Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

I'd like to join please, can I get an invite?
I'm interested in joining if you still have an open spot.
Hey im interested in joining if theres a spot open! :)

Account name Nooders
Character name ConcaveBoobies
Highest Level 90
Hey guys i loved the calm and mature vibe you wrote,

Account: Smirpt
Char: Winterpt
been playing poe for 7 years now and im on UK time GMT 0
10 to 15 hours a week of play time.

Would love to join you i think this great game should be shared with others :D
hi i em ssf player but i play standars legue to cann you pls invite me
I would be interested to join...I am new here and looking for a community. Player name: CausticDoT

Invite me pls
Hello, can you envite me? thanks
Consistent trade league player. I'd appreciate an invite
I would like to join the guild. very mature lol. WoW player just starting POE.

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