Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]

You know "any items work" is a huge red flag right? Yikes.
Ha ha ha. Oh, DamageIncorporated. I almost made it a whole league without hearing from you. Everytime I see your posts I check your post history in hopes that, in some way, you've decided to start trying to be helpful...kind...something. It's never too late to start! I've had some good suggestions this league for improvements for the builds I write. Some from the experienced, some from the new. I'll likely be incorporating some of them into my 3.7 stuff and beyond as well!

But you post on so many threads every league, over and over, with criticisms that have no intent of edification. It's a shame to have so much opportunity and not use it to help people beyond PoE. Think of all the people you could help with simple kindness instead of pride. Words always go farther than you think. You've probably hurt way more people a lot worse than you realize.

I have no issue with constructive criticism (please remember the restrictions and intent of my builds) but you have such a long history of proud comments I can't help but think you're asking for help. I mean, I even told you once that you were picking on a handicapped person (just so you could remember the reason for my build restrictions)...and you still go on.

Some people really don't have anyone to talk to. Help can come from the most unexpected places. It might sound odd, but if you'd like to talk about anything, I'm happy to help. I mean, I've only lived part of one I don't know much, but everyone needs an ear. I don't want to go against any of GGG's policies, so PM me with anything and I'm happy to listen.

Either way, I'm sure I'll hear from you next league. (Maybe my build will be better for it next time?)

Stopped reading your asnine trolling reply after the first sentence. Have fun with your " any items work" builds though. At least I don't post run on paragraphs riddled with insults. Way to exaggerate too. Making lots of sense!
You don't have to message if you don't want to. I get it. But you're honestly welcome to PM me. "The door is always open" kinda thing. Have fun in 3.7 though. I'm quite excited for it. I'll be testing out a build for making a new guide for 3.8 :). Anyone excited? I'm excited. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Going to be any change on the skill tree for the new changes?
Hey Quicksilver27025,

I try to keep up on all GGG news but I don't catch it all. I'm not sure if the tree itself is going to be dramatically changed, or if they are simply making neat additions (like sneaking in Wicked Ward). But, one positive thing is that GGG was really thinking RF when they built the we know that even if the tree changes lots that RF won't be hurt by it. I'll still focus on Maximum life, Endurance Charges, and Life Regen before Damage. Most people dont' even get to the juicy damage nodes at the top before they clear the Atlas anyway, so it's just "bonus coin" once you get there.

I'll be posting my hopeful/intended changes as the changes get announced. I'm excited for the changes. This build will be so much stronger. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Going to be any change on the skill tree for the new changes?
Hey Quicksilver27025,

I try to keep up on all GGG news but I don't catch it all. I'm not sure if the tree itself is going to be dramatically changed, or if they are simply making neat additions (like sneaking in Wicked Ward). But, one positive thing is that GGG was really thinking RF when they built the we know that even if the tree changes lots that RF won't be hurt by it. I'll still focus on Maximum life, Endurance Charges, and Life Regen before Damage. Most people dont' even get to the juicy damage nodes at the top before they clear the Atlas anyway, so it's just "bonus coin" once you get there.

I'll be posting my hopeful/intended changes as the changes get announced. I'm
excited for the changes. This build will be so much stronger.

Yeah I to am exited to try out the changes coming. I do the same on as you said stay with life as dmg works its way in anyway as we progress. I think the build is strong now so can't wait to see what it will do after the patch. ATM im working on the vortex build now since I got to 85 on the zombie build. Hope the vortex build wont suffer much with the change to Wicket Ward but I am sure we can find a way to compensate if so.

Thanks for the info as always and I will keep checking back to see if you make any changes during these exiting times. Happy gaming Wrecker!
Last edited by Quicksilver27025 on May 31, 2019, 8:08:18 PM
Hey Everyone!

So for those that are interested in playing this build for 3.7 or those that will continue it on Standard, here are the changes that I'm thinking are coming to the 3.7 version of this build. I normally don't like changing anything if I can help it and unfortunately this build has seen its fair share of changes. Sorry :(. Two things propted change for 3.7:

- They changed the Chieftain ascendancy. (That's kinda a big deal.)
- I was getting really nauseous bouncing around enemies if I didn't use a Quartz flask to phase through enemies. The screen bounces around too aggressively when that happens. This made the build more nauseating to play than the other builds I have that have movement skills. (I didn't see that coming 100 yards away.)

So here are the new changes to the Chieftain ascendancy. I'll be selecting nodes 3, 1, and 8. The fourth one is still up for grabs. It'll obviously depend on what GGG reveals in the next week and what skills are coming. Here are the gem links I'm considering:

5 Link - RF
4 Link - Holy Flame Totem
4 Link - Consecrated Path, Fortify, CoH, Enfeeble
4 Link - CwDT (20), Stone Golem, Molten Shell, Holy Relic
3 Link - Purity of Fire, Malevolence, and something else ;)
3 Link - CwDT (2), Wave of Conviction (8), Purifying Flame (12)

One complaint about the build was that HFT took a lot of mana to cast often as a 5 link. It kinda MADE the build need mana mods. I figure having RF as a 5/6 link makes great sense as RF doesn't cost mana no matter the links, and HFT can be a 6 link in a helmet just as easily as RF can. This way the HFT will be much easier to cast as a 4 link. Also, having RF (our main skill) as a 5 link (doing more damage) makes sense. It's also easier to find a 5 link than it is to find the appropriate Elder/Shaper mods on a 4 link to "5 link" it. So we may as well have our main skill, the mana friendly one, as the 5/6 link.

Endurance charges on the new Chieftain ascendancy will be really easy to get with the build's natural playstyle, so we have no more need of Enduring Cry (unless the skill changes).

I added Summon Holy Relic for extra life regen and minor bonus damage (since I'm adding an attack skill).

I removed Increased Crit chance as we have now 2 spells firing all the time, 3 totems firing all the time, and Consecrated Path hitting quite often. I'm sure we'll almost always have Elemental Overload on with all the skills hitting that often...even if their crit chances are low.

I added a movement skill. As mentioned above, I surprisingly got quite nauseous playing this build...and ironically a movement skill may be the answer. So, since my favourite movement skill (Charged Dash) isn't really usable for me (there's a glitch that causes channelling skills to sometimes stutter), I tried to find a movement skill that coincides well with the build. Hopefully I'll be able to cope with the skill and find natural ways to avoid the screen's movement at the right time.
So I've chosen Consecrated Path. It provides Consecrated Ground (life regen), allows us to beef up with Fortify and proc Enfeeble, and also proc Holy Relics life regen perks for us. All aspects of the skill coincide well with the build. The only issue will be accuracy. We don't focus on weapons at all in the tree and as a result our accuracy will be pretty bad. Consecrated Path only moves if the skill rolls a Hit. BUT, I don't really see this being a problem as the skill can't be used as an escape (it only moves TO enemies), that'll have to be flasks...which I prefer anyway. So the accuracy issue will simply be overcome by holding the movement skill button down instead of tapping it. The skill will move once it hits and it'll move without me needing to pay too much attention to it (just like hitting the button once).

Anyway, lots of changes. But if you're doing Standard the changes are actually quite easy to accommodate. Thanks for listening :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Going to be any change on the skill tree for the new changes?
Hey Quicksilver27025,

I try to keep up on all GGG news but I don't catch it all. I'm not sure if the tree itself is going to be dramatically changed, or if they are simply making neat additions (like sneaking in Wicked Ward). But, one positive thing is that GGG was really thinking RF when they built the we know that even if the tree changes lots that RF won't be hurt by it. I'll still focus on Maximum life, Endurance Charges, and Life Regen before Damage. Most people dont' even get to the juicy damage nodes at the top before they clear the Atlas anyway, so it's just "bonus coin" once you get there.

I'll be posting my hopeful/intended changes as the changes get announced. I'm
excited for the changes. This build will be so much stronger.

Yeah I to am exited to try out the changes coming. I do the same on as you said stay with life as dmg works its way in anyway as we progress. I think the build is strong now so can't wait to see what it will do after the patch. ATM im working on the vortex build now since I got to 85 on the zombie build. Hope the vortex build wont suffer much with the change to Wicket Ward but I am sure we can find a way to compensate if so.

Thanks for the info as always and I will keep checking back to see if you make any changes during these exiting times. Happy gaming Wrecker!
Sweet! I hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for the thanks and happy gaming to you too :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
I am very interested in how this build works out with all the changes in 3.7.
considering this as my league starter. Hope you incoperate the changes into the guide comming week.

Nice guide. really like the idea of combining all these acyive skills to a more relaxed playstyle. keep up the good work.
morph444 wrote:
I am very interested in how this build works out with all the changes in 3.7.
considering this as my league starter. Hope you incoperate the changes into the guide comming week.

Nice guide. really like the idea of combining all these acyive skills to a more relaxed playstyle. keep up the good work.
Sweet. Thanks morph444,

Thanks for taking the time to be thoughtful! I just finished watching Baelclast #40 where Jonathan shows off lots of the newly implemented game mechanics. I'm really excited because movement skills have been something I have typically avoided in all of my builds if possible...but watching the new Leap Slam has given me hope that the steady and slow screen movement will be much easier for me. I know the demo was at the beginning of the game with a character that has no movement speed, but still.

Thanks again! I'll be posting a link to the new 3.7 guide shortly after the patch notes are released. Feel free to post any feedback as well. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
wonderful guide! I am considering this for my league starter for 3.7. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.

I have one item I am confused on. The new Chieftain Ascendancy node grants Endurance charges on hit.

Righteous Fire does not hit, if I understand it correctly.

Does Holy Flame totem count as a hit for the character to proc the ascendancy node for endurance charges?

I will be eagerly awaiting the new Path of Building link once the patch notes come out.

I like the look of the new gem links!

I may experiment with my own move skill as I usually need some sort of panic escape that is 100% available, but the consecrated path looks interesting.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jun 2, 2019, 12:47:10 PM
One more question I just thought of.

Will the Holy Relic reliably cast if CWDT is at level 20?

I have never used this skill and was wondering how important it is? I would not mind self casting it in the spot where you have "something else" if it is an advantage to have up often.
wonderful guide! I am considering this for my league starter for 3.7. Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.

I have one item I am confused on. The new Chieftain Ascendancy node grants Endurance charges on hit.

Righteous Fire does not hit, if I understand it correctly.

Does Holy Flame totem count as a hit for the character to proc the ascendancy node for endurance charges?

I will be eagerly awaiting the new Path of Building link once the patch notes come out.

I like the look of the new gem links!

I may experiment with my own move skill as I usually need some sort of panic escape that is 100% available, but the consecrated path looks interesting.

The new Ascendancy is 35% chance to gain an endurance charge when you use a fire skill. You may just have read it wrong but the change will be much better to gain endurance charges.
Last edited by Quicksilver27025 on Jun 2, 2019, 4:24:16 PM

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