[3.x][Super Heavy Heavy Strike] 2H HS Jug - All Content

Camatoo wrote:
I just got lucky and 6-linked a brass i found long ago in standard with ~100 fusings
Bought a 6l Starforge and are now preparing for the skill reset and new patch.

A quick thing i wanted to ask.
Do you also intend to chance the skilltree significatly after the patch came out?
Or is it mostly the ascendacy which get changed around for maximum use?

Skilltree has changed to cookie cutter and it's been updated in the progression section :)

sourtimer wrote:
Nice build. Is there a reason why the progression build path for 3.2; https://www.pathofexile.com/build/dBoosX, does not match up to the pastebin build link; https://pastebin.com/1TmA1CYJ ?


If it's the poblink from the DPS section, it still has the old 3.1 tree. I will update that part as well, just follow the 3.2 progression

smdom wrote:
Do you try use for trash another skill, maybe sweep? changing 2 gems before boses looks like long action...

This is how 1handers play the entire game :D Some people directly does chest swaps

Put the unsued gems in the weapons swap, it's the fastest way to switch gems i found so far.

SevenDK wrote:
Ohai o/

i was making my plans for the leagstarter and poked around with our PoB,

i noticed you chooses Kaomsheart but left your whole Warchief Setup active, disabling it means loosing ~ 200k dps on mainskill and another 300k dps from Warchief itself + Culling

is the life gain really worth that? seems belly is a much better choice. just curious.

another question from my relativly noob perspective, if i would stick to brass dome, it seem from taht pob i am waaay over the phys reduction cap of 90% assuming a consistent uptime of endurance charges, is that just to counteract mapmods or is there anything that PoB doesnt show me? like abyssus not taking into account on that phys damage reduction point.

If you put Kaom, you move the totem into a 4L.

Yes brassdome is overkill, one thing you can do with dome is drop Determination and put Haste or Vitality for example :)

Belly becomes a good alternative before kaom, and also the more offensive chest

hey when i import your pastebin links into pob there are lots of red circles. what do they mean? havent played for months and didnt encounter this "problem" before

Ye sorry sometimes I forget to remove searches
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Hey mate, your 3.2 progression tree has a ton of missing nodes and pathways that don't go anywhere (like the top left of the tree). Is this just because you haven't leveled that far yet, or was it an oversight?
Hey Juggbro. Please update your passive tree progression. I wanna try this build really bad. Thanks.
Starting with this build , thanks op for the updates.
Hello, i've added a link to the final tree and another step in the progression for the final "skeleton tree" with all clusters open. I leave it as it is, because during my own leveling, the progression is not strict, i put points based on what feels lacking, be it life, aspd, dmg:

Once all clusters are open, it is UP TO YOU on what to prioritize depending on current needs. My personal suggestion is to:
- Try to fill life as much as possible
- Damage nodes priority:
1. Attack speed
2. Damage
3. Crit
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
how u guys deal with knockback at hs. i try lvling with hs to get use but it contantly knockback mob make my attck does not reach
Vid in 3.2 from the jug in standard, looks fine! https://youtu.be/Stx42S2FOMY

Charges uptime looks good, didnt get huge spikes, have to try out with other mods, but it looks promising, should tank more vs ele dmg for sure with 8k hp.

Also charges make it easier to overcap res. So yea 3.2 was a good buff for the build
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
Last edited by ZaeN on Mar 3, 2018, 2:04:24 PM
ZaeN wrote:
Hello, i've added a link to the final tree and another step in the progression for the final "skeleton tree" with all clusters open. I leave it as it is, because during my own leveling, the progression is not strict, i put points based on what feels lacking, be it life, aspd, dmg:

Once all clusters are open, it is UP TO YOU on what to prioritize depending on current needs. My personal suggestion is to:
- Try to fill life as much as possible
- Damage nodes priority:
1. Attack speed
2. Damage
3. Crit

Hey, man. thank you so much for updating final and progression tree for all fans like me to this build. Just one quick question for you here. I plan to use this char heavily doing lab farm at the beginning of season. so I plan to take more endurance charge nodes in the tree when running lab. so, due to that, i think that i will take undeniable first, unflinching, then take unbreakable and unrelenting for last two labs. Do you think my plan looks reasonable? Any suggestions you may like to share? Thank you very much.
Thanks for the update Zaen, build feels great so far.
Finally able get started for Bestiary tonight, going back to this build. Did 40/40 with it in Abyss and had a ton of fun with it. Nice work, will be keeping an eye on the thread while everyone gets rolling next couple days.

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