[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

narflunk wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
narflunk wrote:
I just got to maps with this and I'm having trouble with living. I'm looking at your items and dont see where you get enough ele resist (thats my problem right now).

Also, since I dont have a lot of money yet, whats the best cheap upgradesI can make?

Hi. Happy to help but your profile is private so I can't see your character.

btw, easiest step 1 to capping resists is to get 1 ring with 100% res on it.


I think I unprivated? Not sure...
If not this is my current build: https://pastebin.com/83smu0wH

Your helm, both rings, sceptre, gloves need to be replaced asap. Just click on the link I gave you and find a ring. maybe even 2. You also need accuracy somewhere, and lots of life. get a tempestuous steel instead of the sceptre.
Truhls wrote:
Current dps is about 200k with flasks. My progression is more stalled from maps not dropping than DPS, but id like to fine-tune the build and know what to work on next so i came here. Just switched out the rings for some mediocre +phys rings for right now.

make sure u buy maps from zana. bring her into your hideout.
also make sure u get more accuracy.
Hollyphantom wrote:
Truhls wrote:
Current dps is about 200k with flasks. My progression is more stalled from maps not dropping than DPS, but id like to fine-tune the build and know what to work on next so i came here. Just switched out the rings for some mediocre +phys rings for right now.

make sure u buy maps from zana. bring her into your hideout.
also make sure u get more accuracy.

im sitting at 89% acc, is that not enough?
very fun build i am enjoying it so much thank you for the guide!
Does modifiers like "gain (X)% of physical damage as extra fire damage" are cumulative with both main hand and off hand?
Firstly thank you for the amazing guide! Has been very helpful and constant updates to improve it have been very nice also! :)

I was fairly strong with minimal gear changes until recently I've been doing tier 9/10 maps and realised I should probably upgrade my gear (I can still do them but it would be much easier if I upgraded and stopped being lazy :P )

I know my gear still has a lot of work to go (such as quality flasks, possibly a new offhand and new rings/amulet). However my main question is about the loreweave. I'm looking into it as one of my next upgrades and I was just wondering which stats/rolls are the most important? (I thought crit chance would be important but the roll on yours is fairly low. Only my second league playing so not sure how much more expensive a high crit chance makes it). Also would you recommend buying the loreweave directly or buying rings yourself and making one (currently as of writing this it is 170 to buy one or 2.5c per ring, so 150c to make one).

Sorry for the long comment and once again thank you for the great guide! :)
I need a gear check for this build. everyone is getting 2mil dps etc.. im still sitting on 200k max. what's wrong with my gears?
Truhls wrote:
Hollyphantom wrote:
Truhls wrote:
Current dps is about 200k with flasks. My progression is more stalled from maps not dropping than DPS, but id like to fine-tune the build and know what to work on next so i came here. Just switched out the rings for some mediocre +phys rings for right now.

make sure u buy maps from zana. bring her into your hideout.
also make sure u get more accuracy.

im sitting at 89% acc, is that not enough?

I'd say its not enough. Since youre not crit, you cant scale damage thru crit chance and multi. So you have to invest more into other mods, including accuracy. Should be easy.
polymortis wrote:
Does modifiers like "gain (X)% of physical damage as extra fire damage" are cumulative with both main hand and off hand?

yes. if you have 40% phys as fire on both weapons, the DPS increase is:

DPS x (1+.4+.4) = 1.8DPS

And this would be wrong by the way:

DPS x 1.4 x 1.4 = 1.96DPS
kjm67 wrote:
Firstly thank you for the amazing guide! Has been very helpful and constant updates to improve it have been very nice also! :)

I was fairly strong with minimal gear changes until recently I've been doing tier 9/10 maps and realised I should probably upgrade my gear (I can still do them but it would be much easier if I upgraded and stopped being lazy :P )

I know my gear still has a lot of work to go (such as quality flasks, possibly a new offhand and new rings/amulet). However my main question is about the loreweave. I'm looking into it as one of my next upgrades and I was just wondering which stats/rolls are the most important? (I thought crit chance would be important but the roll on yours is fairly low. Only my second league playing so not sure how much more expensive a high crit chance makes it). Also would you recommend buying the loreweave directly or buying rings yourself and making one (currently as of writing this it is 170 to buy one or 2.5c per ring, so 150c to make one).

Sorry for the long comment and once again thank you for the great guide! :)

Nice. Umm. My loreweave gave me nightmares. I bought one with 3ex and spent like 20ex trying to 6link it and it never linked. so I re-sold it and just bought a 6linked one for 9ex....

You'll save currency buying rings at 2-2.5c, but obviously it will be time consuming and maybe stressful. (try selling a unique ring at 2c. you'll get spammed like crazy...)

The stats you're looking for are basically everything other than mana, ES, rarity. The max res is a huge defensive boots. Added phys, ele damage, crit chance are huge DPS boosts. All attributes are really nice too.

It's your choice how you want to buy a loreweave, but first get a regular 6link. Theyre only like 30c. Also, it's not worth using a loreweave if it is only 5linked.

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