[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Rake7 wrote:

Ah geez, really appreciate LNB's bumps. I would not try this build outside of softcore trade league in flashback, and I would have a plan on what other gear to use before the pieces are available for trade. Also, the Offering to the Serpent gloves would be a high priority if EO to deal with the more difficult content.

I really don't get what you like about those gloves. Do i miss something here? Is it only for the "life leech effects are not removed on full life"?

Yup, that's it (attack speed is nice, but whatever). Between those and the life gain from the swords nearly anything is facetankable, and the residual leech working for a few seconds afterwards is another layer of defense against whatever BS you aren't expecting.
Hi there! New to POE, and going to start over with my buddy for the Flashback league, I am wondering if there are any leveling tips? Your section is rather spare besides the skill trees. Cheers
aliasbane wrote:
Hi there! New to POE, and going to start over with my buddy for the Flashback league, I am wondering if there are any leveling tips? Your section is rather spare besides the skill trees. Cheers

Level with sunder until 38. you can use whatever weapons or a pair of screaming eagles. upgrade those to gryphons with the prophecy at 32. At 38, go blasphemy warlords with herald of purity and ash. drop purity if you can't sustain the mana yet. links are Tec slamn > multistrike > melee phys > combustion > ele weapon dmg > Added fire. Next unique weapon upgrade would be ichi with a scaeva, or just get some high pdps rare corsair swords. Keep that setup until maps and decide if you're going crit or EO, eye of innocence/mokous or daresso's/stun for charges, then follow the appropriate trees. you may have to switch them up a bit based on your gear. Once you get unyielding or the eye set up (and can sustain mana which should be around lvl 60), you can drop the blasphemy for AA.
Last edited by sleevelessless on May 13, 2019, 11:02:16 AM
Beskaius wrote:

Sure. Divine Judgement and Divine Fury will give more dps for less points than Heart of Flame tho :)
Last edited by sleevelessless on May 14, 2019, 1:40:18 AM
Decided to go back to this build for flashback and damn is this gear expensive right now lol. Luckily it’s pretty good on some budget rares and gets pretty well into maps. At this rate though the league will be done before I can kit it out with razors, eye and loreweave.
warmuth wrote:
Decided to go back to this build for flashback and damn is this gear expensive right now lol. Luckily it’s pretty good on some budget rares and gets pretty well into maps. At this rate though the league will be done before I can kit it out with razors, eye and loreweave.

Prices should be more reasonable a week or so for the Guardian drops (unless the Eye is being used for some new build). If you have the Eye/Mokou's, you can use a budget chest by getting any 6L and throwing an Essence of Insanity on it for perma onslaught.
Hi there. So havent played POE in a while and first time trying this build. I see in the guide there are many pastebin links for the build. Can you maybe give me a FINAL link for the crit version. Might just make my life easier. Thank you
Skaggyss wrote:
Hi there. So havent played POE in a while and first time trying this build. I see in the guide there are many pastebin links for the build. Can you maybe give me a FINAL link for the crit version. Might just make my life easier. Thank you

This looks about right. Brass Dome is another chest option:
Skaggyss wrote:
Hi there. So havent played POE in a while and first time trying this build. I see in the guide there are many pastebin links for the build. Can you maybe give me a FINAL link for the crit version. Might just make my life easier. Thank you

This looks about right. Brass Dome is another chest option:

Thank you very much

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