g00fy_goober's Physical Reave/Bflurry Berserker (Easily Clear All Content)

Sn00be wrote:
first of all, awesome guide thanks for the work :)

Any chance u can link ur gear for reference for us newbs :)

It's all in the guide and on the POB link. Just follow the changelog in case anything has changed since the last time i put up the gear.
hey Goofy im currently playing this build. and i was wondering how you on the pob, have 100 chance to hit. and im struggling to get above 80% chance to hit
dipperdyr wrote:
hey Goofy im currently playing this build. and i was wondering how you on the pob, have 100 chance to hit. and im struggling to get above 80% chance to hit

accuracy rating
ah its cause hits cant be evaded on your claws mb xD
Last edited by dipperdyr on Mar 15, 2020, 5:19:58 PM
I barely do any dmg with flurry on lvl 39..Which skill you suggest to use while lvling?
Okay, i just started mapping and i see that if i don't have my Atziri's Promise up i get totally destroyed because i don't have enough lifesteal, sometimes even with Atziri's i get killed, any tips?
dipperdyr wrote:
ah its cause hits cant be evaded on your claws mb xD

There is that as well yes. Forgot i had that on my claws tbh. Was thinking of my other build with cyclone.

grouchomax90 wrote:
Okay, i just started mapping and i see that if i don't have my Atziri's Promise up i get totally destroyed because i don't have enough lifesteal, sometimes even with Atziri's i get killed, any tips?

Atziri's is just to give some extra damage. Lifesteal comes from vaal paact + soul raker node on tree. If you don't have them i suggest going for them.
g00fy_goober wrote:
dipperdyr wrote:
ah its cause hits cant be evaded on your claws mb xD

There is that as well yes. Forgot i had that on my claws tbh. Was thinking of my other build with cyclone.

grouchomax90 wrote:
Okay, i just started mapping and i see that if i don't have my Atziri's Promise up i get totally destroyed because i don't have enough lifesteal, sometimes even with Atziri's i get killed, any tips?

Atziri's is just to give some extra damage. Lifesteal comes from vaal paact + soul raker node on tree. If you don't have them i suggest going for them.

I just got the Vaal Pact, but i still get bursted down so easy
And i don't have so much damage, i have 1ex to spend for now, what to upgrade?
Last edited by grouchomax90 on Mar 16, 2020, 7:25:34 AM
Chose this as my league starter. I am noticing that Delirium is pretty rough before you get a good source of leech due to the reduced recovery. It doesn't help that my resists need work but the fog is definitely a factor. BF/Reave is my favorite playstyle, though, and this build is pretty solid. Making it work on a budget is a little rough but definitely doable. I am not sure yet if I prefer Berserker over Champion but I need to ascend more to be sure. Thanks for the guide!
Last edited by BrimstoneBrute on Mar 17, 2020, 7:19:42 AM
Hello, I love the build so far!

I was looking through the thread and saw a comment you made about how dual-wielding bloodseekers does not benefit us and that a stat stick would be much better. I'm a fairly new player and I have never heard of a stat stick before and I don't understand how stat sticks work. I bought a cheap stat stick scepter but when I equip it with my bloodseeker I can no longer use reave/bflurry. Was there a change that I missed or is something else the problem? Are stat sticks still relevant?

I also noticed the POBuilding is dual-wielding the multi-modded claws. Is one of them acting as a stat stick? Or what makes dual-wielding the claws beneficial? I guess I'm just confused between dual-wielding and using a stat stick.
Last edited by MasterBiggs on Mar 17, 2020, 3:04:53 PM

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