I was wondering if this jewel would be good for the build at the loss of a little resistance?

Rarity: Rare
Ghoul Desire
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 75
9% increased Damage
13% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
16% increased Physical Damage with Maces
4% increased Attack Speed
Scotty2u wrote:
I was wondering if this jewel would be good for the build at the loss of a little resistance?

Rarity: Rare
Ghoul Desire
Crimson Jewel
Item Level: 75
9% increased Damage
13% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
16% increased Physical Damage with Maces
4% increased Attack Speed

It's a really nice DPS boost - just keep in mind this build relies on resists on basically every jewel. If you can fit it in with your gear, go for it though.
dksdragon wrote:
Since we get Avatar of Fire off our amulet, wouldn't this be a better route?


By pathing downwards instead of across the top we save 3 points at the cost of losing 6% life and 12% elemental damage. The chaos resistance lost is negligable once we have Nebulochs, since they max us anyway, and we actually get additional regen, if we care.

Taking an extra jewel socket for those 3 points can easily give that 6% life + 12% elemental damage + another stat line. So isn't it strictly better?

that route would not cap our chaos res.
it would leave it at 60% which is pretty shit compared to 80%
not worth it.

supersimme wrote:
Why have you not leveled up your GMP or ball lightning?

does not matter if u lvl them or not
just keep it under cwdt lvl1
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_ on Jan 5, 2019, 3:09:21 AM
Kind of a silly question, but I'm running into a "burst wall" where even with 9 charges up normal and magic mobs are doing chunk damage. I don't know if I'm missing something very important from a defensive standpoint or if this build has a steep climb which each additional unique you get. I have a Kaom's roots to swap in when I get a bit higher.

Currently using Tectonic gems to clear low level maps a bit quicker.

I did get past the point of killing myself with the Neb's which made it more enjoyable to play :)
Last edited by haBla on Jan 5, 2019, 11:16:33 AM
what about the new flask
the wording implies that the increased dmg taken stays on after the flask expires, has any1 tested this?
IGN - Kanamesan, Saitousan, Hatsusan (standard). Send me a PM in game or on forums if i win an auction
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I switched from Hybrids MS Jugg with grenwald to your build and I have to say it has way more survivability. I really like it. Overall Grenwald-Jugg is the more mobile, flexible build. It is way faster in movement and clearing maps feels much better. But Grenwald hits a Wall pretty fast. Without the high damage reduction from your build you are pretty often oneshot in deeper delves. even on some unlucky rolled maps you need to be carefull at bosses and other really hard hitting things. So what I see the main difference between you two is:

Grenwald: Focus on more speed, dmg and the main defence is high lifepool with high life reg. Overall faster and more flexible.

Nebuloch: Way more defense. Focus on staying alife through the hardest shit around. Feels pretty slow in mapping. Even with offhand weapons. But you can tank shit and nearly not recognise something hit you that oneshots the Grenwald build. (eg. Terrace final boss with +boss Dmg +1x ele dmg +crit +crit-multi, Minotaur with same mods. Grenwald is with 10k life oneshot or barely survives, Nebuloch loses 10-20% life and laughs)

The most annoying thing with nebuloch is teh dependence on Ralakesh's Impatience. I even tried Enduring Call nd switched it with portal and timed EC with my first pull. Well Ralakesh is boring to wait for 5-9 stacks and with EC well its dangerous at best. If you miss the timing you are fucked :P. I also tried to lure 1-2 monsters out of the darkness to get my charges running. After all the safest way is Ralakesh. But if someone sees a better way, that would help a lot with this build. I died multiple times due to thinking, lets get going move move move before your charges run out and with 1-2 sec left tried to reach a monster and zoom dead. I even thought about those worm flask. but i wouldn't carry it all the time and to switch it in without monsters to fill it up well...this way sucks too :P

overall do I really like this build and I'm going to continue it. But I also going to lvl a new Jugg to give my Grenwald eq to it to have both. I like Jugg and both are cool.

So cheers for this build. really well done.

EDIT: Oh I switched the 1 Jewel Tombfist with the Tombfist from my Grenwald-Jugg with two Jewels, socketed the gems in my offhand and put BloodRage-IncDuration in my Tombfist to get another + attackspeed jewel in my build.
Last edited by Amengar2407 on Jan 5, 2019, 1:04:24 PM
haBla wrote:
Kind of a silly question, but I'm running into a "burst wall" where even with 9 charges up normal and magic mobs are doing chunk damage. I don't know if I'm missing something very important from a defensive standpoint or if this build has a steep climb which each additional unique you get. I have a Kaom's roots to swap in when I get a bit higher.

Currently using Tectonic gems to clear low level maps a bit quicker.

I did get past the point of killing myself with the Neb's which made it more enjoyable to play :)

u need a blind chance eye jewel
wise oak
stun immunity on tree or a regular kaom's
do the last lab you are more than capable atm and get the undeniable.
get avatar of fire since you dont have xoph's thats a requirement.
after that its just xoph's amulet and minor dmg upgrades like helm enchant, ele weakness tomfists, +1 end kaom's, fortify on nebulochs.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Amengar2407 wrote:

I switched from Hybrids MS Jugg with grenwald to your build and I have to say it has way more survivability. I really like it. Overall Grenwald-Jugg is the more mobile, flexible build. It is way faster in movement and clearing maps feels much better. But Grenwald hits a Wall pretty fast. Without the high damage reduction from your build you are pretty often oneshot in deeper delves. even on some unlucky rolled maps you need to be carefull at bosses and other really hard hitting things. So what I see the main difference between you two is:

Grenwald: Focus on more speed, dmg and the main defence is high lifepool with high life reg. Overall faster and more flexible.

Nebuloch: Way more defense. Focus on staying alife through the hardest shit around. Feels pretty slow in mapping. Even with offhand weapons. But you can tank shit and nearly not recognise something hit you that oneshots the Grenwald build. (eg. Terrace final boss with +boss Dmg +1x ele dmg +crit +crit-multi, Minotaur with same mods. Grenwald is with 10k life oneshot or barely survives, Nebuloch loses 10-20% life and laughs)

The most annoying thing with nebuloch is teh dependence on Ralakesh's Impatience. I even tried Enduring Call nd switched it with portal and timed EC with my first pull. Well Ralakesh is boring to wait for 5-9 stacks and with EC well its dangerous at best. If you miss the timing you are fucked :P. I also tried to lure 1-2 monsters out of the darkness to get my charges running. After all the safest way is Ralakesh. But if someone sees a better way, that would help a lot with this build. I died multiple times due to thinking, lets get going move move move before your charges run out and with 1-2 sec left tried to reach a monster and zoom dead. I even thought about those worm flask. but i wouldn't carry it all the time and to switch it in without monsters to fill it up well...this way sucks too :P

overall do I really like this build and I'm going to continue it. But I also going to lvl a new Jugg to give my Grenwald eq to it to have both. I like Jugg and both are cool.

So cheers for this build. really well done.

EDIT: Oh I switched the 1 Jewel Tombfist with the Tombfist from my Grenwald-Jugg with two Jewels, socketed the gems in my offhand and put BloodRage-IncDuration in my Tombfist to get another + attackspeed jewel in my build.

use gluttony belt to get ur charges up in the beginning
Hey MrsDeath... what about Hall of Grandmasters? Is it doable? Any tips? Thank you!
You are using the jewel thats gives u immunity to ignite while affected purity of fire.but we arent using that skill.how we get that bonus?

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