[On Hold] Kinetic Blast Deadeye [Magic Find Speed Mapper]

Wondering if using "Point Blank" would not be beneficial for this build ?
Read the keystone. It's good for the projectile portion of abilities when you're close. Kinetic Blast has two parts. The projectiles (meh) and the explosions (aww yeah). Point Blank is not really recommended for this build since we benefit more from staying at range and blasting from distance and keeping safe. Anytime you're close the damage is coming from overlapping explosions against walls where Point Blank isn't doing anything because your projectiles are going straight into walls. I use Point Blank when I use Barrage for single target as a nice More multiplier when facetanking content.

it seems like Onslaught (from Herald of ice) is not triggering at all am i missing something?
The Onslaught will only come from Herald kills so the ice shatters after packs. It's a small % of the time but I kill fast enough to where I notice it almost always up when I'm mapping.

Is this build viable for MF in non-shaped red maps? or even non-mf.
I have some example of non-MF gear that I used to kill shaper in Incursion last week. Posted in the Gear section of the guide.

i see people get vaal pact without those duelist leech nodes but where are you getting leech from?
There's leech in front of Shadow before the Claw nodes as part of the life nodes, that's really all the leech amount that you need considering how much damage the build does. Vaal Pact helps with the rate.
can i use inspired learning in this build? and if yes where do I put it?
hi kind sirs. Can the 3.3 gear do T8 burial chambers? dont have the currency right now to setup the t3.. Thanks in advance!
Hey guys. I made a build as close as possible to this guide. I do not have enough damage to kill a rare monsters and sometimes I die in an incrusion. What should I change to fix this?
I forgot my PoB https://pastebin.com/LtQ77gyF
Hey guys i have some problems with this build. rn im lvl 86 but i die super fast and having a really hard time killing rare+ mobs. this is my gear:
GOT MY FIRST DOCTOR DIV CARD DROP TODAY. THANK YOU FOR THIS WANDER-FULL GUIDE!!! AFTER 189 MAPS IT FINALLY DROPPED! (caps coz im so happy right now..) Once again, thanks thi3n! peace.

Just started some maps at after uber lab at 73. Build is fast AF lol deadeye wander OP.
Used Inspired Learning since ~53lvl and

helm. And it is the funniest char leveling ever, almost all time buffed by few mobs and mini-shrines :D Didn't finished it yet, but already want to say thanks for this build and nice time spending with it! :)
Last edited by faraddox on Jul 13, 2018, 2:13:05 AM

Playing this build in IHC after having farmed a HH xd, congratz bro, this runs smooth as eggs! Keep up! (btw im not going mf, because i don't need money anymore, i'll be pushing lvls)

P.S.: made a few changes to the tree for more survivability, will prob be going with phase acro later. Still have to get the abyssal jewel sockets, i'll be aiming for t1 life and at least 2 dmg mods. Definitely hc viable, very smooth, fun to play build.
Last edited by mazzopi on Jul 13, 2018, 3:16:59 AM

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