[3.9] Gryph's CI Vortex + Coldsnap Trickster || Uber Elder+Everything Else

Sometimes i saw (more than once )

Vulnerable to lightning and fire but not to cold

Maybe im doing something wrong to proc EE

My gear

JaxRC wrote:
Sometimes i saw (more than once )

Vulnerable to lightning and fire but not to cold

Maybe im doing something wrong to proc EE

My gear

looks correct to me. You'll jsut want to make sure that you have a brand/OOS on bosses as technically CS and Vortex have an initial hit.
Great build, thx for this. Having a blast in t16s and killed awakener. Here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/L8PJEfZA

In awakener fight 3 deaths to bug on stairs (you can not move from meteor circles). One to moving in to clouds when returning back.
Few times my HP pool saved me with barely some life (meteors bugs). I had like 8750 shield with fortify, but there is not much time to keep fortify up so maybe I could just drop it for the fight. Also I took decoy totem but did not do much bcs of it's low level (strg gem).

Do not know if it's a good idea, but I am playing with double courses - enfeeble on CWDT and frostbite on Wand! If you can not efford frostbite ring I recomend frostbite on wand for even clearing maps, it goes much faster.

Should I buy atziri's mirror? When I changed my PoB settings to yours. I have 1,4Mil Vortex DPS, build with mirror and watchers eye etc has like 2Mil shaper DPS.
I am now sitting on like 18 EX and do not know if I should start to min maxing this build. Any ideas?
K3iVi wrote:
Great build, thx for this. Having a blast in t16s and killed awakener. Here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/L8PJEfZA

In awakener fight 3 deaths to bug on stairs (you can not move from meteor circles). One to moving in to clouds when returning back.
Few times my HP pool saved me with barely some life (meteors bugs). I had like 8750 shield with fortify, but there is not much time to keep fortify up so maybe I could just drop it for the fight. Also I took decoy totem but did not do much bcs of it's low level (strg gem).

Do not know if it's a good idea, but I am playing with double courses - enfeeble on CWDT and frostbite on Wand! If you can not efford frostbite ring I recomend frostbite on wand for even clearing maps, it goes much faster.

I actually just prefer to use Witchfire Brew for Despair. If you want to go Despair+Frostbite dual curse, there's nothing wrong with that.

K3iVi wrote:
Should I buy atziri's mirror? When I changed my PoB settings to yours. I have 1,4Mil Vortex DPS, build with mirror and watchers eye etc has like 2Mil shaper DPS.
I am now sitting on like 18 EX and do not know if I should start to min maxing this build. Any ideas?

If you are enjoying the build and plan to keep doing so...then yes, get Reflection and min-max to your heart's content. :)

any idea why the +1 to cold skill gems amulet gives me less dps than the other one? shouldn't it give me ass much damage as changin my vortex to 21 on pob


any idea why the +1 to cold skill gems amulet gives me less dps than the other one? shouldn't it give me ass much damage as changin my vortex to 21 on pob


It's actually surprisingly simple...POB isn't calculating that mod when it's on your amulet. I just added it to your wand to compensate. Looks like a 12% DPS boost.

Great build! Having a lot of fun with it and melting anything.

What would you upgrade first? Atziri's Reflection or Watcher's Eye?

Here's my gear for context:



What would be the best weapon for the build now that multimod got changed?

Some weapon with +1 to cold spell gems, but I am also looking for some guide how to craft one. Or how to buy one with possibilty to enchant it with Trigger socketed spells.
Does anyone know how to craft/buy one?

It's my first time playing Vortex/Cold Snap and I'm on HC.

Because I'm not used to the playstyle, I find it's a bit dangerous because we need to be near the enemy so that he gets in the Vortex.

How do you normally play this build between Cold Snap and Vortex?

Also, should I make any changes suitable to HC, besides going Grace instead of Malevolence?

Thanks :)

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