[3.6 updated!] Crit Storm Call Inquisitor

Made this my starting build. Doing ok. Low gear. Doing ok dmg agains trash mobs, but single target is realy low. takes ages to kill map bosses. lvl 1 maps. Any pointers on how to increase damage ?



Do i swap concentrated effect with controlled destruction for bosses ?
mortenaa wrote:
Made this my starting build. Doing ok. Low gear. Doing ok dmg agains trash mobs, but single target is realy low. takes ages to kill map bosses. lvl 1 maps. Any pointers on how to increase damage ?



Do i swap concentrated effect with controlled destruction for bosses ?

Get some ascendancies and level up a few times. Work towards a essence worm as well. I have about equal gear and the same links and I'm steamrolling lower maps at 78.
mortenaa wrote:
Made this my starting build. Doing ok. Low gear. Doing ok dmg agains trash mobs, but single target is realy low. takes ages to kill map bosses. lvl 1 maps. Any pointers on how to increase damage ?

Do i swap concentrated effect with controlled destruction for bosses ?

You need the ascendancies, especially inevitable judgement. And you need better gear, shield could use spell damage, overall you need more life on gear.
Yes, swap out controlled destruction for conc effect. But get the Ascendancies first!
One thing I've noticed so far is that the leech from Berek's Grip is really important for survivability. I was having a lot of trouble with just warlord's mark before that, but with Berek's Grip it is working much better. Now if only I could 5L my inpulsa's I'd be in a good spot for early mapping.

I almost abandoned the build because of how incredibly squishy it felt, but the Berek's Grip seems to make quite a difference. The damage boost from Inpulsa's should put it in a good spot.
Last edited by whizkid338 on Mar 8, 2018, 5:30:16 PM
Don't forget atziri'S promise, the chaos damage also gives you some leech ;)
Last edited by Contractor on Mar 8, 2018, 8:05:35 PM
I ended up ditching the Kaom's Root as I was only at 4.7k health with it on and unwavering stance simply means you're unable to dodge/evade any attacks and everything was hitting me. Switching to a rare boots made it much easier to survive, I havn't taken the acrobatics nodes as of yet but I'm pretty sure if you use Kaom's Root those evade nodes doesn't do jack for you due to unwavering stance.

I transitioned from quad flameblast totem to this build. This is so much fun and pretty fast. Lucky enough with a 6 link cloak which I bought for 5 ex and sold last night for 10ex since there was only another 6 linked. This funded for my gems, inpulsa and shield leaving me with another 4 EX to invest which will probably be a watcher's eye for the mana leech- I already had the Scepter- I use leap slam instead of shield charge though since Scepter is counted as a mace and allows me to jump over obstacles and not as clunky as SC which requires a lot of attack speed to be somewhat efficient at closing distance.
Last edited by ShadowGenisys on Mar 8, 2018, 9:16:36 PM
ShadowGenisys wrote:
I havn't taken the acrobatics nodes as of yet but I'm pretty sure if you use Kaom's Root those evade nodes doesn't do jack for you due to unwavering stance.


Unwavering Stance sets chance to avoid being stunned to 100% and sets evasion chance to 0%. It does not affect dodge chance. (wiki quote)
Contractor wrote:
ShadowGenisys wrote:
I havn't taken the acrobatics nodes as of yet but I'm pretty sure if you use Kaom's Root those evade nodes doesn't do jack for you due to unwavering stance.


Unwavering Stance sets chance to avoid being stunned to 100% and sets evasion chance to 0%. It does not affect dodge chance. (wiki quote)

Oh, well shit, that's news to me. Thanks for pointing that out.
When does the damage/speed of the build really kick in? Feeling a bit slow at the start of act 5 and just wanna know what to look forward to
How reliable is the shocking against bosses/90% ailment maps? I am still not too sure whether i want to go with bereks or take a warlords mark ring(even if its weak leech, it is better than nothing i guess against harder bosses)

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