For leveling what would be a good set up for concentrated path without switching up the tree.
Freya98 wrote:
MrsDeath_ wrote:
Freya98 wrote:
ok i did it!
i incorporated tombfist in my build, got more jewel sockets, changed the passive tree.

result: more dmg, but i lost enfeeble on cwdt
im using a normal tombfist atm but i wanna go for a corrupted one. would u recommend ele weakness over enfeeble on hit?

btw what about using arc + chain instead of ball lightning + gmp for spreading the combustion? is it a matter of taste or is ball lightning + gmp just better?

using enfeeble or ele weakness is your choice. if u want more def. go for enfeeble if u need more dmg ele weakness

ball lightning hits around 7 times per ball per monster per second so its pretty effective and there is no spell can top that. so ball + gmp is the best.

ok ty. just 1 more thing: pob shows me significantly more shaper dps with end charge on melee stun than with fire pen when combustion is up. without combustion the dmg of fire pen is only slightly higher. should i go for end charge on melee stun?

I would never trust a 3rd party program to change the way i play my game.
Fire pen gives way more dmg against high resist having enemies so if you are bossing i would always go for pen.
gm08872 wrote:
For leveling what would be a good set up for concentrated path without switching up the tree.

Hmm go for leech down first then avatar of fire then eo
I would use brightbeak in main hand.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_ on Jan 10, 2019, 3:58:32 AM
Hi there!

I have just FYNALLY built a char close to yours.

I dont have helmet yet though since its expensive af!

My main problem is the mana. I had to trade the quickflash (more run speed) for a mana one as i didnt have enough mana after just a few attacks.

Can you please check my profile and check what im doing wrong?!

Thanks alot in advance!!
Is corrupt chance to Fortify on Melee hit mean that balls can have fortify too ?
or only hit ?
Ameoth wrote:
Hi there!

I have just FYNALLY built a char close to yours.

I dont have helmet yet though since its expensive af!

My main problem is the mana. I had to trade the quickflash (more run speed) for a mana one as i didnt have enough mana after just a few attacks.

Can you please check my profile and check what im doing wrong?!

Thanks alot in advance!!

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isimak wrote:
Is corrupt chance to Fortify on Melee hit mean that balls can have fortify too ?
or only hit ?

its only melee hit. no balls
you can sustain it even if u have in 1 hand
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
thx for answer.
Buy one with corrupt. But dps per ball fall from 85k to 78k.
this is very bad ?
Is here any way to quality corrupted weapon ?
Last edited by isimak on Jan 10, 2019, 2:02:27 PM
isimak wrote:
thx for answer.
Buy one with corrupt. But dps per ball fall from 85k to 78k.
this is very bad ?
Is here any way to quality corrupted weapon ?

well it would ve been better if u bought an increased quality wep. you cant increase a corrupted wep. quality.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
warcry16 wrote:
Ameoth wrote:
Hi there!

I have just FYNALLY built a char close to yours.

I dont have helmet yet though since its expensive af!

My main problem is the mana. I had to trade the quickflash (more run speed) for a mana one as i didnt have enough mana after just a few attacks.

Can you please check my profile and check what im doing wrong?!

Thanks alot in advance!!

Your profile is private

Can you please check it again? I have made it public.

Thanks alot for your time and dedication again
Sorry a couple of noob questions, just migrated to poe this league from D3.

- Do you make sure your fire resistances to be highest pre-flask usage to take advantage of the ele pen from the wise oak? or do you pretty much ignore that part and just get the resistances as high as possible?
- When you use your flasks, do you use all of them at once (except for the life flask of course), or do you use them separately?


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