(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

Hey guys,
Looking at all the posts with progress I feel way behind the leading players. But for me, this is my best start so far. A job and 2 kids tend to put gaming on a tertiary place :). So, thank you Wallach for this guide and thank you Dmillz for the fast leveling tips. Switching to FP totems last night increased my clearing speed a lot and I know this league will be hreat. Can hardly wait to complete my basic gear and get to mapping. Btw, I should drop the heralds when I take mom, right?
RO_MrGummy wrote:
Hey guys,
Looking at all the posts with progress I feel way behind the leading players. But for me, this is my best start so far. A job and 2 kids tend to put gaming on a tertiary place :). So, thank you Wallach for this guide and thank you Dmillz for the fast leveling tips. Switching to FP totems last night increased my clearing speed a lot and I know this league will be hreat. Can hardly wait to complete my basic gear and get to mapping. Btw, I should drop the heralds when I take mom, right?

Stop reserving mana when you have your clear mind jewel imo
Is it just me or is arcane capacitor not even working? It really seems like it isn't but if someone could put my mind to rest that would be great.
yo quintessence.
u can safe 2 skillpoints if u regret the 2 points right beside the mom skillpoint. the strg and int one.
Quintessence wrote:
Is it just me or is arcane capacitor not even working? It really seems like it isn't but if someone could put my mind to rest that would be great.

It does seem to be working. I noticed today that when you take Arcane Capacitor, your Arcane Surge buff will sort of stack onto itself, with the strongest effect taking priority, but still tracking weaker Arcane Surge durations behind it.

So, for example if you sit and spam your curse for 5-6 seconds to get a strong Arcane Surge, then wait about 4 seconds and just cast it twice, you'll notice that it doesn't refresh the current buff. But if you just wait and let the current buff expire, it will fall off, revealing the weaker Arcane Surge buff from the second set of casts, which will still have ~4 seconds remaining.
illuminate89 wrote:
Anyone suggest what we should quality in terms of gems and what are fine as 20/0 gems?

Check the Wiki for each gem, they will tell you what they get "per 1% quality".

I typically just get all of my gems to 20%, it's quite simple and not much of a bother since you're only spending 1 GCP per gem to do it.
Last edited by Gulch on Sep 11, 2019, 12:11:05 AM
Hey Guys,

I was checking poeaffix.net today searching for a shield base and it looks like the +1 totem effect was removed, i was told the same by a friend. Anyone can confirm this? Is there an alternative?



Checked Poe Trade, still possible. Nevermind
Last edited by luckaffe20 on Sep 11, 2019, 1:48:19 AM
luckaffe20 wrote:
Hey Guys,

I was checking poeaffix.net today searching for a shield base and it looks like the +1 totem effect was removed, i was told the same by a friend. Anyone can confirm this? Is there an alternative?



Checked Poe Trade, still possible. Nevermind

I used to use Poeaffix, but now I feel Poedb is better.
Last edited by JSquare on Sep 11, 2019, 4:15:13 AM
Just a quick question. Why is the projectile speed the best lab enchant? Only cause of clear speed ?
On what tier this build starts to struggle on blighted maps?

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