Joe's Stream.

July 19, 2018.

This morning I did a rare stream, as I took a nap earlier than normal, and the ibuprofen I took seemed to help out some. So, why not. And I didn't want to burn out on Pinball Arcade and Bully is pretty much unplayable, due to its frequent crashing. So, PoE it is.

I played my marauder 90% of the time, since the new item I found really helped, as well as clicking "Always attack without moving" on my Leap Slam ability. It's viable now!

A short but productive session today. Knocked out some new maps this time!

A Few Map Completions

Heck, I might actually start playing my marauder more now!

Cleaning house, Michael Bay style! BOOOM!

Buuut anyway, that's it for the morning session. Thanks for reading/watching, and see ya tonight!

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Working on my marauder a bit. No vinyl this time.
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July 19, 2018. P.M. stream.

Played my marauder today, running what few Elder and Shaper maps were available (they must have gone camping or something :\ ), and the rest were just regular maps. Aaaaand I cleared out/upgraded a few new ones too!:

A Few More Map Completions

Wow! I should've made a video out of the Laboratory boss battle! :O

And I also played some duelist as well, totally forgetting about a few items he had in his stash:

His resists went in the toilet after this new setup, but at least he's more viable now (his extra life leech can compensate to an extent). Actually after playing him a while I find him to be even more tanky (but more slower) than my marauder lol! I just need to keep getting those leech nodes until it gets to where they need to be (basically being able to leech more life than my ranger's life gain on hit).

And that'll do it for the session today. And here's all the vinyls I played this time:

Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II
Richard Pryor - ... is it something I said?
Jethro Tull - This Was
Weird Al Yankovic - Polka Party
Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced?
The Doobie Brothers - Minute by Minute
Devo - New Traditionalists

Okay, gonna do it for me tonight. Had a good time today, and hopefully more of the same tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading. Always appreciated. And until next time, take care. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Vinyl records and maps. Playing marauder this time!
My Patreon page.
My Youtube Channel.
July 20, 2018.

Divided my time between my 3 main classes, but playing my ranger the most - and probably here on after, . . . . again - after realizing that:

Why My Ranger Is My Main
• She's considerably faster then the other 2 (near-perma-Onslaught and all), especially my duelist.
• She's got +75% item rarity, compared to the paltry 5-10% the other 2 have. Makes map running more worthwhile.
• Her mana doesn't run out after long battles, unlike my marauder.
• Her life leech, mostly due to the Bloodseeker she's got, is way better than my duelist, and it's his main healing method!
• Her flasks are more useful - she used to be a pathfinder - than the other guys, who are basically up the creek without a paddle if they're taking more damage than they can heal back.

And I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now.

Aside from that, did my usual map running, and managed to fully complete (get the bonus objectives on) a couple maps. And even ran some Elder and Shaper maps as well (they must have come back from camping), although I had to skip some of the Shaper bosses, as they're hard enough as it is without the extra battle attached to them. -_-

Tried out the "Extra Gore" weapon effect again as well, just trying to make it work. Stupid as it might sound it's actually too much extra gore, it's practically cartoony! It's like I'm making tomato sauce. :\

But otherwise a good session overall. And here's all the records I played this session:

MC5 - Kick Out the Jams
Django Reinhardt - First Recordings
Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite
Stan Getz - With Laurindo Almeida
Rush - 2112
Jethro Tull - Stand Up

Well, that's it for me. Gonna call it a night. Take care and thanks for reading. And see ya next time. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Playing records while running maps on my marauder (Juggernaut). Might also play duelist and/or ranger as well.
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Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 21, 2018, 2:44:24 AM
July 21, 2018.

Played mostly my ranger, using my marauder when it's imperative that there be no corpses (those spiders that revive corpses that explode when killed, for example).

Switched back to my original claw (my Mortem Morsu), after doing another calculation on the instant life leech from my Bloodseeker weapon:

Originally I calculated 2.8% of 8500 single-target Viper Strike DPS, which is 238. But after noticing my healing was actually worse I took a second look at the item. Apparently the ".... hits with this weapon" and "....physical attack damage...." didn't sink in at the time. So instead I calced 2.8% of the main hand physical damage, which came out to be 7.7-13.3, quite less than the 20 life gain on hit from my Mortem Morsu claw. So out with the new, in with the old (and my assassin shadow is back to being jealous again. :P )!

But enough math. Mostly ran maps, as well as some Vaal dungeons. And ran a Cruel Laby too (for the boot enchant). So, a good session overall. And hopefully tomorrow will be more of the same.

And here's all the vinyls I played today:

Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Tom Lehrer - That Was the Year That Was
Todd Rundgren - Todd (sides 3 & 4, apparently it's a double album with a record missing. :\ )
Billy Joel - Piano Man
George Benson - Breezin'
Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Self-Titled second album

Okay, thus endeth the session. Thanks for reading, mucho appreciated. Again, I might be on later to stream Pinball Arcade if I'm awake/able to stay awake. But until then, bye now. Take care. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Playing vinyl LPs (got lucky at the thrift stores today!) and running maps on (primarily) my ranger.
My Patreon page.
My Youtube Channel.
Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 22, 2018, 3:46:11 AM
July 22, 2018.

Today I actually divided my time between my ranger and marauder fairly evenly. Had a fair amount of maps with parasites and corpse exploders, much easier for my marauder to deal with (Infernal Blow) than my ranger. And a good time for Elder/Shaper-flavored maps too. I think all but two of them were influenced in some way.

But otherwise, not much else to write home about this time. And starting Wednesday my work week starts back up after being on vacation this whole time. So it'll be back to ~2 hour sessions again *sigh*. It was fun while it lasted.

So, that's it for the session. And here's all the records I played this session:

GWAR - Scumdogs of the Universe
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick
Stan Freberg - Best of Stan Freberg
Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds
Herb Albert's Tijuana Brass - Whipped Cream & Other Delights
Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician
Rachmaninoff - Concerto No. 2 in D Minor

Time to call it a night. Tired and hungry. And like always, thanks for reading/watching. Take care and have a good night/day. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Spinning vinyls while running maps (on my ranger, maybe other characters too), maybe other odds & ends as well.
My Youtube Channel.
July 23, 2018.

Mostly ranger today, and well whaddya know, she hit level 85! I also played my marauder once or twice, but that was about it. And I mostly ran maps and ran a few prophesies as well. And holy balls what an item that dropped!:

One helluvan item! Although at this conjecture I'm not sure if dual-wielding Wasp Nests is better than the Wasp Nest/Mortem Morsu setup I got now (converting 20% of physical to chaos on top of the 25% with Viper Strike is hard to ignore). I figure I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

And one of my prophesies got me a Tabula Rasa. So that's three Tabula Rasas now!

And I also busted out a new map as well: The Scriptorium.

Scriptorium boss fight

And a side note: Me every time I remember to put down a portal before a big fight (been a big problem recently):

There really really needs to be a male version of this lol!

So, that's it for the session. And here's all the vinyl albums I played:

Metallica - Live at the Palladium Theatre, Winnipeg, December 13 1986
Frank Zappa - We're Only in it for the Money
Jethro Tull - Benefit
KISS - Self-Titled Debut
Fugazi - Red Medicine

Okay, calling it a night. Take care and thanks for reading/watching. And have yourselves a good night/day. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Playing the 33s and running some maps, mostly on my Viper Striker raider ranger.
My Patreon page.
My Youtube Channel.
Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 24, 2018, 3:09:05 AM
July 24, 2018.

Big time change of plans. I actually spent most of my time on my duelist this time, after getting this item when running on my ranger:

That got me back on my duelist quick lol! Now I just need some kind of Shaper/Elder item that says "Socketed gems are supported by level 15-20 Onslaught", because he's still pretty slow. Not as slow as my marauder used to be a back when I first started playing this game (-8% movement speed, 3-4 attacks per second), but still slow enough for me to go:

And wha-hey! Found a diviner's strongbox!

I also found a couple unique diviner's strongboxes, but I ran out of map portals on one when running my duelist (Cosmic boss guy deals megaton damage, not to mention all the Righteous Fire droids running around, and my duelist has low resists), and managed to open one on my better equipped ranger - after dying 2-3 times, narrow corridors and rooms make it hard to see - only to find 2 stinking cards. RNG is RNG it seems. :\

But, that's all for the session today. And tomorrow my work week starts back up, so it'll be just ~2 hour sessions from Wednesday to Sunday. And here's all the records I played:

Saturday Night Fever - Movie Soundtrack
Ted Nugent's Amboy Dukes - Tooth, Fang, and Claw
Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
Frank Zappa - Ship Arriving too Late to Save a Drowning Witch
Vangelis - Spiral

Okay, gonna call it a night. Thanks for reading/dropping by, always appreciated! Take care and have a good night/day. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Vinyl records while map running with the ranger (occasionally my marauder too).
My Youtube Channel.
July 25, 2018.

About half & half today, working on both ranger and duelist. Just running maps. And I tried fighting the boss in the Museum map, but Ethereal Knives that only my spell dodge works against, summoning corpses - making my marauder's Infernal Blow useless - and then blowing them up, makes this boss "impossible", especially when you have a "+55% increased area of effect" mod on a map. :\

But, thus endeth the session. I had to cut it short, since I made the mistake of drinking Nyquil just before laying down, since I couldn't sleep. Guess I drank too much, as I was drowsy as hell when I started streaming. Whoops!

Buuut anyway, here's the records I played today:

Joe Walsh - The Smoker You Drink, the Player You Get.
Richard Pryor - That N****r's Crazy
Tchaikovsky - Concerto in D, Opus #35

Okay, have to start getting ready for work now. Take care and thanks for reading/watching. And have a good night/day. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Playing vinyls and running maps until work.
My Youtube Channel.
Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 25, 2018, 9:31:25 PM
July 26, 2018.

All ranger today, just running maps like usual. Tried to run a few new ones - in order to open up a few new nodes on The Atlas - but wasn't having any luck. In fact, now that I think about I sure died a lot this session. Some bad RNG (ranger = pure avoidance build). :[

Otherwise, nada else going on this time around. But that can always change next session, you never know.

But that aside, here's the records I played today:

Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again
John F Kennedy, A Memorial Album
Motorhead - Overkill
Rachmaninoff - Concerto No. 2 in C Minor

Okay, gotta get ready for work now. Take care and thanks for watching/reading, and have a good night/day. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] LP albums and map-running before I gotta work.
My Youtube Channel.
Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 26, 2018, 9:50:53 PM
July 27, 2018.

Again, all ranger today, except a quick Bloody Aquaduct run on my marauder. And as I had no Shaper/Elder-flavored maps I just went ahead and tried knocking out some new maps and upgrading some existing ones:

A Few Map Completions/Upgrades.

Did an Arachnid Nest map that was just awesome! All slow melee skeletons. The kind I wish I got more often, but no.

Instead I get parasite-infested maps and/or monsters that casually cast curses (basically I'm permanently cursed throughout the entire map) and/or green pea shooters etc etc etc.

Oh, and I managed to screenshot this as well. It's almost perfect!

But otherwise, that's the session for today. And here's the records I played:

Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Moody Blues - On the Threshold of a Dream
Thin Lizzy - Self-Titled Debut

Okay, have to start getting ready for work now. Thanks for reading/watching, always appreciated! Take care and see ya next time. ;]

"Joe's Stream" [SSF SC] Spinning records while doing some map running before I have to work.
My Youtube Channel.
Last edited by Joe__Schmoe on Jul 27, 2018, 9:56:57 PM

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