[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Kurgal delve boss video.
1:15 mark (should start there from link) pretty clearly demonstrates the effect of the Arakaali pantheon after the 2nd IC proc.
azureavenger wrote:

If you want to go Abyssus, I think Dome is the best choice. Negating crits feels great and I love free map mods. The synergies with Unbreakable are nice. That said, if you are prone to mental lapses, poor flasking, not being vigilant about fortify, and/or have some trouble just dodging with movement skills, you will die a lot. This is generally true for anything once your doing high rolled t16s / deep delve / whatever, but it's extra true with Abyssus. 3mil PoB DPS does feel pretty nice though.

Loreweave with the 20% helm enchant and phase acro is probably the better way to go. If you hate phase/acro take 3 jewel slots instead. I "only" lose 700k PoB DPS with this set up, and that doesn't account for the helm enchant. Resist are a pain regardless. If you can afford the inc phys dmg/inc buff Circle of Guilt, you should make that your second ring and get Oskarms. You should have no problem doing any content up to Uber Elder.

Also, as warmuth mentioned a few posts ago, the original Daresso's version of this build feels amazing for mapping. You drop the eye/mokou's and just use Unyielding/stun for endurance charge generation. This means Minotaur and Shaper should be treated with great care or just avoided (They have Unwavering stance, as do all Syndicate members). I would still modify that version into crit to get phase/acro easily. Near perma buffed onslaught feels great, even though it's less DPS than a loreweave. But, freeing up jewelry slots means you could go double Circle of guilt with Hyrri's Truth (seriously underrated new amulet). If your goal to chain t15s/16s all day, I would try this.

Hope you enjoyed this long answer that didn't actually give you a definitive answer to your question!

Thanks for the reply! That helped quite abit. Have decided to look for a decent loreweave to 6L, mainly because i think it'll be far too difficult to cap resists if i went for abyssus + dome. hopefully with a few jewels ill be able to drop my rare gloves for a oskarm.

what would u recommend for a good flask setup for mapping?

Only use oskarms if you have Circle of Guilt, otherwise use an ass mark ring and some spiked gloves or whatever. The crit corruption on the oskarms is also worth paying for, once you have the currency.

Flasks: Seething Divine Life flask of staunching, diamond flask of warding with either inc dur or reduced charges, adrenaline quicksilver if you like movement speed (if you just use moveskills replace with a unique flask).
Unique flask options: Atziri's flask (borderline mandatory). Pay for a good roll on both affixes. Which leaves you with 1 or 2 flask options.

Lion's roar is highest DPS but has knockback, which some (me) consider a drawback.
Wise Oak is next highest DPS, with some defensive benefit. If you manage to balance your resists, this is the best overall flask.
Next is Cinderswallow, which can have a nice crit chance veiled mod and give you more consistent onslaught and 10% inc damage taken (much better than generic inc damage) vs anything. The life and mana gain on kill are nice for mapping. It changes your ignites to green during flask effect, if that matters to you.
I've never bothered with Taste of Hate, but it should be very good, esp with Wise Oak. It may also give you enough cold damage to shatter, idk.

My advice is try out whatever's cheap, which is currently Lion's Roar. Currency is nearly free this league and the build is not expensive, so you can aim high and customize to your playstyle.

Lion's roar is arguably the best defensive flask in the game situationally, especially with Abyssus. It's annoying that you can't really roll it all the time due to the knockback but when things get dicey I pop it and sort things out after the dust clears a bit. It's got pretty decent synergy with Tec slam too in that we've got the range to still be dpsing anything that's getting pushed.
warmuth wrote:

Lion's roar is arguably the best defensive flask in the game situationally, especially with Abyssus. It's annoying that you can't really roll it all the time due to the knockback but when things get dicey I pop it and sort things out after the dust clears a bit. It's got pretty decent synergy with Tec slam too in that we've got the range to still be dpsing anything that's getting pushed.

I used the flask for a long time this league and liked it. I got worn down by how often i had to attack to keep fortify up (essentially a dps loss)or because i didn't trust i was doing offscreen damage (even though i was). But you're right about it being tops with Abyssus. I'll give it another go.
Could someone check my build. I do not know why I'm dying for a hit.
The second problem is mana :(.

I will be grateful for any advice.
Belzebub665 wrote:
Could someone check my build. I do not know why I'm dying for a hit.
The second problem is mana :(.

I will be grateful for any advice.

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kevc4 wrote:
i am ssf on 3.6 and a bit of a noob on poe, i have just finished and into maps , not done last lab yet and level 72 i have followed upto now your levelling guide below, but i dont have any items yet and i noticed you posted a different level 92 guide which do i follow because the new one goes right around the bottom of the tree and not much at the top going for the cruel preparation. bear in mind the items are all found

Your tree is for the non crit version, which is fine. Drop RT and take EO. Did you help Alira? That would be the choice for the crit version.

Since this is SSF, you won't have the uniques for the build anytime soon, if ever, you need to Unyielding and generate endurance charges with stun. Take avatar of fire for full conversion. Start using blood rage.


Something like that is fine before you start taking weapon specific nodes.

You need to farm for gear. You need better weapons. Cap your resists. Get a Tabula. You have to fix your flasks. Roll Seething Divine Life flasks. Do not run white flasks. 2 life flasks, a quicksilver, and 2 utility flasks is fine. Look at other people's builds or read a guide on flasks or something. The only necessary rolls you need are warding on a non instant flask and staunching on anything.
i need abit more help m8 on my ssf jug i have 9 point s to put in , i still dont have the weapons you have and i did kill all bandits
is there any rare weapons that i could find that would help me along , can you add a bit more to the tree you gave me
Last edited by kevc4 on Mar 30, 2019, 4:39:47 PM
Thanks so much for the help so far. Really enjoying the build, able to do T8 and T9s without any trouble at all.

Could you have a look at my character and see what i should improve on next?
The damage feels really good, but i'm only sitting at 4.9k HP and feeling very squishy sometimes.

Currently trying to 6L the loreweave that i have, but i'm also thinking of maybe purchasing one with a better roll. The one that i have only has a "your maximum resists are 76%". How important is it to get a 78% one?
azureavenger wrote:

Currently trying to 6L the loreweave that i have, but i'm also thinking of maybe purchasing one with a better roll. The one that i have only has a "your maximum resists are 76%". How important is it to get a 78% one?


This link shows the effectiveness of extra max resistance. At 76% max resistance you get 4% extra damage mitigation over 75%. At 78% max resistance you get 12% extra damage mitigation over 75% (or 8% extra over 76%).

So if you were to be hit with 8458 damage as per the screenshot @ 76% you only take 2030 damage off your life, @ 78% you only lose 1861 off your effective life total.

If you already have a 6L loreweave then dont buy another one, just use divine orbs to re-roll the stats on your existing until you get to 78%.
kevc4 wrote:
i need abit more help m8 on my ssf jug i have 9 point s to put in , i still dont have the weapons you have and i did kill all bandits
is there any rare weapons that i could find that would help me along , can you add a bit more to the tree you gave me

take life nodes and jewels. the next place to expand on your tree would be weapon specific, so....pick and and ID every Corsair sword and siege axe.

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