[RETIRED] MUSCLEMANCER 2 | Souleater Winter Orb JUGG | Insane Clearspeed | Immune to Phys Damage

The_x_ile wrote:
will the duration still be good?
its now 1.2 sec base duration, so wont scale for long.. will need to recast worb every ~20 sec (kind of annoying)?

I think the new duration is 4.2seconds

Hey, oscrix, which chestplate would you recommend instead the eternity one? Loreweave? Carcass maybe even?
The_x_ile wrote:
will the duration still be good?
its now 1.2 sec base duration, so wont scale for long.. will need to recast worb every ~20 sec (kind of annoying)?

Due to the insane amount of cast speed this build can get, it takes miliseconds to stack winter orb to 10. So when you're mapping the base duration will not be an issue. You will just have to channel for ~.3-5 seconds every 20 seconds.

Karr123 wrote:

I think the new duration is 4.2seconds

Hey, oscrix, which chestplate would you recommend instead the eternity one? Loreweave? Carcass maybe even?

Really you could use any chestpiece, the ones you listed are good options. Eternity shroud just offers the most bang for your buck with elemental as extra chaos conversion.

Wouldn't this make it 1.2s X 250% = 4.2s?

I played Vaal Molten Shell build (which is now deleted, so now I'll try yours out in Legion!) with increased durations, I was using Shackles of the Wretched also. How do you generate frenzy/power charges? Mysticism node?

Suggestions: instead shaper Schackles, use enfeeble on hit with vaal corruption (you don't get affected by the enfeeble). If you take the double curse node (would cost you 4 points if you remove the 5% curse eff. near constitution and you would get 5% extra curse effectiveness this way (even though you are maxed already, maybe take 5% more and use 20% helm enchant which is way cheaper))

It would cost 3 points for double curse if you tweaked your tree a bit at the cost of 10str for 10int.


Why do you use Sanctity node? Also remove 10 unnecessary intelligence points (or power charge duration) near Instability node.

Portal + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks -> Fortify + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks and put the portal instead Phys to Lightning where your BV is? You can use Enduring cry in the weapon swap.

Take mana nodes instead life regen near Potency of Will? Maybe you can remove Deep Thoughts now and get 2 extra points?

I've made this tree https://pastebin.com/HLNEHC2U based on these suggestions. (you get -100 life -100 mana, +enfeeble, +66% extra resistances, damage unchanged mostly, still lv. 96)

Last edited by Karr123 on Jun 6, 2019, 9:37:13 PM
Karr123 wrote:

Wouldn't this make it 1.2s X 250% = 4.2s?

Yeah, you should have a bout a 4.2s duration base increased by your 45% skill duration to 6 seconds. Then your 400% expiry reduction should take it to ~24 seconds. Nonetheless, keeping your winter orb up while mapping is not an issue. Just tap it when you go to pick up something and it will stay maxed out easily.

Curse implicit shackles would be good, I agree. I didn't bother with it but they are a solid option and much easier to get than shaper shackles.

As for the curse effectiveness node, you could do that and drop sanctify. As you said with a 30% helm enchant you only need 5% on the tree, so its kind of a waste but if you want to get +1 curse and you have a way of applying two curses that could be good.

Portal is there because of Vaal Portal, which helps you stack up your charges while mapping if they drop off at a bad time (Like right before a boss.). I agree that fortify would be a good choice , especially before you have a Vaal Portal.

I edited but not fast enough I guess =P

Karr123 wrote:

Portal + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks -> Fortify + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks and put the portal instead Phys to Lightning where your BV is? You can use Enduring cry in the weapon swap.

Oscrix wrote:
Karr123 wrote:

Wouldn't this make it 1.2s X 250% = 4.2s?

Yeah, you should have a bout a 4.2s duration base increased by your 45% skill duration to 6 seconds. Then your 400% expiry reduction should take it to ~24 seconds.

i think the math here is wrong.
the base duration is still 1.2 sec, so the 45% increase duration will be added to the 250% (they both increased, no multi here):
1.2 X 295% (or 395) = 4.74. add to that the expiry reduce and you will get 18.95 sec before it ends.
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595
- the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774
- the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823
The_x_ile wrote:

i think the math here is wrong.
the base duration is still 1.2 sec, so the 45% increase duration will be added to the 250% (they both increased, no multi here):
1.2 X 295% (or 395) = 4.74. add to that the expiry reduce and you will get 18.95 sec before it ends.

You are right about that, I definitely put the 45% as a multiplier instead of being additive accidentally. Your math is correct
Karr123 wrote:
I edited but not fast enough I guess =P

Karr123 wrote:

Portal + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks -> Fortify + Leap Slam + Fast Attacks and put the portal instead Phys to Lightning where your BV is? You can use Enduring cry in the weapon swap.

This is a good solution. You'll lose some damage on BV but thats pretty negligible anyways. Alternatively you could have a shaped Unset ring as well.

I cut enduring cry for Vaal Righteous Fire on my current build. 16 seconds of more spell damage multiplier + degen is really nice. If you want more defenses vaal grace is really nice as well, or vaal haste.
Last edited by Oscrix on Jun 7, 2019, 2:31:57 AM

This jewel(costs around 40c i think) + Righteous Fire (to not be Full Life) + Blood Magic + Mortal Conviction (for any free aura, maybe Vitality for +life on hit from Watchers, you can also Essence worm for a herald if you want)

Basically a better Omeyocan, except you don't need to use any boots or the ring.

So you have 20% of your mana as life regen, 0 mana, but no Mind over Matter, also you might do too much damage at to yourself at +200 soul eater?

No Omeyocan's = you don't need to be the juggernaut (you can use Kaom's Roots, also immortal call is not as good as before)
(I've tested it and it appears that a blood rage instead RF is sufficient to stay at 0 mana with the flask on, too bad you don't have mana at all as blood magic LOL)

If not this jewel, this looks good as well (1200+ ES for a jewel

Last edited by Karr123 on Jun 10, 2019, 9:53:16 PM
So you have 20% of your mana regen as life regen, 0 mana, but no Mind over Matter, also you might do too much damage at to yourself at +200 soul eater?

Soul eater gives cast and attack speed per stack. It will not buff RF dmg.

Makes me start to think what other ascendancies would make strong musclemancy.

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