Delve Balance Changes

great patch notes, i'm really excited to see these instant skills in action
Path of Nerfing
Delve hyyyyypuuuu.
PoE - pre-beta - 6 of 10
PoE - beta - 7 of 10
PoE - 1.x - 8 of 10
PoE - 2.0-2.3 - 9 of 10
PoE - 2.4 - 8 of 10
PoE - 3.x - 4 of 10

It is absolutely astonishing to see how the developers work so hard to bring awesome content, and the team responsible for "balancing" is destroying the whole work of them and the whole fun of the players by meanless nerfing.

Do as You are pleased, but this is STUPID.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2 on Aug 29, 2018, 1:35:19 PM
Will try to summon minions army again !
looks good
No Instant Skills for blade vortex?

SonicPLD2 wrote:
PoE - pre-beta - 6 of 10
PoE - beta - 7 of 10
PoE - 1.x - 8 of 10
PoE - 2.0-2.3 - 9 of 10
PoE - 2.4 - 8 of 10
PoE - 3.x - 4 of 10

It is absolutely astonishing to see how the developers work so hard to bring awesome content, and the team responsible for "balancing" is destroying the whole work of them and the whole fun of the players by meanless nerfing.

Do as You are pleased, but this is STUPID.


Salty player at its finest.
KillerFit wrote:
mic01851165 wrote:
Buffing then nerfing then buffing then nerfing... seems you guys have no clue what to do... After seeing so many builds gutted and killed - feel less and less inclined to turn on PoE...

Coming from someone who completed 40 challenges.

I bet you'd log on Delve ALOT.
You can't fool me.

Not to mention your highest char is lvl 95..Man before you attack others,take a look at yourself!

Lol, your leap in logic is just astonishing.

I'm saying he'd login Delve alot due to amount of time he spend in 3.3.
I never said I'm going to log in less because of the nerf.

Look at yourself then, it's laughable.
Last edited by mic01851165 on Aug 30, 2018, 4:09:05 PM
Oberver wrote:
I do not like this patch, Rip KB, Rip any Vaal skill build, Rip spell block. This patch take away more fun than it provides.

Most people use Vaal skill as an additional dps rather than relying it as their core dps.

Also not everyone link vaal skill to duration gem, and they're not always worth it too/ not enough space/ etc.

I don't get your logic.

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