[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth

So when crafting I hit this combo fairly early. Is it something worth imprinting on or should I go ahead and regal/multi mod?
DankawSL wrote:

I've ignored these posts in the past, but silently i despise every one of them. I did not make this guide so others can simply advertise their absolutely overpriced gear. There is a special place for trade and it's not here.

Chill mate this was more of a look guys I made this than anything else. I know its not worth 30ex geez

I've tested Assailum and these are the results:

* The skill charges up as you channel and fires all socketed bow gems on release (assuming 4+ stages).
* If there's no skills socketed inside the helmet, the bow will shoot it's own arrow.
* Socketed skill gems are affected by "#% more damage per stage" stat.

In short this is the best case scenario i mentioned earlier and gives up to ~100-125% more damage. Well, the actual damage output varies on time but it's around ~50-100%.

It's worth mentioning the cast time is roughly 2,5-3x times longer than Puncture. While using Puncture you will get higher damage stacks meanwhile and bad rng streaks are reduced compared to Assailum. So in reality it's closer to 50-100% more damage output, but long term damage output against Shaper and friends goes up to 100-125%. This is obviously 4-link Assailum vs 6-link scenario.

Is it worth using for more damage? Yes. However i'm not fond of the downsides like cast time, loss of potential life/resistances and so on. I'll definitely include the helmet somewhere in the guide, not sure where yet.

Extra info, i looked up bow affixes again and noticed that 100% more bleed/poison damage is not considered an attack, so it is possible to use "Cannot roll Attack Mods" to get high chance of rolling these mods as a prefix. It's still kind of low, but definitely a possibility. I'll probably include it somewhere in crafting guide.

crazypearce wrote:
just a note on this beast...

you can test it on the character sheet. my puncture bleed dps was about 75k (only on a 4l right now). i put on the helm and checked the snipe tooltip. it's 40k at no stages. so now comes down to how it is calculated with stages? 120% more ailment per stage means 1 stage is 40,000+120% = 88k * 5 more stages = 440k bleed dps at 6 stages. or is it calculated per stages. so one stage is 40,000+120% = 88,000. stage 2 is 88,000+120%=193k. stage 3 is 193k+120%=425k.

if it's the last one then we are looking at 5m bleed dps which seems pretty retarded. if it's the first then we have 440k bleed dps which is still really good considering puncture on it's own was only 70k

now comes the interesting part... take a support out and put puncture in and punctures tooltip becomes 55k. but you now have that 55k multiplied by 6 stages with 120% MORE ailment dmg. so again, with the above calculations we are looking at 725k bleed dps with the first calculation or like 6.2m with the second.

hoping someone can actually work out how the 120% more ailment dmg per stage is calculated because it looks really fucking good at a first glance

edit: just did some basic testing on a beach boss with no mods. standard puncture takes anywhere from 5-10 seconds to kill the boss. puncture in the helm is literally instakill in 1 second. the dmg is CRAZY. need to do some more testing when i have some time later but it looks ridiculous

in terms of the mechanics of the skill, just hold it down like scourge arrow and release. it fires a normal puncture arrow out. it takes maybe 2s to charge up but the bleed lasts 13 seconds or so as its based off off of puncture. so its basically identical to puncture with a scourge arrow charge mechanic

Based on my knowledge, skills with #% more damage per stage like Flameblast or Scourge Arrow, the damage doesn't multiply itself but is additive instead. Think of 6x120%=720% in case of #% more ailment damage per Snipe stage.

ViciousFishes wrote:

So when crafting I hit this combo fairly early. Is it something worth imprinting on or should I go ahead and regal/multi mod?

It's worth a lot, but not imprinting. You would have to be ridiculously lucky to get T1 or T2 flat/physical damage mod to make use of this. Regal and multimod #increase + added phys damage is way to go. Hopefully you hit a suffix.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
DankawSL wrote:

Based on my knowledge, skills with #% more damage per stage like Flameblast or Scourge Arrow, the damage doesn't multiply itself but is additive instead. Think of 6x120%=720% in case of #% more ailment damage per Snipe stage.

Makes sense that it would work that way.

Played with it for a couple of hours yesterday. It's 100% worth it at this stage in the league. Not many people have a double six link yet so this is an insane DPS upgrade over a 4 or 5 link.

That being said the charge time is a little annoying if you have to hit an enemy that is not stood still or there are multiple enemies around. Want to point out that the targeting is a little janky too, it doesn't aim anywhere near where you put your cursor, so it's easy to missfire and waste a charge.

Going to play with it now for sure but I can't see it being an endgame item.

Thanks for the testing and info on it
Is Crimson Dance worth looking at for this build? I see you mention it for Farruls Fur, but if we dont have that should we spec it in the tree?
Last edited by xaeror35 on Mar 18, 2020, 2:56:39 AM
xaeror35 wrote:
Is Crimson Dance worth looking at for this build? I see you mention it for Farruls Fur, but if we dont have that should we spec it in the tree?

im guessing no. farruls fur version uses ballista so bleeds will stack a lot faster. regular version with just puncture will suffer
How about this new small unique cluster jewel? Did not find any information on it. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Siege

Looks good for this build? And very cheap.

Attack Projectiles always inflict Bleeding and Maim, and Knock Back Enemies
Projectiles cannot Pierce, Fork or Chain [1]

Im kinda new to PoE, but with this could you skip Maim support and Chance to bleed support for others? Maybe even change some passives in the three?

Last edited by lemerok on Mar 18, 2020, 8:11:32 AM
lemerok wrote:
How about this new small unique cluster jewel? Did not find any information on it. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Siege

Looks good for this build? And very cheap.

Attack Projectiles always inflict Bleeding and Maim, and Knock Back Enemies
Projectiles cannot Pierce, Fork or Chain [1]

Im kinda new to PoE, but with this could you skip Maim support and Chance to bleed support for others? Maybe even change some passives in the three?

I am also wondering this. If this is true, we can get 7l with this, and get some free passives in the tree.
This guide is great! I play on PS4, and did a couple testruns while waiting for the new league, build played very smooth in SSF from lvl 1 to maps. Definitely my favourite build at the moment.

Since the economy on PS4 is much tougher (basically all desirable items are pricefixed), I was wondering if this is still viable as a league starter. I tried to do my own research as much as possible, and came up with this plan to make the build work:

-Farm Tabula
-Farm the Lion divination card for bow, chest and the Jewel
-That should take me well into yellow maps
-Im not sure how difficult it is to aquire an elder bow in case its not possible to buy one
-If I can farm an Elder Bow myself, farm currency for Fossils

I got 3 questions here:

1. Does this plan sound viable? I am not new to the game, but I usually play builds like ED or TR that require no specific gear, or is easy to craft.

2. How important is the belt? I am pretty sure it will be very expensive on consoles, and I wont be able to buy one for a while

3. In case I wont be able to buy the belt/craft the bleed bow short-term, can the build still take me into red maps, or am I better off playing something else until I can afford the proper items?

Thanks a lot in advance!
How is the clearspeed on this build in maps with "avoid bleeding" mods? Seems like those maps would be a huge pain in the ass. Might even consider using kineticism...
Mirror Arrow Summoner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1422529
Teleports Behind You: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2123293
Magma Orb Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2736039

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