[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

Gybe wrote:
Loving this build so far, I'm a bit lost as to what to upgrade next, my budget is around 4ex at the moment, would someone mind having a look at my char and helping me out?

I was running out of $$ when equipping everything first time around so I ended up short on resists



I'm not an expert but from my experience so far with the build I suggest you to go for xophs blood for a nice dps/life boost (http://poe.trade/search/initukoonnigig), a helmet with -9 fire res to enemies with an open suffix to craft cold and lightning res (http://poe.trade/search/riwausasikahas), then get your other kaoms way. you will probably need to redo the jewels and get a belt with 2 res and an open suffix, managing the resistances is the hardest part of this build XD

my personal tip is craft, delve crafting can make and will make your life easier, and remember endurance charges gives you resistances so don't worry that much about not having them capped

PS: Thanks a lot for the build Dkodr having a lot of fun with it
TONGPO wrote:
Im at level 92 with this build, whats better Elemental Focus or Concentrated effect?

Elemental focus 20/20 is 59% more damage WITH normal damage radius.

Concentrated Effect 20/20 is 64% more damage BUT with 30% less area effect.

Personally, I simply use EF and do not care about the 5% more dmg. It is really marginal at that point.

Thank you
Hi guys,

I do not have much experience in figuring out passive trees. Could someone please make a lv95 version of the passive tree based on the lv90 version? Supposing I do have the amulet with avatar of fire and pretty well geared. thanks!
Last edited by SharknadoPotato on Jan 26, 2019, 2:56:58 PM
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 26, 2019, 3:07:41 PM
Finally killed my first uber elder. Felt a bit squishy before so I tried to find nebuloch with fortify corruption but they were so expensive so I chose to swap endurance charge on melee stun with fortify. Didn't expect to be so tankier although I did die 3 times before killing him lol. Or maybe I did become slightly better at using leap slam to dodge stuff now compared to before.
Finally killed my first uber elder. Felt a bit squishy before so I tried to find nebuloch with fortify corruption but they were so expensive so I chose to swap endurance charge on melee stun with fortify. Didn't expect to be so tankier although I did die 3 times before killing him lol. Or maybe I did become slightly better at using leap slam to dodge stuff now compared to before.

Gratz! I myself don't use Leap Slam much in that fight, it messes it up so easily. A Quicksilver flask works better for me. I wrote some tips for Uber Elder in the second post on the first page.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 26, 2019, 5:55:55 PM
Dkodr wrote:

Gratz! I myself don't use Leap Slam much in that fight, it messes it up so easily. A Quicksilver flask works better for me. I wrote some tips for Uber Elder in the second post on the first page.

I thought leap slam was clunky also. Gotta admit, I was somewhat given up on this jugg and played coc ice nova assassin to try a char with higher end game dps. Turns out cyclone feels even worse to me, that slow ugh.

I thought leap slam was clunky also. Gotta admit, I was somewhat given up on this jugg and played coc ice nova assassin to try a char with higher end game dps. Turns out cyclone feels even worse to me, that slow ugh.

Have you considered recrafting your helmet with Pristine and Scorching fossils?
It has some nice potential there, Burning damage doesn't add much, and it reserves mana. It can get more life and damage(-9% fire res) quiet easily with fossils.

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Last edited by Dkodr on Jan 27, 2019, 7:15:49 AM
Dkodr wrote:

Have you considered recrafting your helmet with Pristine and Scorching fossils?
It has some nice potential there, Burning damage doesn't add much, and it reserves mana. It can get more life and damage(-9% fire res) quiet easily with fossils.

Oh I did some crafting tests for -9% res and life on my old 25% extra cons path damage helmet and another helmet but I couldn't get good rolls on them so I decided to do it another time. Maybe I'll do that later.

Is this one ok?

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