*-*[3.1] Reflect Freeze / 75% Regen / 4000 LGoH / 70% block WinterStrike Chieftain*-* [Shaper]

Kryteck wrote:
Great Job on this. I was theory crafting something quite similar.

I might be able to suggest one touch that I was incorporating into my idea that might help your build. If you were to take one str node in the jewel near the templar area and move the wildfire from the marauder area to the templar area you could add a Red Nightmare. It would give you 16% block and 16% chance to gain endurance charge on kill. To make up for the loss of the Reckless jewel you could pick up the jewel slot near point blank. With Rumi's I go to 68% block and 75% spell block and with out it I am 48 48%. Just a suggestion. It seemed a waste not to as you already are taking the nodes that make the Nightmare good in that slot.

Good suggestion, ill add it in.

link1313 wrote:

Immunity to ignite is important:
With 50% chance to be crit we have a 50% chance to be ignited by monsters dealing fire damage
Ignite would last 4 seconds
Immortal call only stops physical damage meaning CWDT + Blood Rage + Immortal Call interaction wouldn't trigger Soul of Arakaali if i was ignited.

Correct me, if I'm wrong. But I think you have are wrong about Blood Rage + Immortal Call as a whole. As stated by the Essence of Horror mod on the body armor, "15% of Physical Damage taken as Cold Damage".

That means, that 15% of "You take 4% of your Maximum Life per second as Physical Damage" is taken as cold damage. That means, that immortal call does NOT stop taking damage over time, thus rendering Akraali useless in THAT regard.

However. I think that I once successfully proved that Akraali works on reapplying (!) an existing Blood Rage buff. The first one stops and is replaced by the second one, thus the first damage over time stops somewhere in between.

You are safe to try it out yourself mate.


Good question. Damage over time cannot be converted a lot of people were wondering about that when lightning coil was more popular, see below.
Im currently leveling a character to try this build on HC and it seems like abyssus isnt a must for this build so woulndt i be better to use for example deidbellow? I dont want to take more physical damage than i have to
"Damage taken as X" doesn't apply to Damage-over-Time, so it's fine.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
well if anything its unique. But for that kind of investment you could kill shaper in 10 seconds anyways if you went a dps build. Now even though it'll take you 30 minutes to kill shaper with that build, since you can perma freeze him you will be nerfed. Shoulda just went the dps route lol.
Very cool, good theory crafting!
well if anything its unique. But for that kind of investment you could kill shaper in 10 seconds anyways if you went a dps build. Now even though it'll take you 30 minutes to kill shaper with that build, since you can perma freeze him you will be nerfed. Shoulda just went the dps route lol.

It cost me 4ex in total, Its about 1/8 of what say a well geared heavy strike starforge character would cost (just picking a random build that can melt bosses). Its obviously not the most optimal or an overpowered build, my intentions were for botw.

Shaper video is up. It was 16 minutes before and 14 minutes now (did another video run) so im youtube friendly now lol.

Last edited by link1313 on Oct 10, 2017, 1:17:28 AM
Hey I love the build, I wanna give it a try. I noticed you mentioned that a juggernaut with deaths door could be strong as well, any chance you could throw together what that would look like path wise/ascendancy
Hey OP any reason to why u are using meginords gloves and the abyssus(besides damage) Im doing the build on hc and i wanna make sure i dont get oneshotted
Hey OP any reason to why u are using meginords gloves and the abyssus(besides damage) Im doing the build on hc and i wanna make sure i dont get oneshotted

I see the 2% regen with arakaalis is a reason but woulndt it be better to use verusos battering rams for shock immunity and using an enduring cry for bosses like minotaur etc to keep up the max endurance charges? 3% regen over shock immunity seems better imo
Thanks for clarifying! I tested it in detail and you are 100% right.

I tested a lot of setups with this build. I really want a spellcaster version of it but couldn't pull this off as for now.

Any advice?

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