[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Edimasta wrote:
Going to give this a try as my fourth char this season... but just one question - how do you solve the mana issues when starting to use Tectonic Slam? This thing is draining my mana glove, even with the one leech node :D

More damage = more leech. You can just use a mana pot while leveling. drop AA if you have to. Grab the 2 extra mana leech nodes and respec once you're geared up.
Or you just buy a thief's torment, shit is absolutely broken while levelling/before you have enough damage.

This is working an absolute treat by the way, dropping enfeeble and using assassin's mark. Not only am I sustaining mana extremely well, but I am getting power charges, so between that and the curse making the mobs easier to crit, I can proc elemental overload extremely efficiently and don't have to get any crit on my gear.

I did still get
though (jewel) just in case.

I opted for
enchant, so now i have lot's of penetration to help with end game bosses.
Edimasta wrote:
Going to give this a try as my fourth char this season... but just one question - how do you solve the mana issues when starting to use Tectonic Slam? This thing is draining my mana glove, even with the one leech node :D

A Thief's Torment or a decently rolled Praxis. veiled Elreon -mana cost mods on a rare ring also work but are more expensive.
How do you get so much mana back or how you handle mana problems since you don't have any kind of mana leech in tree or items? Or I just can't see that?
Xoph's Blood would pob have some synergy w this build ?

i mean for endgame minmax
How about Lion's Roar, my POB is saying it's a pretty big upgrade to have.

Gonna try out:

Wise oak, Atziri's, Life, Lion's Roar and Quicksilver
what would be a good weapon until we get razor. have been using Ephemeral edge and relentless fury. im lvl 58
skofi wrote:
Xoph's Blood would pob have some synergy w this build ?

i mean for endgame minmax

If the enemy is covered in ash, it's a large dps boost. If it hasn't procced a halfway decent rare amulet is better. BiS is probably a rare. Fire damage, ele dmg with attacks and flat fire damage can roll pretty high.

Zeypha wrote:

How about Lion's Roar, my POB is saying it's a pretty big upgrade to have.

Yup, good flask. Mind the knockback.

Grimmoxx wrote:
what would be a good weapon until we get razor. have been using Ephemeral edge and relentless fury. im lvl 58

There is a leveling section that answers these questions
So I just surpassed 40 and did the first lab and... oh boy, is this a lot of fun :D

btw. Mathil is going a complete diff direction in the skilltree with his char... more to the right, picking up the swordnodes... wouldn't that be a good idea for us as well?


Last edited by Edimasta on Dec 23, 2018, 5:30:36 AM
I think Mathil's version scales higher with abysus and crits than this version, not sure about defences tho
Be water, my friend.

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