[3.5-3.12 + 3,18 HC] Pure Herald of Agony Jugg. All content. Videos+Link to 3.14 & 3.15 Updates

using the storm brand version with 1 iron point and +2 helmet.

What is everyone thinking for their amulet annointment? steelskin seems expensive, but obv. great. Any other ideas? At lvl 77 with 5.7k life feeling pretty tanky.
Thought I was tanky too, but twice this league now i've got 1 shot by those damn metamorphs. I'm well away in distance from any damage and then BOOM instant death. Why do I play hardcore haha.
drummer88 wrote:
Thought I was tanky too, but twice this league now i've got 1 shot by those damn metamorphs. I'm well away in distance from any damage and then BOOM instant death. Why do I play hardcore haha.

damn, that sucks! I don't usually play HC. Build feels real tanky, but the damage was a little slow during leveling and that got me killed a few times. Also hard to tell if it was monster buffs from 3.9 or just the build not fully coming together for me until 70+.
This is my first time playing this build. Im currently at lvl 64 with:
Quill Rain - Devourer belt - Thief's torment - +2min helm
3.5K life
All elem. res capped-

Suddenly I got an expensive item I could sell for 100 chaos, and Im wondering how to improve the build becouse I'm startin to feel a little squeeze.

1. Since I'm playing HC and I'm still a newbie, I prefer survability vs clearspeed (I know clearspeed also gives you survability). With that in mind, would you recomend me to move to Cyclone version?

2. If so, at wich lvl should I move? May I save my money until the change?

3. The 3.9 tree looks like it has a lot of armour nodes, armour I'm not currently using. There's any version for Quill Rain with devourer?

Thank you guys for the help, and sorry for the misstypings. This is not my mother language
Advice as requested:

1. Buy 2 cold iron points, go cyclone. Damage is excellent
2. Buy decent armour, get vaal molten shell>inc duration Cheapest solid survivability in the game and you will want it for the cyclone version.
3. Not sure what Devourer belt is.


Orion72 wrote:
Advice as requested:

1. Buy 2 cold iron points, go cyclone. Damage is excellent
2. Buy decent armour, get vaal molten shell>inc duration Cheapest solid survivability in the game and you will want it for the cyclone version.
3. Not sure what Devourer belt is.


Quick question on VMS - why does it automatically explode? I was playing HoAG mana guardian last league and I remember VMS taking 10-15 seconds to go off but on Jugg it immediately pops.

Feel free to check my character - I got pretty lucky with some ex drops so was able to gear pretty easily.

If you have armour or pop a granite flask before using VMS it shouldnt explode like that. It will explode once it is used up and it is powered by your armou at the time you hit the skill.

New Build:

Eureka! I have created what I believe to be an excellent HCSSF Jugg summoner requiring virtually no gear while having the tankiness (with bossing and clear being reasonable) that everyone reading this thread must love. Currently level 92 on hcssf and have been rolling through T16s in nothing but a tabula.

Here's the link: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2696769

I'll still be checking in on this thread also.

Orion72 wrote:

If you have armour or pop a granite flask before using VMS it shouldnt explode like that. It will explode once it is used up and it is powered by your armou at the time you hit the skill.


Ah makes sense. Since I'm running Gluttony I don't have armour so that'll do it. I'll probably slot in a granite flask and use that before I pop it - should help with survivability.
Up to yellow maps in SC and been really good so far. The tankiness is a nice change from glass cannon builds that I've played before, especially in a boss-focused league.

I am concerned about damage output and cyclone facetanking when I get to higher red tiers. The metamorphs do a lot of very melee-unfriendly abilities such as those nasty chaos degen puddles and any slow projectile nova ability. Vaal Molten Shell can only do so much to keep you alive.

Thinking going storm brand over cyclone would help survivability a lot however I will miss that nice lgoh. Will probably run double Kaom's Way over Thief's Torment in this case.

For easy damage boost, I'm thinking Hatred/Generosity and Grips of the Council seems to be the way to go here.

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