[3.10] Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone Berserker (RETIRED)

Hi guys, great build...

Would like to ask your support on what should I try and upgrade next.

Would like to ask your support on what should I try and upgrade next.

Boots, belt. Get more life. Warlord's mark right is unnecessary. Upgrade your weapon to something with better rolls. Get more levels so you can get jewel sockets. Buy jewels.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664

4. Sand stance. All the time.

Do i have to use both Blood & sand and Flesh & stone, or does just having Flesh & stone active alone do the trick ?

Cuz blood & sand doesn't give defense on it's own and i could use it's slot to put in Berserk instead.

(Thanks for the input btw, your advices helped me a lot, i'm just a little sad that i had to let go of Herald of Ash for sand stance just after buying a skill gem effect)
Last edited by Darkbento on Jun 22, 2019, 7:54:25 AM
Do i have to use both Blood & sand and Flesh & stone, or does just having Flesh & stone active alone do the trick ?

Wait I misspoke, f&s and b&s are not part of this build lol. I got confused with my phys cyclone. You should be using HoA. I'll edit my earlier comment.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
if u dont like dying allot not worth playing that build on end game....uber elder probably imposible to do..

Red one easy but if u are not fast adds will kill u or elder 1 shot if u dont miss his hit

I was trying Synidicate boss lvl 81 - 1 mistake = dead :D

anyway every thing that is not white or blue will kill u instant if u are not to fast i was trying meake some changes but waiting for all gems 20/20 to make him litle tanky but probably not worth cause of loosing to much dps

so far dmg its hmm strange rly duno for rare from legion u need like 2-3 sec to kill them but i need gems 20/20 to know in 100% if it will lower to insatnt kill or at last 0.5 sec ;D

anyway i think u didint try that build on 3.7

cheers ^_^
Last edited by zincfe on Jun 23, 2019, 12:41:31 AM
if u dont like dying allot not worth playing that build on end game....uber elder probably imposible to do..

I've cleared uber elder deathless with it in 3.7.

anyway i think u didint try that build on 3.7

I haven't tried it against legions mobs, so maybe you're right there. Can't confirm.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
I've just been looking at my Skill tree and i noticed you didn't consider taking Arsonist and/or Magmatic Strikes, what do you think about those options ?
I've just been looking at my Skill tree and i noticed you didn't consider taking Arsonist and/or Magmatic Strikes, what do you think about those options ?

Bad nodes, per point.
I make build guides for fun.

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/cent664
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/cent664
zincfe wrote:
if u dont like dying allot not worth playing that build on end game....uber elder probably imposible to do..

I was trying Synidicate boss lvl 81 - 1 mistake = dead :D

Mastermind fight is mainly Chaos damage with a lot of one shots, so 1 mistake = dead is true of almost any non-CI build in a high lvl Mastermind as most people don't bother with chaos resists. Well unless you get lucky with a Phase Acro dodge

As for Uber Elder I've also done deathless runs this league, getting resists overcapped for Ele weakness\curses with all the uniques can be a pain unless you're willing to invest a lot in those rare pieces you have remaining so any elemental curse you get is going to make you rippy.

As for Legion mechanics, a few of the factions are just rippy as melee to begin with, just mindless cycloning around and not dealing with the mechanics you will easily get killed I've made it to 94 so far so I've managed not to die for sufficiently long periods of time at least.

Damage wise it does great imo, with just cyclone alone in PoB I've got 1.9mil shaper dps using Inc AoE and 2.9mil with Conc, and that's not counting Frenzy charges or Onslaught since you won't have that 100% uptime in a boss fight
Last edited by xXAzrienXx on Jun 24, 2019, 10:56:23 AM
I have a hard time surviving with anger.
It is possible to exchange it for some other gem?
thx :3

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