Demostheness wrote:
Been playing this for a few days, cleared everything so far with ease. Now im stuck on uber elder. Is it just me being bad or is there something wrong with my gear/tree?

Feel like leap slam is just too slow to dodge some of the things in the fight. Thoughts?

Just dodge shaper balls.
When you attack shaper stay in his melee range and dont sit in beams. You should be fine. Clear the pooping monsters that spawn randomly.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!

Thx for suggestion about leap slam. Dont know about it. Just need use without movement. It chose in skill. Now its best mowement skill :)

Maybe need add it to start post, about how to use leap slam.
Coz if not select use skill without movement - it terrible.
Many pepole dont know about it :)
Last edited by isimak on Jan 8, 2019, 12:29:28 PM
isimak wrote:

Thx for suggestion about leap slam. Dont know about it. Just need use without movement. It chose in skill. Now its best mowement skill :)

Maybe need add it to start post, about how to use leap slam.
Coz if not select use skill without movement - it terrible.
Many pepole dont know about it :)

sure i ll do it.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
I've been wanting to make this build. I checked out some other variations in the high solo depth and there seems to be 2 variations. Yours and one like this... https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Hawkdon/characters

The things I noticed right off is that he goes over to art of the gladiator and uses conc effect instead of fire pent.

Since I've never made this build could you give me some info on both builds and why one is better than the other? Thank you
I've been wanting to make this build. I checked out some other variations in the high solo depth and there seems to be 2 variations. Yours and one like this... https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Hawkdon/characters

The things I noticed right off is that he goes over to art of the gladiator and uses conc effect instead of fire pent.

Since I've never made this build could you give me some info on both builds and why one is better than the other? Thank you

that one has less hp and i dont think its worth trading your life for dmg at deep delves. you will need every bit of life there.
+ he has less chaos res
you can change links. i tried conc effect but i feel less effective with it. fire pen improves a lot against high res. targets.
a worse version of my build similar to his did 1.2k depth last league.
i predict most defensive version of mine should be able to do 1.5k this league or maybe more.

about duelist area: i feel like its not worth losing that much hp for that little dmg. its useless and waste of our points. way too far away and those points coul put in a good use. with a min maxed gear you could have 8k hp with my tree.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Ok thank you for quick response. Looks like a solid build. Can't wait to get my character leveled and try this build!
how are you keeping up you're mana?
Nifilium wrote:
how are you keeping up you're mana?

mana leech down there near duelist tree. on your way to point blank.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
got +1 end charge kaoms, 2 white sockets on lore, 28% weapon quality, triple balanced my res when using topaz and sapphire flask and will have 80 chaos res with lvl 96 :)
but still not using tombfist
Freya98 wrote:
got +1 end charge kaoms, 2 white sockets on lore, 28% weapon quality, triple balanced my res when using topaz and sapphire flask and will have 80 chaos res with lvl 96 :)
but still not using tombfist

thats 10% more dmg loss.
you need em to maximize your dmg.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!

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