[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

xaeror35 wrote:
Is Crimson Dance worth looking at for this build? I see you mention it for Farruls Fur, but if we dont have that should we spec it in the tree?

Think about it. Will you reliably stack 8 bleeds on enemy with Puncture? All with 60% chance to deal double bleed damage? With high base damage on top? Absolutely no. That's why Farrul's Pounce gloves aren't a thing for Puncture based build.

lemerok wrote:
How about this new small unique cluster jewel? Did not find any information on it. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Siege

Looks good for this build? And very cheap.

Attack Projectiles always inflict Bleeding and Maim, and Knock Back Enemies
Projectiles cannot Pierce, Fork or Chain [1]

Im kinda new to PoE, but with this could you skip Maim support and Chance to bleed support for others? Maybe even change some passives in the three?

PoE is extremely specific with wording. No, the jewel gives you Maim which is a slowing effect. It has nothing to do with Maim Support other than application of the slow.

I also mention this keystone in cluster jewel part of Passive Tree section.

seanmint wrote:
This guide is great! I play on PS4, and did a couple testruns while waiting for the new league, build played very smooth in SSF from lvl 1 to maps. Definitely my favourite build at the moment.

Since the economy on PS4 is much tougher (basically all desirable items are pricefixed), I was wondering if this is still viable as a league starter. I tried to do my own research as much as possible, and came up with this plan to make the build work:

-Farm Tabula
-Farm the Lion divination card for bow, chest and the Jewel
-That should take me well into yellow maps
-Im not sure how difficult it is to aquire an elder bow in case its not possible to buy one
-If I can farm an Elder Bow myself, farm currency for Fossils

I got 3 questions here:

1. Does this plan sound viable? I am not new to the game, but I usually play builds like ED or TR that require no specific gear, or is easy to craft.

2. How important is the belt? I am pretty sure it will be very expensive on consoles, and I wont be able to buy one for a while

3. In case I wont be able to buy the belt/craft the bleed bow short-term, can the build still take me into red maps, or am I better off playing something else until I can afford the proper items?

Thanks a lot in advance!

I already give details how you should progress. Unless you're in SSF, nothing changes. Considering you want to farm Lion card makes me sad, since you're using someone else's build and only came here for help.

Belt is not necessary, but it's massive boost to the build damage and survivability wise.

You should have no problems getting to red maps. Assuming you stick to the progression section. Without Ryslatha's it might be a little bit tougher but still fine.

dariidar wrote:
How is the clearspeed on this build in maps with "avoid bleeding" mods? Seems like those maps would be a huge pain in the ass. Might even consider using kineticism...

Since GGG lowered penalty, it shouldn't be too bad now. Rain of Arrows hits multiple times so you should almost always clear the whole pack, with ~1-3 mobs surviving.

To my knowledge Kineticism should only give 100% chance to bleed. The map mod should still allow monsters to avoid bleeding. If it's not the case, i would like someone to confirm that.

xaeror35 wrote:
What is the best bang for buck upgrade for me now? My AOE is fine but single target is still lacking. I couldnt take down cortex boss (almost but fight drug on too long and i used all 6 portals)

Reminder that i don't do gear checks anymore.

If you couldn't kill Cortex, one of the toughest fights in the game and if i recall correctly he's also very tanky, then you shouldn't feel sorry.

Proclordtko wrote:

Just wanted to ask you a few questions in regards to the build.

As for survivabilty, i feel i am lacking it very serverly.. with this being said i also run into mana issues.

As for damage, what would be next large upgrade i should go for? I have been playing your build but tried out a different one and came back to bleed bow with a few adjustments.

My only concern is when i run into end-end game i will run into issues with what i have mentioned above.

And advice would or tips would be greatly appreciated and thanks for the guide.

Reminder that i don't do gear checks anymore.

You're running into mana issues. It's almost impossible if you're using my passive tree so i obviously checked - you don't, it's Mathil's.

If survivability is a problem during Delirium encounters - it's normal, almost everyone has it. The build only has enough defences to not die right away if jumped at, which shouldn't happen in the first place. I recommend Herald of Purity for a reason (you don't have it obviously), it's so something can actually tank and draw monster aggro.

abortedpig666 wrote:
Does it make sense to use split arrow instead of rain of arrows before I will gather a sufficient amount of damage? Tried split arrow, looks like much more damage on clearing. It looks better in delirium too.

I list reasons why i believe Rain of Arrows is best bleed clearing skill in gem setups section. Split Arrow deals slightly more damage by default and that's it. Still less than Vaal RoA. It's thanks to necessity of using extra Pierce or Chain support instead of damage support.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
I'm working off the google doc someone made splitting the small passives into whether they're available on large/medium/small jewels ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1avSqsZJSM24rIWmxSSJ767GQdriiwqf-ax-EvQ11Fwo/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true# )

Looking at that, it appears that all the bleed/ailment granting large clusters are weapon% types, and as such the small passives have no influence on our bleed? And that the increased physical damage ones are literally the only useful small passives on large clusters? It just seems a bit of an odd design choice.


Also... leveled with vaal rain of arrows this time, and I can see why it's being used - definitely felt better leveling.

But once clear damage becomes a non-issue I'll still swap back to split arrow + chain for a reason I haven't seen mentioned (may have missed it).

Split arrow can kill mobs while they're still far off-screen. Rain of Arrows does not.

That's also why I think chain is a semi-required support for split arrow - because it auto-targets 'intelligently', so your spray-and-pray just needs to randomly hit one off-screen mob in order to ricochet into the pack & (probably) start a bleedsplosion. Pierce et al are only superior with split arrow if the mobs thoughtfully form an orderly line (lol), so you lose most of the offscreen clear capacity. If you don't use chain, you won't reliably hit multiple offscreen mobs & have lower odds of hitting one weak enough to die+bleedsplode.

That said, I do think vaal arrows is superior at lower gear levels & I've enjoyed using it. But by the time I'm farming t16 personally I'll prefer the safety of having off-screen clear & will rely on gear to make up the damage loss from chain support.
Last edited by Lakh on Mar 19, 2020, 9:15:46 PM
Does anyone running this build experience low single target/boss damage? My gear is bad obviously, but killing bosses when leveling is really slow so far with puncture.
Does anyone running this build experience low single target/boss damage? My gear is bad obviously, but killing bosses when leveling is really slow so far with puncture.

First fire Ensnaring arrow, than Puncture and the boss will melt ;)

First thanks for sharing your build. I went to start this season with it.

A week in I put some of my ideas into your build and I'm very pleased at the moment. With level 90 and endgame maps I was struggling especially with surviving delirium encounters (as 99% builds do). So I tried Split Arrow and it feels smoother since it offscreens and it feels better at least for me. A huge chunk of survibability now comes from the combination of following items:

36% less Damage taken if you haven't been Hit Recently
40% less Evasion Rating if you haven't been Hit Recently
50% increased Evasion Rating if you've been Hit Recently
20% more Evasion Rating if you've been Hit Recently

The jewel is socketed next to Point Blank. That's 5 points of invest. I leveled from 90 to 93 yesterday with only 1 death in regular gameplay (and some on wave 19+20 in Simulacrum)

Puncture averages ~1.4 million dps. This kind of lacks vs. Sirius 7+ and AoE damage is not that great vs. the last Simulacrum waves anymore. Sure I will upgrade my bow to 6-link which will lead to ~40% more AoE dps.

Next steps will be 3 minimum Frenzy Charges on rings and amulet. This frees one gem slot (Frenzy), so I can switch to Flesh and Stone-Maim, War Banner and Pride.

Without Awakened Gems this will theoretically puts the highest bleed to ~1.9 million shaper dps with my current gear. Awakened Gems 5 will push this to ~2.7 million.


Again, thanks for sharing your build. It's a pleasure to play.
"Temporal Chains multiplies the duration on the monster that you are already multiplying through duration multipliers of poison damage."
- Inception by Kripp, 2017
Last edited by Tizid on Mar 20, 2020, 11:16:31 AM
can you take a look at my bow, I have been trying to use the corodded+jagged to craft a bow but after using like 15 resonators I still didn't get the "bleed has chance to deal 100% more dmg" am I just unlucky or crafting with a wrong base?
dmitriya1, it has to be an elder bow ilvl83+ (atm costs around 70 chaos)
Last edited by CrunCherTime on Mar 20, 2020, 6:53:38 PM
CrunCherTime wrote:
dmitriya1, it has to be an elder bow ilvl83+ (atm costs around 70 chaos)

zzz why do they do that.. my claws were regular and could roll bleed/poison for my other char.
March 20th, 2020
End Game Build:
* Added Assailum helmet as an optional enhancement.
* Also added mention about the helmet to Equipment and Mapping Progression sections, since currently it's a cheap and powerful upgrade.

Crafting Section:
* Added extra route to Alt -> Regal crafting for Elder Bleed Bow.
* Updated Damage crafts and Other crafts.


Tomorrow i'll try to finally finish updating the guide, for real. More detailed Cluster jewel section and checking if i didn't screw up somewhere. I bet i'll hit 50k character limit...
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
CrunCherTime wrote:
dmitriya1, it has to be an elder bow ilvl83+ (atm costs around 70 chaos)

Even after you've got the base, they've dropped the odds of actually getting the bleed affix through the floor...

Getting the bleeding inflicts 100% more damage affix in combination with a non-joke %phys or +phys is going to take you dozens of fossil crafts. I would not want to attempt it outside a trade league...

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