3 Cold to the core/prismatic heart/widespread destruction/2 jewel sockets in 15 exalts worth of chaos spamming myself. I may have just been very lucky though hard to say. The price isn't quite as bad as that now.

4641 int, 33615 ES :3

pity max life not elem pen :/
Last edited by archwerewolf on Apr 22, 2020, 5:38:50 AM
Similar questions too if my wife hasn't pumped enough currency into the build. We've gotten plenty of intelligence only split personalities no watchers eye yet. Need to finish crafting her chest better but currently decently rolled just peaking over 8k es without intelligence and energy shield split personalities. Cluster jewels are subpar waiting for right ones to drop or be able to craft better.

But she's hit a wall in later red maps as plenty of delirium effects or bosses one shot her or close to it as it's difficult to follow effects under the ice storm. But other than those few hiccups it clears the rest of maps beautifully.

And just the other day her cyclone keeps failing to start at random. We have already ruled out any possible mana issues somehow, no mobs even alive to stun her in any way. Is that something to do with pathfinding with cwc or something if you have experienced it? I'm doing a cyclone slayer this league and have had zero similar issues starting up my cyclone. It has been stun by mob or nothing.

Do you have any recommendations on order of next upgrades to save for and secondly do you experience similar problems and it just doesn't show in videos you have up? Also how important do you feel stampede is as we had avoided it for now as resists are tight as is but starting to wonder if a second anointed item makes a big enough difference and how smooth the anti slow effect makes it look.

Edit: I should add I haven't done a CI build since before the es nerfs. So 8k seems like plenty for most content but I am starting to assume you do have to push to hit 10k+ to have a much more valuable safety net?

You can do most content with lower than 10K ES but then you have to manually avoid more deadly boss attacks & in general avoid most stuff. If you need to be able to tank some of these deadly hits you need to invest into more ES or add mitigations such as Fortify Support linked to Cyclone or add the Overlord notable. Enduring Focus, Flesh and Stone, Wise Oak/Basalt Flask/Taste of Hate also add mitigation.

Personally I don't use The Stampede so its a matter of QoL.

The only things that can stop Cyclone:
* Mana (check mana reservation, tweak with mana cost enchants/et.c, make sure arcane surge is always active for mana regen)
* Maps with mod "Players cannot regenerate life/mana/energ shield" and no "Enduring" Mana flask equipped
* Baran influenced maps Mana/DoT debuff squares (assign move only hotkey)
* Cursed with silence (use Hex Breaker or "of Warding" flask)
* You use Predictive networking mode and get desynced as stuck on something serverside (however you actually keep spinning clientside but this can be combined with any of the above)
* You use another non-instant skill that cancels cyclone

We are stun immune due to Occultist Ascendancy, but also while channeling Cyclone, we're immune to all stun and knockback.

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