[3.1] Pwn's 1m DPS Oni-Goroshi PermaFlicker Slayer

Camatoo wrote:
pharaoh000 wrote:
This build will dead in 4 and a half days from now.
Had so much fun with it.
Frist lv91 char with crappy laptop and connection. XD
(LF some miracle change or some way to work around)

Depends if the bleed damage is counted as reflected physical damage. If yes, you can screw it. Then you need to play a crit/frenzy flicker again.

But damn, cyclone is getting OP with the changes.

Cyclone slayer?

I've not played cyclone before, always worried it'd feel terrible after so many years of ww barb in diablo.
I'll be trying this build as my next league starter, thought i'll be taking chieftain as my ascendancy, some fire leech, life reg, endurance charges and 50% phys to fire seems okey for this build, hard to say if it will work, still fingers crossed. Gl flickers ;D
hi, can you give us some hope from 3.2?
MaxFactor wrote:
hi, can you give us some hope from 3.2?

Could possibly do it on an Ascendant I reckon. Maybe Slayer/Raider
Ascendant with slayer/berserker or inquisitor (inq is prob beter)/dualist tree could work(inquisitor tree could also prob work, but it's late so not in the mood to check) , as i said before chieftain could also work thought the loss of the over leech does hurt, but the life regeneration helps, tried building both on PoB, and it does seem to work, with same items as this build they can reach same damage or even more. So there's still time, try building something on Pob yourself, maybe you will come up with something even better.
Last edited by CreapeR on Feb 28, 2018, 4:52:38 PM
hi, I'm not practical about Scion, but I try to say it anyway:
In your opinion, could you use it and unlock Slayer and Raider?
Not sure if the extra frenzy charges are needed for this build, the bleed should be enough to generate them, and as for onslaught, it's nice but the damage buff from inquisitor asc should be bigger, i guess you get some movement speed, but most of the time you should be flickering around and not moving so not much use of that either.

I don't barely ever player scion myself, but from the little experience i do have, slayer/inquisitor seem to me like the best choices.

But again, try building it on PoB, for ascendant i just transferred, my chieftain tree and tried to adjust it to her, so it's far from being perfect or even decent (dunno), i still do reach 1m dps, but it could prob be better if it was built from scrap.
Last edited by MaxFactor on Mar 1, 2018, 9:49:55 AM
Then i saw your scion tree i thought you copied mine for a second ;D but remembered that i didn't post it here :D, everything is almost the same.

This is how i would change it, i don't think it's really worth to go that far for that 1 frenzy, better just get 1 jewel slot and same life near the dualist tree, also the crit chance/multiplayer near the ranger. The damage nodes you took near marouder are for two handed builds, this one is considered to be one handed. Also got rid of the leech and ele resist nodes near the marouder, becouse you will get enough from the items, and leech from dualist side is enough, everything else should be fine.

Last edited by CreapeR on Mar 1, 2018, 11:03:20 AM
which part of this build inflicts bleed on enemy?

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