[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

Hey, thanks for the build ! I'm pretty still the the concept of this build so I'm still unsure if Champ is better than Slayer ! Also, should I always stay in Blood stance with Flesh and stone ?

Thanks !
Last edited by Obliks on Jun 9, 2019, 12:07:17 AM
Would this build be viable with Glad?
Hi,what about new Immortal call,it doesn't work with CWDT now :(
Поменял себе звуки Neversink фильтра на майвен. А чего добился ты?
А? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LGrFFvM5fKQRayPL81D9B3ZWfPoWM8x1/view?usp=sharing
Thanks for the precisions ;)

I wonder if steelskin might challenge the new immortal call.
Last edited by NatsouCarpien on Jun 8, 2019, 11:43:08 PM
Hey man, it's a good build, but with the new tree, we have a lot of impale nodes, you can upgrade the tree?
hi iam doing you build following you guide. but you saying that i shut go over to cyclone when i got the mana leech node. but i dont see any node on you tre you made. ?
Hi,what about new Immortal call,it doesn't work with CWDT now :(

Still works with it. Should level it some now.
Do we need 111 int for Infused channeling? That sounds really harsh to get
I replaced two life nodes for Mana Flows node and it feels so much better.

Better QOL overall.
New PoB update is out!

i've started this out as my league start and man this has been SUCH a good league so far. this build is ridiculously fun. leap slamming around and spinning the map away. thank you! i hope everyone's league start has been good :)
Last edited by biscuitpantsguy on Jun 9, 2019, 2:27:48 AM

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