[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

HeavensBells wrote:
I've been doing great so far with this build. I'd like to know if I'd have some points left how do you feel about taking the Disciple of the Unyielding node to get a +1 max endurance charge and 5% dmg per end charg plus the benefits of the smaller nodes?

thank you for feedback!

overall disciple is medicore, only 3.3% dmg increase for 4-5 points. it is +1 minumum endurance, not +1 maximum, which we do not need since we generate endurance charges so fast
benkei8 wrote:
im using 5Links with 250dps mace and im not stunning izaro at all? no idea whats the problem following everystep im not using multistrike for him either

hey friend

i checked out your char on PoB, you have about 250k dps. this is low to stunlock izaro, we usually want 400-500k

overall, there are some upgs your can do to

5 link tidebreaker
rysalathas coil
Lions roar

this will put you at 450k dps

I wouldve recomended going aspect of carnage first instead of second rage node since it is very hard to get full rage stacks on izaro fight
Last edited by frawrst on Dec 17, 2019, 12:24:09 PM
Hello frawrst
Thank you for your build! Enjoying this leagues!
My Gear

Welllmes wrote:
Hello frawrst
Thank you for your build! Enjoying this leagues!
My Gear

very nice gear! im always jealous of early 6 links, did you link it yourself?
frawrst wrote:
did you link it yourself?

No.buy for 4ex
2 Questions how do u guys link your gear in replay?
2nd Question what should i upgrade my gear into for act 6 onwards (see my char on profile) ?
for the ones having trouble with uber lab make sure you have the right gear etc. have done problaby more than 50 labs in the last 2 days with no issue izaro gets stunlocked right away . really fun build and a really good lab farmer been having a blast thank you for sharing. (amulet is random)

current status of the build (amulet is random)
realVIP wrote:
for the ones having trouble with uber lab make sure you have the right gear etc. have done problaby more than 50 labs in the last 2 days with no issue izaro gets stunlocked right away . really fun build and a really good lab farmer been having a blast thank you for sharing. (amulet is random)

current status of the build (amulet is random)

nice gear and glad to hear it! izaro does have some animation bugginess where he has to complete some but we can usually stun him safely the entire time
SohleKamm wrote:
2 Questions how do u guys link your gear in replay?
2nd Question what should i upgrade my gear into for act 6 onwards (see my char on profile) ?


if you click on your character in top life of PoE website when reply is open, you can alt click your items and they will link into reply

for your gear, get redblade tramplers, tombfists, deidbellow and a good amulet

start buying or saving up for "the deep ones" card, 1-2c each so you can have one at lvl 68

good luck!
Hi, i did the story and now i'm into t10s, it's been easy so far and i'm farming uber lab too :D .Bought the Tidebreaker from cards early on when the weapon was 26c. 4c each card and i got it with good roll for 20c :D. Armour was 8c, Helmet 8c, rings 4 and 1c, Ryslathas for 10c i think (bought early too), boots for 3c, amulet for 10c and gloves was 4c i think. Got lucky with fuses and 5linked my chest and tidebreaker with less than 30 fuses. I use pulverise all the time and want to know if i should swap to ruthless in bosses. Build is great and i hope to do the endgame with it, cheers :D. And sorry for my bad english, i'm brazilian.

Last edited by dark_la99 on Dec 18, 2019, 2:30:06 PM

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