[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

DharmaLeader wrote:
How do you reserve all of Determination, Herald of Purity, Discipline and Tempest shield? With just the first 3 I am at 75 mana, with HOP rings reserving 48%+44%. Am I missing something?

masteries (on skill tree Armour, Energy shield and Reservation mastery), use them, it takes 3 skill points
mana effeciency in general and for determination and discipline

also you do not need that much reservation on the rings (88 together on the rings hsould be enough), more mana reserved = more armour and es
around 40 unreserved mana should be enough
Great build! I was thinking if have some craftable mods that will improve this build. For the experienced ones which crafts would be powerfull for this build in chestpiece in this case?
sunbm wrote:
DharmaLeader wrote:
How do you reserve all of Determination, Herald of Purity, Discipline and Tempest shield? With just the first 3 I am at 75 mana, with HOP rings reserving 48%+44%. Am I missing something?

masteries (on skill tree Armour, Energy shield and Reservation mastery), use them, it takes 3 skill points
mana effeciency in general and for determination and discipline

also you do not need that much reservation on the rings (88 together on the rings hsould be enough), more mana reserved = more armour and es
around 40 unreserved mana should be enough

Wow, didn't know about these masteries - first league. Thanks a lot.
Loved this build in Ritual and got 36 challanges with it, running it again this league.
However i'm keep dying to some sort of degen damage but i have no clue which one it is

I'm Still a bit low on damage but i'm still missing a few items and gem levels
Some Help would be appreciated

May I ask how much is this build gonna cost for doing at least guardian with maven etc kind of content?
superhuy44 wrote:
May I ask how much is this build gonna cost for doing at least guardian with maven etc kind of content?

imho, around 10ex, maybe even less
Is there a High end version, min max of this build?
I was thinking why not get the Wicked Ward node for avoid the recharge of ES being interrupted?
And why not run an Animated Guardian?
With AG we can get more dmg for the minions plus more dmg reduction for us.
Last edited by Dante_BrBh on Nov 27, 2021, 3:35:55 PM
Hey, I am maxed out right now and I FINALLY got the +1 sentinels. I was wondering though if anyone else has run into this. My bossing seems worse. I was running the +12% phys as chaos for spirit offering enchant and I beat A8 Sirus 3 times... now I couldn't get him past half life. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but it seems objectively worse for bossing to get the sentinels enchant. This may be due to the uptime on the sentinels being fairly low if you are not able to cyclone into the boss on a consistent basis. Before my spiders were able to keep the DPS up with the extra umph! from the phys to chaos and now I am relying more on my sentinels. Technically my damage went up by 250kish with the sentinel enchant but in practice it seems like the previously mentioned is screwing me. This may just be with Sirus cause it feels great when I am clearing (I am still waiting to test it on other endgame bosses like Catarina).

I also thought that maybe meat shield is screwing me, cause my sentinels don't want to track enemies like the spiders do (unless I signal)? But I wouldn't have a clue what to switch it to even if that is the case. Anyway, please let me know what you think or if you have suggestions.
Hey y'all,

Does anyone have a suggestion for flasks besides Basalt, Granite and 2x Writhing Jars? I'm currently running an enduring mana flask and don't really enjoy how Soul Ripper works. Can't seem to find a Magic Utilty flask I think would be good but it feels wasted having a flask slot barely be used in mapping content.


EDIT: I've decided to use the Vessel of Vinktar Topaz Flask with 'increased Effect of Shock' (they can roll different suffixes apparently), and rolled to trigger when I hit a rare/unique enemy. Feels like the most okay option until I want to invest into a Bottled Faith.

Also forgot to mention- using Stampede so Silver/Quicksilver would be useless. Stampede is so good with the extra annointment.
Last edited by kirenasura33 on Nov 28, 2021, 7:11:01 AM

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