[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

Dkodr wrote:
Thx, the whole stup feels strong now. Not sure how to push it further
except lvl 21 gems, double Vitality Watchers Eye (that is like 40 ex or so).
Open for suggestions.

So my point in the node suggestion was to spec out of the 3-point jewel nodes
nex to Indomitable and use them and the Combat Stamina nodes to take Quick Recovery and the jewel node next to it. It will then cost the same amount of nodes. Armor isnt top priority in my opinion when we have 30k and 90% mitigation.

Thanks. Im aware armour is kinda w/e. I just mentioned it in context of what is getting traded for what. And ya, unless I'm missing something it is one more point to do your suggestion. I understand you meant to ditch the 3 node jewel socket cluster there.

Edit: I see where I went wrong as to passive point spending. will take it under consideration!

We're talking the same passive points spent for the same life and 7k armour vs no 7k armour. Not sure its a big deal and may as well take the armour.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Oct 24, 2018, 1:20:24 PM
Quick Recovery gives 14% more life, 40% mana regen and 0.8% life rgen vs
Combat Staminas 5% life, 1,8% life regen and armor.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Oct 24, 2018, 1:23:35 PM
Any recommendations on where to spend my next 5 points? I was going to head to Skull Cracking for the next couple but thought I should ask first.

Current level 85 tree


If u want damage take Skull Cracking, if u want defense take Sanctity and Constitution. Or if u have a nice jewel u can take the 3-node jewel socket and 2 other nodes with life or damage. The Precicison node and the jewel node f.ex.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Oct 24, 2018, 2:09:30 PM
Dkodr wrote:
If u want damage take Skull Cracking, if u want defense take Sanctity and Constitution.

I need 2 points for Skull cracking and then probably every remaining point I can acquire can go towards Sanctity and Constitution.

So just to see where I was at level 85, I tried to alch a Guardian Map and was able to clear it deathless with no issues.

I think it was by far the easiest one though for this build in the Minotaur as I just stood there and tanked every thing.

I will do some more leveling before taking on the other three.
Phoenix is most sketchy in my experience, the others are cakewalk.
Depending on map mods ofc.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Oct 24, 2018, 2:22:36 PM
So, got a Xoph's. Obviously I'm enthralled but I wanna bring up something thats been nagging at me. This build PoB's with low dps, yet it destroys everything.
Is there something I'm missing in PoB besides subtracting 9 fire resist from enemy fire resistance box? my PoB Shaper /Guardian dps is about 500k, give or take if you chose to check or uncheck enemy is covered in ash.

Here's my PoB:

It may very well be only around 500k Shaper dps but it sure feels like more, and you're darn near immortal. Love it.
what a nice day! Got two flat EX drops today and sold a Poet's Pen for another ex.

I have enough now for a Nebuloch with fortify but I need to find the right colors and not garbage pDPS.
what a nice day! Got two flat EX drops today and sold a Poet's Pen for another ex.

I have enough now for a Nebuloch with fortify but I need to find the right colors and not garbage pDPS.

That's the thing, eh? People corrupt any old Nebuloc, then think they're gonna get 20 exalt for it cuz it hit the right corruption...but it has 31% extra damage as fire and mid phys roll lol. Bla. Expensive.

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