
Level 90
5,832 life
108,000 dps

Physical Damage Reduction 61%
Block Chance 16%

Next steps:
Flask upgrades
6 link my armour
Find some fun glove alternatives because 16% ias for leap slam is not too important in my opinion.
Maybe something shaped with global chance to blind enemies.


4_1 wrote:
I'm following this build in abyss league.
~72k dps with all buffs
5,700 life

I went with a corrupted The Princess Sabre that has % block while dual weilding
and jewels with % block.
30% block


be a reasonable alternative to
with a decent jewel in?
Why do we need the Charisma node in the passive tree? I dont think its worth it
So you can run hatred + HoA + blasphemy curse at the same time I imagine?

Also is this a decent replacement for the offhand?
Last edited by oshy89 on Dec 16, 2017, 6:24:23 AM

try to get this chant. with 10 aps mobs are perma shocked for nice dmg boost

I am running 35% quantity on this build and its amazing farmer. Can faceroll anything up to t14

ty for tip crafted nice ring
Last edited by ActiveSlay on Dec 16, 2017, 11:15:32 AM
As a Slayer we dont need Culling Strike right?

got interesting helm (7c already crafted total steal). will allow me to drop charisma and use cheap enlighten 2 instead of 4
Last edited by ActiveSlay on Dec 16, 2017, 1:05:12 PM
you may even use Artic armour if you hold charisma and that helmet

edit : by my calculation you may not by 0,15% mana but i am not sure
edit2 : https://poe.mikelat.com/#sW5Gil/uJxlb.b=b/j0pbMb.6 with this calculator would be at 100% and would work
Last edited by ChaosMatusa on Dec 16, 2017, 6:09:59 PM
I need some advice here guys,

I followed OP's build extremely closely but I'm unable to do uber lab. Anyone know how I can upgrade my gear to not be 1 shot by Izaro/Argus? I picked up a well rolled brass dome but it doesn't feel any different than running tabula tbh

kng710 wrote:
Currently running t7-t8 maps and was wondering if you had any gear advice for me on what I should upgrade first or next.

Definitely need more survivability cause I die here and there when running a couple map


Why would you go dual axe and not princess ?

You have way less DPS by doing so

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