[3.12] KissMeQuick's Gladiator Reave: REBORN — T19 100% Maps & A8 Sirus Deathless — Starter friendly

xiirri wrote:
WithLoveEarL wrote:

I don't like going for Loreweave first armour - it's like getting Abyssus too early. I am having the time of my life with Belly killing Shaper/Elder without issue, clearing Delves at 400 with zero issue (apart from new boss mechanics).

Since you already went for it, it's no point getting another 6L, so smash as much life as you can on jewels, I can see you have no life on the jewel inside Stygian Vise. Take more life nodes rather than damage (you can tweak the build a bit), because Loreweave already gives a shit ton of damage. Make sure you have 40+ or 6%+ life on the jewels in passive tree. One thing I changed in this build is I took more life nodes on the life circle just to the upper left. You need to be 6K+.

If you can't afford a rare high pdps sword, just get an Ahn's might. Well rolled ones go up to 340pdps.


I do have life on all my jewels (pretty decent rolls) + all 7% hp jewels within my tree. The one thing is that onslaught gem is so huge it ups my DPS so much. But maybe I can get both.

I definitely noticed with the loreweave I am sacrificing a lot of hp / defenses.. but I figured the extra 5% resistances would help offset that. But I think you are right.

Onslaught is great, but having a few % for me feels like it only gets triggered once in a while - not enough to sustain it.. Besides you already chose the higher-dps variant, you need to balance the other side now. Trust me at 5K life you would be one-shot by stuff even in 350 depth.

I really like the guide and thanks for sharing.

But I have problems with my damage. I have the feeling it's pretty low but upgrades to increase my damage are pretty expensive.
Can someone with more experience give me some tips and hints for further upgrades?
You can see my skilltree and equip at my character "DigMeOut".

thank you <3

I have no clue how you don't have enough damage. You're using Abyssus, I don't, and T16s are pretty much one-shot everything, Shaper is easy, Elder melts to 2nd phase before getting more than a couple of attacks off, Delves above 400 are easy work too. I mean, you can never have enough damage, but I'm a bit surprised.

Get an elder amulet with 13% of non-chaos as extra chaos damage, that shit is very very powerful. If I switch to 20% of phys as extra fire I LOSE A TON of dps, because chaos damage will melt everything in the game due to low resists of mobs against it. Could do 40% Reave damage and could improve the stat stick a little bit. Could get Taste of Hate instead of Lion's Roar, although I'm considering using it for deep Delves to keep mobs away with the Knockback.

Your jewels in the tree are weak - just area damage and attack speed. Get flat phys to sword attacks/flat phys to attacks on abyssal jewels and you will feel it. Plus, remove +30 strength node, not sure why you are lacking strength?
Last edited by WithLoveEarL on Sep 23, 2018, 8:43:06 PM
trying to read as much as I can of your replies in here, considdering delve and all, is a 6L belly maybe, well not to prefere but, could be worth it instead of loreweave? Atm I have a 5L belly, and my luck is for shit so no luck six linking myself, and I can afford 1 6L so I have to choose between belly and loreweave.
Just wondering what you guys would do.
WithLoveEarL wrote:

Your jewels in the tree are weak - just area damage and attack speed. Get flat phys to sword attacks/flat phys to attacks on abyssal jewels and you will feel it. Plus, remove +30 strength node, not sure why you are lacking strength?

Not that guy but also playing a champ variant. Could you take a look? I'm unsure about the pathing I took and I dont pick up jewel slots at all. I also use Perseverance because perma fortify.

POB: https://pastebin.com/T3hcECfd

Last edited by Absolutista on Sep 24, 2018, 12:13:54 AM

Please rate my build
HO dmg shows 200k with 40% crit and 4.4k life - Still need to pick a lot of life nodes to easily achieve 5k+ life
In combat damage reaches 400k easy with crit damage and 500k easy dps tooltip with conc effect.

Anything else to improve drastically. Project POB damage at lvl 95 is 1M plus
WithLoveEarL wrote:

Your jewels in the tree are weak - just area damage and attack speed. Get flat phys to sword attacks/flat phys to attacks on abyssal jewels and you will feel it. Plus, remove +30 strength node, not sure why you are lacking strength?


thanks for your advise.
The Strength-Node was just temporary. Just got lvl-up. Gonna spec into the jewel socket on the right side to get a watcher's eye with hatred crit chance.

I have tried abyssus yesterday. Didn't yet. But I'm scared of doing so.

What do you think, how much exalts do I need to get to like 2-3M shaper-DPS?
Hello guys.I roll with toxic rain build now,to be honest it is getting borring a bit.I am a noob in this game and I always listen to a friend's advice that plays POE cupple of years.I always prefer a melle build in every game but my friend says they are weak/shit comparing to other aoe meta builds.When I saw this build I fell in love and say fk it,I must play this.
Got some currency to invest around 20 ex to gete started.Would that kind of currency get me to farm T 14-16 maps and even kill shaper?
luka2113 wrote:
Hello guys.I roll with toxic rain build now,to be honest it is getting borring a bit.I am a noob in this game and I always listen to a friend's advice that plays POE cupple of years.I always prefer a melle build in every game but my friend says they are weak/shit comparing to other aoe meta builds.When I saw this build I fell in love and say fk it,I must play this.
Got some currency to invest around 20 ex to gete started.Would that kind of currency get me to farm T 14-16 maps and even kill shaper?

Dude, easily. 1ex starkonja with reave, 4.5ex belly 6L, 2s tombfist 1-2ex, you can get 50c ahn's might 340pdps which will suffice, stat stick 50c worth of alt-regal craft will suffice, 50c high life high res boots without movespeed, 1ex stygian vise and 1-2ex on jewellry - that's 11-12ex and that's already geared up to do all content. The other 8-9ex just smash on a good pdps sword, either jewelled foil or corsair sword. done.
Thanks for info.I see some ppl use Loreweave armor, should I use that instead of Belly?
^ I also want to know haha
And also Earl, you are running 3 auras without enlighten 4 and without much +mana, does it feel sketchy to you or does it feel alright you think?
edit: Just managed to 6L a perfectly rolled Belly (perfect res and life rolls that is) so please for the love of god dont tell me Ill need a loreweave xD
Last edited by Chridian on Sep 24, 2018, 9:46:09 AM

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