[3.5]FJTHEBEAST| DW Nebuloch Chieftain Molten Strike |90% Dmg Mitigation|9M Shaper DPS| All content

Great build which I will be using for the 3.3. But can you add the leveling build tree?


See :Passive Tree & Progression

or see PoB link. I added tree progression there too.
this build looks promising. Im always looking for high mitigation so this build should work out perfectly for me. Thanks for the guide.
Can I replace Molten Strike with the new buffed Infernal Blow?
LuanKing wrote:
Can I replace Molten Strike with the new buffed Infernal Blow?

Yes you can. When I first tried to build around Nebuloch I was hesitating between infernal blow and molten strike but decided to go molten strike.

You can use the same gear and tree, just remove Iron grip and Point blank and take some area nodes (near templar start). (example : http://poeurl.com/bVyT)

For links, I think you can use :
- for mapping : Infernal blow - Ancestral call - Melee physical damage - Elemental damage with attacks - Elemental focus (or increased area of effect to increase the explosion area, could be better for mapping than ele focus, test and see)
- for bosses : Infernal blow - Multistrike - Melee physical damage - Elemental damage with attacks - Elemental focus (damage boost=66% of base attack damage every 6 attacks, with my current gear I have 9 attacks per second, so I should get a boost of 100% of base attack per second. PoB shows 460k shaper dps without the damage boost, but honestly I don't know how to add that 100% base damage per second, maybe it doubles the damage?)
gallaghd wrote:
this build looks promising. Im always looking for high mitigation so this build should work out perfectly for me. Thanks for the guide.

You are welcome :) I made this build because I have shitty pc and very shitty internet connexion. This is the first time I reach lvl 94. I could have reached higher levels but decided not to because I managed to do Uber elder which was my goal of the league (first time ever, first time also to defeat shaper).

The character is very very tanky (tanked shaper slams, normal atziri double flame blast, bearers are no threat and you can just sit there and watch things explode :D, double map bosses wont do anything to you...). However, I died a lot at first because this is the first time I build around Nebuloch, and thats what made me make better decisions for gear and passive tree. I also died a lot before I defeat shaper/Uber elder because my pc always feezes. I had to borrow another computer to successfully finish the fight :D. But I ensure you it is doable deathless easily with good hardware and internet connexion.

I hope you enjoy the build :) good luck.
Thanks for the leveling update :) ! One question, you said we could use sunder for leveling. Is that because molten strike is bad for leveling? If so can you suggest a 6 link setup for sunder in order of importance?
Thanks for the leveling update :) ! One question, you said we could use sunder for leveling. Is that because molten strike is bad for leveling? If so can you suggest a 6 link setup for sunder in order of importance?

Not anymore. >ith Ancestral call, you can use any skill you want to level with (ms, cleave...). MS with ancestral call can be even better than sunder. I just suggested it because some players prefer sunder early game and are used to leveling with it. I leveled with ms and it was good enough (I mean I do not level too fast so I can't tell which one is truely better)

Here is a quick guide for leveling with sunder (thank you /silkysnow_):

If you level with sunder and because its support gems are different from those of molten strike, be sure to level your ms build gems or you can just buy them when you decide to switch to ms.

If you decide to play sunder with this build, you should convert the remaining 50% phys to fire with avatar of fire (passive tree or xoph's blood) and tweak the passive tree a little bit (remove iren grip and point blank and take some area nodes).
Nice build. But i wanna ask few thing about the weapon. Before Nebulach what maces can be used?
And why in Vaal lightning trap we set LMP but not GMP?
Quick question, if we are taking resolute technique , then what benefit does Abyssus give us?
Schweinorg wrote:
Nice build. But i wanna ask few thing about the weapon. Before Nebulach what maces can be used?
And why in Vaal lightning trap we set LMP but not GMP?

1- I haven't taken any maces nodes, so you can use any onehanded weapon you want. I think that Grelwood Shank (with Nebuloch or Beltimber Blade) can be used till you have enough regen. For leveling you can use any good dps onehanded weapon (unique or rare, better with high attack speed)

2- You are right. It is better to use GMP with Vaal Lightning trap. I am no more using it anyway. Instead I am using CWDT-Lightning golem for more attack speed. I don't need VLT anymore, especially because it is useless against elder/uber elder

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