[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

BuDiu wrote:
I've also imported one of the GC miners PoB and it does not seem like that hit that much harder compared to me (although my gear is kind of overkill).

I went ahead and calc'd it with your ridiculous gear, and it is just under 6% shock. So that's 21% more damage, essentially. Compared to 17.4% from your current amulet. Of course your current amulet has life on it so I don't know that it is an obvious upgrade for you, any more than it is for me.

decent i guess, but idk i hate dropping life. I feel like i never have enough life lol

im actually kinda bummed they removed the aspect of the cat no mana reservation bug when you equipped the chest and removed it.

so i stopped using because really dislike the mana reservation lol

Wonder if my neck had a decent crit multi roll how much the difference would be. Might be finally time to master craft it.
All the good stats on your neck are prefixes (life, 2x conversion), so definitely a good candidate for prefix locking.

An additional note, I neglected the shock with your base amulet. Even with only 17% of your damage as lightning, you do so much damage you can still shock shaper with your current amulet, with a ~1.5% shock. So your comparison is more like ~19% with current neck vs ~21% with yoke.
All the good stats on your neck are prefixes (life, 2x conversion), so definitely a good candidate for prefix locking.

An additional note, I neglected the shock with your base amulet. Even with only 17% of your damage as lightning, you do so much damage you can still shock shaper with your current amulet, with a ~1.5% shock. So your comparison is more like ~19% with current neck vs ~21% with yoke.

did you run the calculations with like flask buffs?

Particularly wise oak for the lighting pen.

Not asking for you do do it again I'll do some checking when I get home from work.
Yeah I used flasks.
Last edited by magicrectangle on Mar 29, 2018, 4:04:36 PM
Any advice for uber atziri? Got all the frags needed to try her tonight after classes.
BdXtcvfSnv wrote:
Any advice for uber atziri? Got all the frags needed to try her tonight after classes.

You can practice the mechanics pretty easily by doing regular atziri. There's nothing new, but the timing is tighter and the damage is higher.

We do so much DPS though that even on uber you can probably near instant transition and just not have to do much with the mechanics.

Eating the bleed from the spear is a more significant concern than normal, make sure you have a flask for that. For the full ground flameblast thing, you can just START in the corner of the room, then you're not trying to outrun it (it is faster than regular). That's a guaranteed death if you eat it.

As with most things, more damage = faster fight = less chance for things to go fucky.
Never played any totem build but Warchief. This blows Warchief totems outa the park XD

Ele pen PLUS other good rolls on a dagger are pretty expensive. I'm probably going to leave what I got as is, except strive to get pen if you havnt killed recently on my boots.
Tried HOGM ... but failed :(

Could not handle those guys which off-screen me and my totems ... my totems did not get a singel spell out sometimes :( any hints?
EDIT: oh, because we're maxing golem... derp

Just out of curiosity, why is CWDT maxed for Lightning Golem?
Last edited by setcamper on Mar 29, 2018, 9:11:30 PM
moooff wrote:
Tried HOGM ... but failed :(

Could not handle those guys which off-screen me and my totems ... my totems did not get a singel spell out sometimes :( any hints?

Pretty much just set totems up before you aggro, and fall back a lot.

At lower gear levels the aegis aurora guys can be problematic, but with enough damage you can just swamp them. You can also run a block reduction gem, or just swap to scorching ray totem for them. Also frost bomb for regen guys (though probably you will just swamp their regen with your damage).

The most dangerous guys in terms of dying are archers and wanders, and you can end up just having to play cat and mouse with them a lot, and try to off-screen them and use the pillars. You definitely want to be dashing immediately backward as soon as you move far enough forward to activate a pack.

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