[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Just to chime in and give you all an Idea of how nutty this build is, I hopped in a rare T16 tribal island map with level 10 gems and got through it only dying once to standing in a redeemer storm. This was on a level 85 character and about 5 ex invested. It didn't even take that long to finish the map, maybe 2-3 minutes? Insane.

I did want to pose a question though. I intend to try switching out shield charge for leap slam tomorrow since not being able to go over walls is infuriating. Is there any issues that might pose? Why the decision to go shield charge in the first place?
You can't Leap Slam with a dagger. I'm not used to Shield Charge either so I use Flame Dash and it's fine.
Kereon wrote:
You can't Leap Slam with a dagger. I'm not used to Shield Charge either so I use Flame Dash and it's fine.

Oh ofc haha, thank you for pointing that out. I've been cruising with a budget frost blades build and fell in love with hopping across the map in seconds. I'll either get used to it or switch to flame dash like you said.
Would annointing a passive like cloth and chain be a viable option, as I am currently feeling my resists are tight, as my cluster jewels never rolled resistances, so it could be a good choice to save currency if good resist abyss jewels/resist implicit rings are expensive?
hello guys! started this league with storm brand inquisitor, but getting insta gibbed by heist monster was not that fun and rerolled to this
this is my current gear:

i also have blue all gems requested in the guide

really liking mapping and heisting with it, but endgame bosses are a problem, since i cant consistently have spiders out
is there any thing i can do to improve this side?

Last edited by reinaldo110 on Sep 24, 2020, 8:58:23 PM
Soul of Ryslatha works really well on bosses as your flasks will always be full

With the golem in your shield you can quickly press X X to unsummon him so that when you cyclone summon he doesn't interfere.

I assume you're already swapping melee splash out for melee physical damage for bossing (and swapping back for clears)? I always forget that, but obviously makes a big difference.

For Tooks, I find Potency of Will is just too useful, but agree resistances are going to be a lot tougher without Harvest crafts. My short term option has been to swap the necklace for a carnage heart. Will lose a large amount of stats, which has knock-on with the Shaper gloves, but it's really cheap and helps sort your resists until you can fix it with the Abyss jewels. Also using Bated Breath as a cheap short term belt whilst I get currency for decent jewels.
Last edited by Dobarn on Sep 25, 2020, 4:28:28 AM
Is POB link working?
Fantastic build Van and tremendous input from the community to boot! Having a blast @ lvl 79 atm.

Working towards Skin of the Loyal and the second Circle of Guilt. However I will be all res uncapped if I equip both items. I see very small leeway here, I could drop my Bated Breath for a Darkness Enthroned with emphasis on those resists. Any thoughts?

I would also like your take on choosing between Vulnerability and Despair (either on the gloves or as part of the Cyclone setup + Hextouch).

hello there !

Im currently playing this build which is awesome, very tanky and budget !
But after 4 days playing it i feel like a bit more damage could be nice, not a big deal you know but just for comfort.
I prefecty rolled my rings and with a x2 24% reduced mana reserved i can now put a precision to help spiders for crit and me for accuracy.
I had to remove the cast when stunned to get a slot so im now casting my golem myself.
Because i had too many skills to fill my hotkeys, i had to put my molten shell and spirit offering on a low lvl CWDT.

Im not sure if my lil modification are worth but im feel better like this, i wish i could get some power charges for spiders or any way to give them unholy might, could be a huge dps boost but i can't figure out how to do it ^^.

You should use a max level Spirit Offering if you want to squeeze out more damage.
Molten Shell can go on left click for mapping, with Vaal Molten Shell staying available as an "Oh shit" button.
Also, just a bit of criticism : you're not gaining sockets by removing Cast when stunned and adding Cast when Damage taken !

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