g00fy_goober's Physical Reave/Bflurry Berserker (Easily Clear All Content)

Chose this as my league starter. I am noticing that Delirium is pretty rough before you get a good source of leech due to the reduced recovery. It doesn't help that my resists need work but the fog is definitely a factor. BF/Reave is my favorite playstyle, though, and this build is pretty solid. Making it work on a budget is a little rough but definitely doable. I am not sure yet if I prefer Berserker over Champion but I need to ascend more to be sure. Thanks for the guide!

I have heard a lot of leech builds are suffering due to recovery and how it works in delirium.... hope they change that in the near future for when i do my cyclone slayer build!

That being said, 90% of deliriums are not worth doing and i just skip anyway. The second i walk through mirror if it is chest, armour, weapon, jewelry i instantly end it as it is not worth the risk.

MasterBiggs wrote:
Hello, I love the build so far!

I was looking through the thread and saw a comment you made about how dual-wielding bloodseekers does not benefit us and that a stat stick would be much better. I'm a fairly new player and I have never heard of a stat stick before and I don't understand how stat sticks work. I bought a cheap stat stick scepter but when I equip it with my bloodseeker I can no longer use reave/bflurry. Was there a change that I missed or is something else the problem? Are stat sticks still relevant?

I also noticed the POBuilding is dual-wielding the multi-modded claws. Is one of them acting as a stat stick? Or what makes dual-wielding the claws beneficial? I guess I'm just confused between dual-wielding and using a stat stick.

Stat sticks were something that worked long ago. Having a sceptre that gave you like 35-40% phys as extra cold/light/fire and having like 2 rolls of it gave you insane amounts of damage. Those numbers have now been cut in half, and no longer work for builds that have skills that do not use them as a weapon type. Dual-wielding is the only way to go now and by far the best option.

The guide itself + the POB should be fully up to date. Though you can not fully multimod claws now and add 5 mods so it takes a bit more crafting/buying before just getting 1 mod and multi modding.
One day later, made some upgrades:

Everything is better with more hp and Starkonja's because of the damage reduction that give some time to leech. I can get to White T15 Maps with no big problems (1-2 deaths), but if i try a rare 11-12 map i get totally destroied multiple time, any tips?
grouchomax90 wrote:
One day later, made some upgrades:

Everything is better with more hp and Starkonja's because of the damage reduction that give some time to leech. I can get to White T15 Maps with no big problems (1-2 deaths), but if i try a rare 11-12 map i get totally destroied multiple time, any tips?

All in the guide my friend. Just how poe is. Get more gems, better gems, better gear, more life, more accuracy, better crafts etc etc etc. Just takes time, its only a few days into league. Just keep at it.
Thanks for answering my last question, your answer was helpful.

I noticed that the final tree you posted here on the guide is slightly different than the POB tree. The POB tree takes Vaal Pact and the life/mana leech node beneath it. Is it worth getting these two nodes, or is that just an endgame level 90+ thing? Or is this just a completely situational thing depending on your gear?
Last edited by MasterBiggs on Mar 19, 2020, 1:15:54 PM
What do you think about these changes made with the Cluster jewels in mind?


Sacrifices regular total DPS for higher Total+Impale DPS, and swaps out Hypothermia for Impale support to boost the Impale chance to 100%
Last edited by BrimstoneBrute on Mar 19, 2020, 3:19:50 PM
MasterBiggs wrote:
Thanks for answering my last question, your answer was helpful.

I noticed that the final tree you posted here on the guide is slightly different than the POB tree. The POB tree takes Vaal Pact and the life/mana leech node beneath it. Is it worth getting these two nodes, or is that just an endgame level 90+ thing? Or is this just a completely situational thing depending on your gear?

Should always grab vaal pact. Would go with the POB tree, not sure why its not on the other one, ill look into it when i get a free min :)

What do you do to get a fair amount of intelligence in this build? Seems to be my weakness and once I give up my current attribute boosting items for the recommended uniques and so forth, I'm not sure what to get it from.

Also I played around with the PoB a while to get a feel for what really increases the DPS, but I can't seem to figure out what makes the first substantial jumps. What (cost effective/relatively budget) things would you advise going for first to increase the DPS significantly (the priorities)?
Last edited by iZorro on Mar 21, 2020, 3:30:06 AM
Edit: I don't know why this double posted instead of editing. The forum has been buggy today. o_o
Last edited by iZorro on Mar 21, 2020, 3:30:48 AM
why is this in the duelist build list ?
iZorro wrote:
What do you do to get a fair amount of intelligence in this build? Seems to be my weakness and once I give up my current attribute boosting items for the recommended uniques and so forth, I'm not sure what to get it from.

Also I played around with the PoB a while to get a feel for what really increases the DPS, but I can't seem to figure out what makes the first substantial jumps. What (cost effective/relatively budget) things would you advise going for first to increase the DPS significantly (the priorities)?

First part is answered easily in the pob/gear. Just look where the int comes from. From what i remember its a lapis amulet, and a solid int roll on a ring or something and the rest comes from tree.

Second part is not answered easily at all. Your looking for one thing that gives you a huge jump in dps and that is not really how it works. Though to be fair i would say getting some good dps weapons with attack speed and hits can't be evaded is a prty big jump itself. Everything else just adds more little bits at a time till it adds up to something huge.

Best advice i can give you is follow the guide/POB and use what currency you have on the upgrades that you can. There is so set way you have to upgrade. Though i usually suggest buying all the uniques and such first (minus watchers eye) and then making sure your rares cover your stat/res/life requirements and then upgrade from there.

stevedeeks wrote:
why is this in the duelist build list ?

Because the build used to be a champion and was listed in the build there. When it was removed and changed over to berserker for lots more DPS, ggg transferred it over to the proper sub forum for me, but assuming the guy who updates the build list left it on their.

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