Xbox One 3.1.3 Patch Notes

CuriousGrel wrote:
Emmortal_One wrote:
Any reason why the patch is downloading at a whopping 1mb a sec? I have a 350mb connection and a 10ms ping yet it's taking over an hour to download 500mbs of the patch and it's not even halfway done. Never had this issue before just wondering why it's popping up now.

Sounds to me like you are streaming to windows 10. If you do this, xbox limits the downloading speed to 1. Just disconnect for a few seconds, it should solve the issue, but its just a guess, might be something else.

Spot on good guess, that's what it was, weird that Microsoft would do that in this day and age.
favre1978 wrote:
yeah drop rate in this game sucks hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are just playing it wrong... ;)
Any news for the map stash ?
I'm going to think we'll never see it :(
kalas68 wrote:
Any news for the map stash ?
I'm going to think we'll never see it :(

I'm pretty sure it will be in next league.
im from Germany, i want to play this game. But it is in German.
I played it for years now in english. I CANT play it in German now.

Is there a chance that you can choose your language? not touching until then :(
Saufkopp wrote:
im from Germany, i want to play this game. But it is in German.
I played it for years now in english. I CANT play it in German now.

Is there a chance that you can choose your language? not touching until then :(

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