[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

Avocadoe wrote:
What's the rationale behind a weapon swap for scourge vs. just putting a 6L scourge setup in Death's Opus? And why is swapping to Yoke of Suffering necessary?

I'm too poor for all these 6L, so my plan is 6L Scourge (Death's Opus) & 6L Ice Shot (Hyrri's Ire) - currently just using 6L Ice Shot and gem swapping Barrage for bosses (which doesn't feel like it hits that hard, weirdly enough).

Because Chin Sol with scourge arrow is almost double the damage (that also doesn't need any links) cos if you have Ice shot in your Opus, and Scourge in your Hyrri's then for lower bosses you can just use opus, Chin Sol's literally for Uber Elder only really.

Yoke is because of the elemental damage can shock, making them thorn arrows do stupid damage, no other reason except hitting like 30mill dps.
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Thanks for amazing build! Well, you could improve gear and skill transitions for League starters and noobs like me. Right now I'm struggling with jewels. I literally have no money and your shown gear is worth a lot... Any budget options for gear, jewels and so on?

The base items are always
Opus and Hyrri's Demise

The next level is
Elder Ring with Life Gained for Each Enemy Hit By Your Attacks
Hyrri's Ire

Level after that is
Green Nightmare

And then to get it going super smooth
1.8% crit hatred watchers eye

Thanks for reply. How about skill tree then? Where should I go from level ~25? Your recommendation is to go with claw skills but since it's league starter should I go for bows or should I go "down" (looking at your PoB)?
can i ask what amulet for bossing like shaper and ue, guardians?
i fell that glooming isnt needed for bossing or even mapping at all, we all do 1 shot to t15 mobs, but for bosses it's problem.
Crit bow always knockback the bosses, and then we have to chase them, make long time to kill boss more than few secs
so what the best skill to bossing? barrage or scourge?
Ice Shot is so good now with the extra added damage and the fix to chain mechanic. I'm in love!

Current stats:
lvl: 98
Life: 5.281
ES: 1.157 (Using Soul Tether for the overleech so ES is always full)
PoB Ice Shot dps: 5.4 Million (9 arrows with +4 chain)
Hideout tooltip with flasks: 480k (9 arrows with +4 chain)

I'm not using Point Blank and Gloomfang though. Hate standing close to bosses with so little HP and I feel not having the PB dmg decrease at range for map clear and deep delves is much nicer.

Here's my PoB for reference: https://pastebin.com/0wHMm6jK

One small tip, you really shouldn't tick the 'is the enemy shocked' box in PoB. This still uses the old shock calculation where it just applies a 50% more dmg bonus, instead of the new calc where the dmg bonus is based on the actual amount of lightning dmg you do.

Awesome build!

Fritso wrote:
Ice Shot is so good now with the extra added damage and the fix to chain mechanic. I'm in love!

Current stats:
lvl: 98
Life: 5.281
ES: 1.157 (Using Soul Tether for the overleech so ES is always full)
PoB Ice Shot dps: 5.4 Million (9 arrows with +4 chain)
Hideout tooltip with flasks: 480k (9 arrows with +4 chain)

I'm not using Point Blank and Gloomfang though. Hate standing close to bosses with so little HP and I feel not having the PB dmg decrease at range for map clear and deep delves is much nicer.

Here's my PoB for reference: https://pastebin.com/0wHMm6jK

One small tip, you really shouldn't tick the 'is the enemy shocked' box in PoB. This still uses the old shock calculation where it just applies a 50% more dmg bonus, instead of the new calc where the dmg bonus is based on the actual amount of lightning dmg you do.

Awesome build!

Looking at your PoB and build looks different. Even items. You should do your own guide and link it to others (I will the first :D)
What skill points we get after level 30?

Anyone have a leveling tree until maps?


Also, all the items for this build are so expensive lol :P

Whats the prioritys?
Hello, can anyone please recomend alternative gear for Hyrri's ire?? it is too pricy for me atm
Hey, what anointment should I go for the ammy, currently just using some cheap ass +30 strenght for my points.
I personally use Aspect of the Eagle, pretty cheap to craft (so no worries when you change your amulet) and nice stats.

I'd like to know which one would be recommended for endgame.
Balantakos wrote:
What skill points we get after level 30?

Anyone have a leveling tree until maps?


Also, all the items for this build are so expensive lol :P

Whats the prioritys?

Follow the video guide it covers everything you need up until level 78

And the only mandatory items are Opus and Demise.

You can farm Lioneye's Fall in Act 6, but really you should be killing efficiently enough by then to have saved up enough to get one pretty easily. If not then just take the duelist wheel for leech until you can swap over to the claw nodes

Then you go for Hyrri's Ire

then you go for Elder Ring and Gloomfang
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D

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