Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

Would like to join the guild if u still have a spot open. Cheers.
Im interested in joining a new active guild. And I have discord.

My in game name on the heist flashback league is Coldyglurl

I'd love an invite! :)

Newer player here.
Hi. If there is a spot, I would like to join.
I tend to donate a lot of unused items. :)
Looking for a mature/friendly guild. Im 33 and live in canada.Im not the best player but i like the game so i play it. What i dont use i put in guildstash for other people to use.I hope theres still some spots :)

IGN : ToxicTrixta
Last edited by gloryous1987 on Dec 24, 2020, 1:05:38 PM
hey i just came back to play poe and was looking for a chill place to set in

my ign is Virridias currently try to get some flashback action

and my disc is ilyast#4535
Account Name: MasterWello
Character Name:ChiefWello
Time Zone: GMT +2
Year/Month started playing PoE: 7/20018
Highest Level:100
Account name - iSyniical
Character name - ShowmetheCOCNOVA
Highest level - 85

I'm pretty chill and tend to donate items I don't need. Looking to get this league going right.
Hi there. I would like to join your guild if still possible. Im on-line almost daily. Looking for fellow friendly players to have a nice gaming experience together.

Account name: Mřevnin
Character name: Mrevnin
Last edited by Mrevnin on Jan 12, 2021, 11:34:46 AM
Want to join, playing everyday after work.

Account: whatever2121
Character ColdBeachC lvl 87

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