[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

Otsai wrote:
Orion72 wrote:
Build has been fully updated to 3.10, will likely update further for 3.11 depending on any new changes to the tree, items etc.
What is your prognosis?
And what would you pick for a starter ED-C/TR Trickster or this?

I think this is likely to be an excellent HC build this coming league, but I wouldn't choose it as a starter at this point. The cluster jewels are just too essential to make it work, never mind that it really wants the crafted Elder helm and a Kaoms. I would choose a straightforward, low requirement build for league start, farm up currency and then make the switch. That's my plan, anyway.

Perhaps I'll see some of you in game. HC trade league for me.

Last edited by Orion72 on Jun 16, 2020, 8:50:31 PM
well the only real nerf was the loss of 30% slower virulence decay on disciples right?

but that hurts the cyclone version probably alot more?

e:besides tree i mean
Last edited by DeadManWalking33 on Jun 17, 2020, 7:50:37 AM
I haven't seen the cluster jewel changes yet. I didn't see them in the patch notes, did I miss them somewhere? Anyway, yes that will affect the cyclone version much more than the QR version. It will make a 4th Pure Agony less useful (assuming that one hasn't changed) But 3 Pure Agony was still quite solid for the QR version. Without disciples, my recollection is that the pure agonies were not really single-target functional.

Last edited by DeadManWalking33 on Jun 17, 2020, 5:41:10 PM
Much appreciated!
i like this build. I ask if this build is ready for Harvest League?
Re Harvest league:

I expect the 3.10 Quill Rain variation using 3 Pure Agonies (and leaving off disciples, which is now useless) to be in good shape for this league. I am planning to run this myself, though not as my starter, since I feel that the build -really- wants the cluster jewels to be any fun. Good luck with it!

I'm staying tuned for when you get around to running this build again.

I don't mind if it ain't a blazing fast DPS monster.
what im interested aswell is if you could stop useing a life flask with the new enduring warcry


2k life regen over 1 sek is better than a flask (but you have 6 sek cd)
atleast in bossfights without easy flask charge generation

or you could use the infernal cry for better clear? or do we know if rallying cry works on HoAG? could be great aswell and we path right next to the instant warcry node anyways
Regardless of the speed and/or reliance on the cluster jewels, I'm going to start as the Quill Rain version of this build!

I'm just too lazy to create a second character until I hit end-game with this guy.

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