Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]

Completely new player here and have to say I not only liked your build, I really liked your guide and how you set out each part of whats required

POE is a little daunting for a new player but you just made things hella simple and straightforward so my thanks for this :)
~ If it moves, kill it ~
superdreddie wrote:
superdreddie wrote:
Thanks for your reply earlier to my question. I like easy play/clear builds, so your builds are perfect. I wouldn't say relaxing because POE can be quite stressful for me ;)

I was thinking of trying you minion build for 3.7, but I am not sure if charged dash is comfortable enough for console play, with the channeling and such. Also console is quite laggy for me in the flashback league, even with simple RF effect so I don't know how it will work with more spell effects...

Anyway, thanks for making these simple to use builds. :)
I'm glad you're liking them! Funny how that works hey? Stress free but not relaxing.

Regarding Charged Dash, I find CD WAY easier to control and navigate on the console. I have two consoles at my place. An original Xbox One and an Xbox One S. Here's a link to my most recent gaming sessions with the Slow Mo Zombies build. I'll play my Slow Mo Zombies for a bit tonight on the Original Xbox One (the slowest of the xboxs) and you can see if you think it's too laggy. I've never noticed an issue. My internet speed is 150mbs up and down so that helps a bit for sure. And sometimes GGG just as little issues with servers. Not often though. They are pretty good! Anyway, check it out and see if it'd work for you. (The Vortex guide has very little happening on the screen. That may be an option if you're concerned about hardware performance.)

You're very welcome. Thanks for the thanks. I'll be using this coming league to really push my Caustic Arrow build. If the 3.7 changes. The build is already really strong and I don't think that the 3.7 changes will really impact it. So that guide "should" be ready for 3.8. The reason I bore you with that is because that build is an EXTREMELY easy build to play on console. So it's something to keep in mind for the future.

Anyway! Thanks a lot! Let me know if you have any other questions.
superdreddie wrote:

For the lag, I just had a couple of maps with laggy mods: beyond, harbringer, perandus and an opened breach at the same time, while running into blue/yellow packs... My poor console could not handle all the monster spawners. :( Luckily RF + HFT can kill/sustain without input from me so I lived but that was not relaxing :p
Ha ha. Ya, that would do it...on any build on console. Let me know how things go if you give the other one a shot. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Oh my! The new Chieftain ascendancy nodes make this build so much stronger in 3.8. I'm so excited! Check the preview out here.

I'm interested in people's input though. I will definitely select nodes 3, 1, and 8. I'm debating between a few for the final ascendancy slot, but I'm curious what you would pick. 6, 10, 12, or 16?

Hey Wrecker

These changes are awesome for this build! I do agree with 3, 1, 8. and for the last I will go with 10 or 12. Will have to test 12 to see if it is worth it or not. Hard to give up that 8% less dmg taken though but like I said I will test it out for sure. Far as dmg goes the boost we got to 1 and 3 is enough to me, now if I can stay alive with using 12 things may get real melty lol!

I have not been able to get much play time in as I would like but have been enjoying this build for sure. The reason why is I have been working on your zombie build. So far at lvl 80 and tbh that build is strong and fun to play. Those zombies just wreck everything and if they don't well the skeletons will. Another great build job well done!
I'm a little bummed that everyone else is now going to use Chieftain for RF now as well instead of the Jugg...but oh well. Thanks for the opinion! The 4th ascendancy node is going to be hard to pick. None are perfect, but many are good.

I'm glad you're liking the Zombie Build! If you have any suggestions to the guide or build, let me know.

Thanks for the thanks and the response! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
0nyX wrote:
Completely new player here and have to say I not only liked your build, I really liked your guide and how you set out each part of whats required

POE is a little daunting for a new player but you just made things hella simple and straightforward so my thanks for this :)
Hey 0nyX,

Welcome to the crazy world of PoE! I love many games, but haven't played any others since I started PoE. My backlog of games will never get touched again ;). If you have ANY questions about the game, it's mechanics...anything, let us know. LOTS of PoE players just want new people to get the game and have fun playing it. There are many things in the game that aren't explained so ask whatever you like.

Thanks for taking the time to be thankful. I'm glad that I was able to help. If you have any suggestions for the guide or the build let me know! After playing PoE for a while, it's easy to miss things...things I didn't know I was assuming or weren't in the guide. So if you were looking for some sort of answer that you didn't find in the guide, let me know.

Thanks again for the thanks! Have fun! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
You know "any items work" is a huge red flag right? Yikes.
You know "any items work" is a huge red flag right? Yikes.
Ha ha ha. Oh, DamageIncorporated. I almost made it a whole league without hearing from you. Everytime I see your posts I check your post history in hopes that, in some way, you've decided to start trying to be helpful...kind...something. It's never too late to start! I've had some good suggestions this league for improvements for the builds I write. Some from the experienced, some from the new. I'll likely be incorporating some of them into my 3.7 stuff and beyond as well!

But you post on so many threads every league, over and over, with criticisms that have no intent of edification. It's a shame to have so much opportunity and not use it to help people beyond PoE. Think of all the people you could help with simple kindness instead of pride. Words always go farther than you think. You've probably hurt way more people a lot worse than you realize.

I have no issue with constructive criticism (please remember the restrictions and intent of my builds) but you have such a long history of proud comments I can't help but think you're asking for help. I mean, I even told you once that you were picking on a handicapped person (just so you could remember the reason for my build restrictions)...and you still go on.

Some people really don't have anyone to talk to. Help can come from the most unexpected places. It might sound odd, but if you'd like to talk about anything, I'm happy to help. I mean, I've only lived part of one I don't know much, but everyone needs an ear. I don't want to go against any of GGG's policies, so PM me with anything and I'm happy to listen.

Either way, I'm sure I'll hear from you next league. (Maybe my build will be better for it next time?) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
First, thank you for this guide.

My question is will the build still work in 3.7 like now?
Or is there a lot of changes there?
I read that the chieftain ascendent was completely reworked.
Can you tell me something about it?

You know "any items work" is a huge red flag right? Yikes.
Ha ha ha. Oh, DamageIncorporated. I almost made it a whole league without hearing from you. Everytime I see your posts I check your post history in hopes that, in some way, you've decided to start trying to be helpful...kind...something. It's never too late to start! I've had some good suggestions this league for improvements for the builds I write. Some from the experienced, some from the new. I'll likely be incorporating some of them into my 3.7 stuff and beyond as well!

But you post on so many threads every league, over and over, with criticisms that have no intent of edification. It's a shame to have so much opportunity and not use it to help people beyond PoE. Think of all the people you could help with simple kindness instead of pride. Words always go farther than you think. You've probably hurt way more people a lot worse than you realize.

I have no issue with constructive criticism (please remember the restrictions and intent of my builds) but you have such a long history of proud comments I can't help but think you're asking for help. I mean, I even told you once that you were picking on a handicapped person (just so you could remember the reason for my build restrictions)...and you still go on.

Some people really don't have anyone to talk to. Help can come from the most unexpected places. It might sound odd, but if you'd like to talk about anything, I'm happy to help. I mean, I've only lived part of one I don't know much, but everyone needs an ear. I don't want to go against any of GGG's policies, so PM me with anything and I'm happy to listen.

Either way, I'm sure I'll hear from you next league. (Maybe my build will be better for it next time?)

Stopped reading your asnine trolling reply after the first sentence. Have fun with your " any items work" builds though. At least I don't post run on paragraphs riddled with insults. Way to exaggerate too. Making lots of sense!
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on May 31, 2019, 2:24:31 PM
Going to be any change on the skill tree for the new changes?
Last edited by Quicksilver27025 on May 31, 2019, 4:52:39 PM
Schnuecks wrote:
First, thank you for this guide.

My question is will the build still work in 3.7 like now?
Or is there a lot of changes there?
I read that the chieftain ascendent was completely reworked.
Can you tell me something about it?

Hey Schnuecks,

You're very welcome! This build is going to be so much better in 3.7! The Chieftain changes work so well in RF's favour. The sad part is, though it doesn't impact us at all, is that everyone else will be using Chieftain for RF now instead of Juggs. And since the new Chieftain screams RF, it'll likely be quick popular making it's gear a little more pricey (for those that buy).

So, take a look at this link here. I'm going to be taking nodes 3, 1, and 8. The fourth major node is up for grabs still. They've added WAY more life recovery to this ascendancy along with a +1 to maximum Endurance Charges! Oh! They also added the ability to gain Endurance charges just by hitting people, so we won't need Enduring Cry anymore.

I hope the tree itself doesn't change too much but that hasn't been released yet.

Even if the Chieftain stayed the same I was likely going to incorporate Fortify into the build. It was driving me nuts not having it. I'll explain that in a reply to everyone tonight sometime. So the skill links will change a bit, but not much.

I don't really know what it'll look like though until the passive tree is actually released.

Great questions. Ask more if you like. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:

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