Delve Balance Changes

The trap nerf is too much.

Increased throwing time, less traps, higher penalty?

everytime you guys nerf a skill in so many ways at once, you kill the skill.

Poison, Ignite, Vaal skills, Spark, Chaos damage....ect.
Your record for going overboard on nerfs is nearly 100%, meaning in a year or two, your gonna have to buff it again or just let it stay dead.
Wish Righteous Fire didn't have a cooldown. Or it maight have 3 charges with a short cooldown or it would disable RF totems.

Personally don't like Templar minion theme...
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers
One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin
One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror
Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap
So, traps get beefed up, get new traps, new passives for traps and very next thing--nerf traps! Why bother with traps if they're just getting nerfed a few months later? And because people used them in ways that GGG didn't anticipate being so effective? That's bullcrap! You don't stomp on someone for being creative and innovative. If you're not going to reward that, at least don't punish people.

Instead of nerfing what was previously improved, how about maybe updating old, neglected skills to put them on par with the newer things? Nerfing something just because someone figured out how to do something that you didn't anticipate is just weak, lazy effort and does nothing but kill enjoyment and enthusiasm.
zephiroth3 wrote:
warcry nodes on tree is neat!
and i do hope to see some sort of nerf to arc, even if its just taking 15% off
or reducing targeting/chaining range by 15% per chain or seomthing.
mixing up the witch start!
spell block separation from attack block!
secondary damage change!
fixing DoTs to be usable besides scorching ray/RF???!??
exciting stuff people!

Why do you want Arc nerfed? What satisfaction do you get out of complaining about a skill that's been around forever and FINALLY after 4 years is worth maybe using it in endgame, either traps or even self cast which isn't half bad. Or would you just rather play Windripper TS? people wonder why this game is falling off... Its because people just complain... complain about anything they can just cause there day is shitty or ??? idk arc doesn't need to be nerfed. Complainers need to get nerfed.
halloweendm wrote:
So, traps get beefed up, get new traps, new passives for traps and very next thing--nerf traps! Why bother with traps if they're just getting nerfed a few months later? And because people used them in ways that GGG didn't anticipate being so effective? That's bullcrap! You don't stomp on someone for being creative and innovative. If you're not going to reward that, at least don't punish people.

Instead of nerfing what was previously improved, how about maybe updating old, neglected skills to put them on par with the newer things? Nerfing something just because someone figured out how to do something that you didn't anticipate is just weak, lazy effort and does nothing but kill enjoyment and enthusiasm.

FINALLY someone who sees it. Couldn't agree with ya more.

haha kidding, hope this will save me some points on my usual gc totem char ;)
although im really not feeling this minion templar idea ggg is pushing, never felt like templar was the right class for minions;

if any class id say duelist champion makes more sense to be a minion centric one
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
Bow Passives Now Affect Skill Damage Over Time
Previously, almost all weapon passives gave damage from ailments with attack skills while wielding a weapon of their type. They now grant a bonus to damage over time instead
RIP burning arrow.
WARNING: Do not give GGG money. Never forgive the content creator priority uncovered during 3.14 Ultimatum league.
GGG got caught giving content creators in game advantages, only when caught would they tell the player base they were doing this. This will continue, but more slyly.
Higher economic bar for KB wanders. Thus zero impact on clear speed meta. KB nerf changes basically nothing for clearing. As usual the pawnshop all stars will rule the league, as always.

Excellent array of distractions and newb bait.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Why even nerf Sunder lmao. Not like the skill was seriously used outside of leveling.

It's neither good at clearing nor Single Target

Legit who thought this is a good idea?
The Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support has been renamed Vicious Projectiles Support, increasing its readability by 70%.

This is a buff

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