Wreckson wrote:
Uhh I don't know how many of you already know this, but something that, as far as I can tell, isn't mentioned in this guide: You can easily take a 20% Sapping Eternal Flask that will give you a massive return on life in a very short period. Because of Soul Taker's unique property you won't need the mana anyways. Even fully reserving your mana won't stop the flask from activating.
Wow, never actually thought of this, I must craft one right now, thanks.EDIT: Actually, I recommend seething divine life flask, but if you are going for eternal flask, definitely sapping or cheimst's is better.

Last edited by Xcise on Apr 10, 2018, 7:36:52 PM
Sorry noob here,

Im attempting this buid for the first time in the new league and not having much luck on t16 bosses. I seem to get one shot pretty regularly. I Attempted to offset this with some additions to the build, but for some reason, im still having issues with bosses one shotting me. Anyone have any advice?
thristam wrote:
Sorry noob here,

Im attempting this buid for the first time in the new league and not having much luck on t16 bosses. I seem to get one shot pretty regularly. I Attempted to offset this with some additions to the build, but for some reason, im still having issues with bosses one shotting me. Anyone have any advice?
Take off abyssus and use rare helm, wear brass dome, use recommended flasks and get more life?

Which t16 bosses are one-shotting you? There are a few attacks you definitely need to avoid like minotaur burrow (does 6-7k damage with immortal call CWDT, hydra far shot (does around 7k+ damage depending on chains, taste of hate and purity of ice, minotaur stacking stones, phoenix explosions)

If you need to avoid attacks, get insanity gloves, do more leaping, less slamming. With good enough gear, 9k life is attainable, but 7k life with the recommended flasks and brass dome is perfectly fine.

Last edited by Xcise on Apr 12, 2018, 2:34:48 AM
Can someone check my build out and see what i´m doing wrong? i get like 80k dmg and i´m lvl 80 when i look at my path of building while this guy get´s over 1 million dmg? what is going on am i missing something big?
Bot_Sweden98 wrote:
Can someone check my build out and see what i´m doing wrong? i get like 80k dmg and i´m lvl 80 when i look at my path of building while this guy get´s over 1 million dmg? what is going on am i missing something big?
You should have at least 500k DPS with your setup, upgrade your jewels and gems to 20/20 and they should be 1mill. To get more, get better jewels, better steel rings (craft with screaming essence of contempt) and a better shaper influenced offhand.

How does the dps of this build compare to that of a gladiator variation? Do you lose too much survivability losing the slayer leech?
imnotacrook wrote:
How does the dps of this build compare to that of a gladiator variation? Do you lose too much survivability losing the slayer leech?
Slayer = More DPS + overleech + anti-bleed

Gladiator = Block + bleedsplosion

Bleedsplosion is nice, but I think sunder clear speed is good enough. Also, I prefer overleech over block.

Both have insane amount of armour if you use a granite of iron skin + brass dome.

could you please look at my char: MacTom_SunSlay

With buffs Warlords Mark, Hatred and Herald of Ash 272k DPS.
With 7 Frenzy Charges ca. 850k DPS.
I have no idea how to improve my gear, in my opinion nearly every item is maxed out, even the Soul Taker with max stats and 30% Quality and either Brass Dome.
Every possible gem is maxed out at level 21.

Life is at 6154.

I know i have on 5 out of 6 jewels 1 resistance stat, which i need to get to 75 %.
I wonder if it would be better to switch to a stygian belt to free the resi stats??

I have left 89 EX in my stash^^ , but don't know on what to invest it ;)

BTW have more people her made well experience with farruls fur?

PS: I don't understand at all, howto reach 1.4 million DPS :D

PPS: All in all a TOP GUIDE!!!
Thanks Xcise
mactomm1 wrote:
could you please look at my char: MacTom_SunSlay

With buffs Warlords Mark, Hatred and Herald of Ash 272k DPS.
With 7 Frenzy Charges ca. 850k DPS.
I have no idea how to improve my gear, in my opinion nearly every item is maxed out, even the Soul Taker with max stats and 30% Quality and either Brass Dome.
Every possible gem is maxed out at level 21.

Life is at 6154.

I know i have on 5 out of 6 jewels 1 resistance stat, which i need to get to 75 %.
I wonder if it would be better to switch to a stygian belt to free the resi stats??

I have left 89 EX in my stash^^ , but don't know on what to invest it ;)

BTW have more people her made well experience with farruls fur?

PS: I don't understand at all, howto reach 1.4 million DPS :D

PPS: All in all a TOP GUIDE!!!
Thanks Xcise
You need to make your characters public.

1M DPS is pretty decent enough, but if you want to get 1.4M+ DPS...

My 1.4M DPS pastebin: https://pastebin.com/2GSgzE9x

Make sure you tick in config:

"are you always at full life?"
"Do you use frenzy charges"
"Have you killed recently"
"are you leeching?"


At least lvl 97 for max DPS
T1 phys on ring/amulet
At least 50% dmg gained as ele offhand
Inc ias gloves/jewels
Belt of deceiver and tick enemies are intimidated
flame golem

You should be able to reach 1.5M with that.
Last edited by Xcise on May 1, 2018, 6:47:23 AM
Set my character public now.
Last day i switched from "belt of deceiver" to "the retch", gave me more dps.
Then i switched again to a stygian belt, which i mentioned to get more resists, more damage so i could replace another to jewels with more damage stats ;)

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