[3.1] Pwn's 1m DPS Oni-Goroshi PermaFlicker Slayer

RaithVZ wrote:

I very much enjoy your build and I've managed to get up to 86 so far. A couple of questions though, (first time playing after ~2+ years).

1) How are you meant to deal with Chaos damage? It's pretty mean on some AoEs/Bosses etc. when no adds are around.

2) I've tried out both Abyssus and Starkonja's; it seems as though the bleed damage is increased with Abyssus; my health starts plummeting shortly after clearing a mob pack while I'm on the way looking for the next one. Is there a way to deal with this, or just hit the Staunching flask regularly?

3) It seems like the meta to just DPS down everything before it has a chance to do the mechanics that kill you; Should I just be working on increasing my flat Phys Damage and Life while maintaining capped resists?

4) Labs is pretty challenging with Vaal Pact; Should I swap in a few more Health Flasks just to get through? Is it possible to face tank the Leap Slam?

Thanks for your time! I haven't played in a while so I'd appreciate any insight you might be able to provide.

Thanks for your questions.

1)Many builds ignore chaos resistance/damage, the slayer leech should be able to keep us alive through most of the chaos damage in the game. Most chaos damage is DoT anyway.

2)Abyssus makes you take increased physical damage. Bleed counts as physical damage. Getting a low %increased physical damage roll on your Abyssus will help a lot.

3)You should definitely focus on getting more flat physical and life. Getting crit multiplier on your amulet is a nice boost to damage too.

4)This build doesn't specialize in running lab but using Starkonja's and fortify makes you pretty tanky. You can probably tank the slam some of the time but should still try to dodge if possible. A good tip for clearing lab is to kill a big pack of mobs and speed through traps while your overleech is active.
Fresh builds all day.
My Mana cost for flicker is still actually 59 Since im using Added Fire ontop of Fire Pen because i dont need to use phys to lightning maybe if i find something other than Fire Pen i might be able to get it down more?

EDIT: Switched Back to Mana leech and swapped Fire Pen For Ruthless for Now im able to sustain mana at max attack speed on a single target now but i feel like i could find a better skill gem to use over ruthless
Last edited by VsDreaMz on Jan 7, 2018, 5:17:32 PM
My flicker mana cost is 42.
My unreserved mana is 94.

My unreserved mana is 79 and you would think that it should be enough, but i still sometimes just stop in the middle of a pack with no mana. Now yes, i can just whirling blades through the enemies to leech some mana and continue the flickering, but my problem is that this abrupt stop just kills the flow of the game, so currently im working towards charisma cluster for a bit of reduced reserved mana to hatred+purity+arctic, while both my move and main skills are on blood magic. So far, with blood magic, the general flow of the game feels alot smoother. Also i might be wrong, but even if you can do 2 flickers in a row, mana leech per sec still limits your attack speed. At least it feels that way.
Wondering how hard would this build be in Hardcore? Is it doable? much <3
felixsimon wrote:
My flicker mana cost is 42.
My unreserved mana is 94.

My unreserved mana is 79 and you would think that it should be enough, but i still sometimes just stop in the middle of a pack with no mana. Now yes, i can just whirling blades through the enemies to leech some mana and continue the flickering, but my problem is that this abrupt stop just kills the flow of the game, so currently im working towards charisma cluster for a bit of reduced reserved mana to hatred+purity+arctic, while both my move and main skills are on blood magic. So far, with blood magic, the general flow of the game feels alot smoother. Also i might be wrong, but even if you can do 2 flickers in a row, mana leech per sec still limits your attack speed. At least it feels that way.

Why not just link your auras with lv2-3 enlighten?
travisiscool wrote:
felixsimon wrote:
My flicker mana cost is 42.
My unreserved mana is 94.

My unreserved mana is 79 and you would think that it should be enough, but i still sometimes just stop in the middle of a pack with no mana. Now yes, i can just whirling blades through the enemies to leech some mana and continue the flickering, but my problem is that this abrupt stop just kills the flow of the game, so currently im working towards charisma cluster for a bit of reduced reserved mana to hatred+purity+arctic, while both my move and main skills are on blood magic. So far, with blood magic, the general flow of the game feels alot smoother. Also i might be wrong, but even if you can do 2 flickers in a row, mana leech per sec still limits your attack speed. At least it feels that way.

Why not just link your auras with lv2-3 enlighten?

This. I think I have 142 unreserved mana and that coupled with the Versatility nodes (-8% mana cost giving 46 mana cost) I have never had mana problems - and that is without the 3 mana leech nodes (I just have the +0.4% mana and life leech node at the start).
Mind you that my tree is quite different than OP's but still have ~7.1k HP and ~1.4m DPS (NOT low budget). I also got a 29% phys -> cold conversion Watcher's eye so I got 99% phys conversion, making the self-bleed laughable.
IGN: Dargeshaad
What's the best chest ? Kaom's or belly 6L ?
Neckels wrote:
What's the best chest ? Kaom's or belly 6L ?

Kaom if you don't need the links for anything, but you could make a good Ancestral Warchief totem setup as DarthPwn mentioned earlier for added DPS vs. bosses on a 6L
IGN: Dargeshaad
Hi, you think that is possible to play Flicker for clean and Blade Flurry for bosses ?
Sorry for my english
Hi, you think that is possible to play Flicker for clean and Blade Flurry for bosses ?
Sorry for my english

Yes, you can do a weapon swap with 6L Blade Flurry for bosses if you want to.
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