[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes


Is this one ok?

Do u use Pristine and Scorched together in a 2 socket resonator?
I think you can get better results thant that, Immolate adds nothing but mana reservation, the life is kind of low and the resist is low.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 27, 2019, 10:00:22 AM
Yes I used pristine and scorched together and I got this on my 2nd try. Fire resist looks a bit low but I can still get above 80 with max endurance charge. For life I look at poe trade and most helmets have similar 90-100 life range. The only helmet with above 100 life is 25 ex. I believe the random skill comes from the elder base of the helmet? My mana reservation is definitely better compared to level 20 burning on old craft.
Yes I used pristine and scorched together and I got this on my 2nd try. Fire resist looks a bit low but I can still get above 80 with max endurance charge. For life I look at poe trade and most helmets have similar 90-100 life range. The only helmet with above 100 life is 25 ex. I believe the random skill comes from the elder base of the helmet? My mana reservation is definitely better compared to level 20 burning on old craft.
If you are hapy w it that's great. A solid upgrade for a few fossils.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874

Follow up to my previous reply. Is this build capable of pushing deep to delve 1k+? I have seen several version of this dual neb jugg ms build and some claim they can go deep into delve.

Follow up to my previous reply. Is this build capable of pushing deep to delve 1k+? I have seen several version of this dual neb jugg ms build and some claim they can go deep into delve.

I ended up on depth 1024 in Delve league. Had really good gear though, and it wasn't a cakewalk after about depth 800. Biggest issue going deep with this build is lack of damage on deep levels.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 28, 2019, 8:24:07 AM
Never mind, i found it
Last edited by tranphuccd on Jan 31, 2019, 6:56:58 AM
I’m now level 69. As I can’t even afford one Nebuloch at the moment, I’ve gone and bought 2 x Callinellus Malleus‘. They seem to be doing OK on tier 1 and 2 maps. Was this a good choice? Other possibilities?
Last edited by maxwolfie on Feb 1, 2019, 4:49:23 AM

How is the corruption Guys
I am wondering if i can use immortal call on my gloves since i have tombfist with 1 abbys.

here is my curent build

I got my character to lvl 73, but somehow i dont feel confident that this build is actually viable to run anything higher than T10 maps.
I have caped my resistances, i got 67k unbuffed damage, 4.3k life.
What is your stats guys and what tier bosses are you doing ?
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.

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