=DBV= Guild ● Only For New Players (infos are inside) ●

Varynthe0s wrote:

● How many leagues have you participated in?End of Dwelve
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League?Yes
● Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact. Rangercastraktrikon Server NA and Discord Varynthe0s/Shaun

Sorry I missed the in game whisper had to relog
● How many leagues you have participated in? 2
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? Yes
● My ign is: tvikingfan. I play on the NA servers. My Discord contact is Viking#0885
● How many leagues you have participated in? ~2 (I played a bit in Habinger and Abyss League but not very much.)
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? Yes
● My ign is: Marauding_Mirko. I play on the EU servers (London Gateway). My Discord contact is Tenarus#9612

I was mainly a d3 player and have little to no knowledge about poe.
● How many leagues you have participated in? Only this one.
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? Yes
● My ign is: Vrang. I play on the NA servers. My Discord contact is Vrang#3491
Good Day, New player looking for a community of people to group with and learn the game with. I was a hardcore Diablo 3 PLayer, thought i would give this a go since i'm over diablo now. If you could send me an invite that would be awesome. Thanks My in-game character i'm playing atm is Galthius.
Last edited by Smitestick on Dec 14, 2018, 1:14:44 AM
hi ive just returned to the game after a 2 year break , i quit before they added acts 5-10 , so i pretty much think im new to they game, i was wonder if i could join your guild , ive played maybe 2-3 leagues. i am playing in betrayal atm. my 2 toons in game atm are Kobault and Kobaltw. i play on NA servers and my discord is Kobalt#4581. hope to hear from you soon.
● How many leagues you have participated in? Delve, but only for 3 weeks. Betrayal is my first from the start.

Playing in Americas

● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? Yes

● My ign is: AgnesDiablos (Tha't's the character name, account is Duck9999) I play on the NA servers.

• My Discord is name is I don't presently have one, but that'll be easy enough to get.
Last edited by Duck9999 on Dec 14, 2018, 3:01:06 PM
● How many leagues have you participated in? - Betrayal is my first league and actual delve into the game.
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? - Currently active and I'm more than able to play it consistently
● IGN is AyaPendragon I play on US Servers and my discord name is Berserker#7524
● How many leagues have you participated in? This is my first
● Will you be able to play the Betrayal League? Yes
● Alybetra EU ; Zivx#9102

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